Упражнения на сonditional sentences:

Упражнение so as / in order / so that


Conditional sentences: type I

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms, (self check)

1. If I see him I (give) him a lift. 2. The table will collapse if
you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all that he will be ill. 4. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.

6. If he (read) in bad light he will ruin his eyes. 7. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked. 8. What will happen if my parachute (not open)? 9. If he (wash) my car , I’ll give him £10. 10. If she (need) a radio she can borrow mine.11.If you (not go) away I’ll send for the police. 12. I’ll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes.


13. If he (be) late we’ll go without him. 14. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) about this. 15. If you put on the kettle I (make) the tea. 16. If you give my dog a bone he (bury) it at once. 17. If we leave the car here it (not be) in anybody’s way. 18. He’ll be late for the train if he (not start) at once. 19. It you come late they (not let) you in.


20. If he (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says. 21. Unless he (sell) more he won’t get much commission. 22. If I lend you $20 when you (repay) me? 23. We'll have to move upstairs if the river (rise) any higher. 24. If he (work) hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow?


25. Ice (turn) into water if you heat it. 26. If the house (bum) down we can claim compensation. 27. If you (not like) this one I’ll bring you another. 28. Unless you are more careful you (have) an accident. 29. Tell him to ring me up if you (see) him. 30. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) not to tell it to anyone else? 31. If you (not believe) what I say, ask your mother.


32. If he (like) the house will he buy it? 33. Unless I have a quiet room I (not be able) to do any work. 34. She won’t open the door unless she (know) who it is. 35. I’ll look for your notebook and if I (find) it I (give) you a ring.


36. The lift wasn’t working when I was here last. If it still (not work) we (have) to use the stairs. 37. He’s only sixteen but he wants to leave school at the end of the term. — If he (leave) now he (be sorry) afterwards. 38.1 expect it will freeze tonight. — If it (freeze) tonight the roads (be) very slippery tomorrow.


39. That book is overdue. If you (not take) it back to the library tomorrow you (have) to pay a fine. 40. Unless Tom (take) his library book back tomorrow he (have) to pay a j fine. 41. You’d better take the day off if you (not feel) well tomorrow. 42. You can use my phone if yours (not work). 43. If IJ have enough time Г (write) to my parents every week.


44. If I j have enough time tomorrow, I (write) to my parents. 45. If I (not eat) breakfast I always get hungry during class. 46. If I don’t eat? ‘breakfast tomorrow morning, I (get) hungry during class. 47. Ifyou (not know) the meaning of a word you may use a dictionary.


48. If Jack (refuse) to help we’ll have to manage without him. 49. If Jack (not help) we’ll have to manage without him. 50.1 hate my job. — If you (hate) it why you (not change) it? 51. If you (hear) from Tom could you please let me know? 52. I’m not expecting any messages, but if someone (ring) while I am out could you say that I’ll be back by 6.00?  

Conditional sentences: type 2


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms, (self check)

1. If I had a typewriter I (type) it myself. 2. If I (know) his address I’d give it to you. 3. He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often. 4. If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes. 5. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) you.


6. More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate. 7. If I were sent to prison you (visit) me? 8. If someone (give) you a helicopter what would you do with it? 9. I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money.


10. If you drove your car into the river you (be able) to get out? 11. If I (win) a big prize in a lottery I’d give up my job. 12. What you (do) if you found a burglar in your house? 13. I could tell you what this means if I (know) Greek.


14. If everybody (give) £1 we would have enough. 15. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking. 16. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come). 17. If you (see) someone drowning what would you do? 18. I could get a job easily if I (have) a degree. 19. If she (do) her hair differently she might look quite nice. 20. If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster. 21.I (keep) ahorse if I could afford it.


22. I’d go and see him more often if he (live) on a bus route. 23. I (offer) to help if I thought I’d be any use. 24. What would you do if the lift (get) stuck between two floors? If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter.


26. If you (change) your job would it affect your pension? 27. I’d climb over the wall if there (not be) so much broken glass on top of it. 28. Of course I’m not going to give her a diamond ring. If I (give) her a diamond ring she (sell) it.


29. Husband: But I’m not going on a diet. Why should I go on a diet? Wife: If you (go) on a diet you (lose) weight. 30. If we (work) all night we (finish) in time; but we have no; intention of working all night. 31 .If I (see) a tiger walking across Hyde Park I (climb) a tree. — That (not be) any use. The tiger (climb) after you. 32. If someone (ring) my door at 3 a.m. I (be) very unwilling to open the door.


33. Why don’t you buy a season ticket? — Because I lose everything. If I (buy) a season ticket I (lose) it. 34. Why don’t you bring your car to work? If I (have) a car I (bring) it to work.

Ann: George is fourteen. Tom: He must be older than that. He’s in full-time job. If he (be) only fourteen he still (be) at school. He is staying at the Savoy in London. — Is he very rich? — I suppose he is. If he (be) a poor man he (not stay) at the Savoy. 37.    Why don’t you get a cat? If you (keep) a cat the mice (not run) about everywhere.

38. A university degree is a useful thing. If I (have) a university degree I now (sit) in a comfortable office instead of standing at a street comer selling newspapers. 39. I am not an astronaut. If I (be) an astronaut, I (take) my camera with me on the rocket ship next month. 40. If there (be) no oxygen on earth, life as we know it (exist, not) 41. If I (be) a bird, I (want, not) to live in a cage. 42. Sea water is salty. If the ocean (consist) of fresh water, there (be) plenty of water to irrigate all of the deserts in the world to provide an abundant food supply for the entire population of the earth. 43. It is expensive to call across the ocean. However, if transoceanic telephone calls (be) cheap, I (call) my family every day and (talk) for hours. 44. Jim doesn’t study hard. If he (study) harder, he (get) better grades. 45. The weather isn’t nice. I (take) a walk if the weather (be) nice. 46. If money (grow) on trees, all of us (be) rich. 47. Life (be) boring if everyone (have) the same opinions about everything. 48. If I (be) you, I (tell) Brian the truth. 49. The student cafeteria is relatively inexpensive, but the food isn’t very good. I (eat) there all the time if the food (be) better. 50. I’m very tired tonight. If I (be, not) tired, I (go) to the movie with you. 51. I won’t have enough time today. But if I (have) enough time, I (write) a letter to my cousin. 52. I’m not going to buy a car. But if I (buy) a car, I (drive) to Springfield next month to visit my friend. 53. It is cold today. If it (be, not) cold today, I (go) swimming. 54. What noisy neighbours you’ve got! If mine (be) as bad as yours I (go) crazy. 55. The style of that dress is lovely, but I’m not so keen on the colour. If the blue (be) a bit lighter, it (look) better. 56. Mmm! This meal’s delicious! If I (can) cook as well as this, I (open) a restaurant. 57.1 have to work about 80 hours a week. If I (have) more time, I (take up) a sport like tennis. 58.If he (be) taller, he (can) be a policeman, but he’s too short.


Rephrase these sentences using an if construction.


eg He smokes too much; perhaps that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.

If he didn’t smoke so much he might get rid of his cough.


If he smoked less he might (be ablelo) get rid of his cough.


1. She is very shy; that’s why she doesn’t enjoy parties. 2. He doesn’t take any exercise; that’s why he is so unhealthy. 3. I haven’t the right change so we can’t get tickets from the machine. 4. They speak French to her, not English, so her English doesn’t improve. 5. He doesn’t work overtime, so he doesn’t earn as much as I do.
6. My number isn’t in the directory so people don’t ring me up. 7. The shops don’t deliver now, which makes life difficult. 8. He’s very thin that’s why he feels the cold so much. 9. We haven’t any matches so we can’t light a fire. 10. I’m fat; that’s why I can’t get through the bathroom window.


11. He doesn’t help me, possibly because I never ask him for help. 12. I can’t drive so we can’t take the car. 13. We have no ladder so we can’t get over the wall. 14. My friend advised me to sell it. (My friend said, “If I... you I...”) 15.1 haven’t much time so I read very little.


16. They don’t clean the windows so the rooms look rather dark. 17. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart. 18. He doesn’t pay his staff properly; perhaps that’s why they don’t work well. 19.    We haven’t got central heating, so the house is rather cold.20.    He spends hours watching television; that’s why he never has time to do odd jobs in the house. 21. I haven’t got a vacuum cleaner; that’s why I’m so slow.


22. I don’t know his address, so I can’t write to him. 23. He never shaves; that’s the only reason he looks unattractive. 24. You work too fast; that’s why you make so many mistakes. 25. I can’t park near my office; that’s why I don’t come by car.


26. I live a long way from the centre; that’s why I am always late for work. 27.I haven’t a map so I can’t direct you. 28. People drive very fast. That’s why there are so many accidents. 29. English people speak very quickly. Perhaps that’s why I can’t understand them.


30. The flats are not clearly numbered, so it is very difficult to find anyone. 31. You don’t wipe your feet, so you make muddy marks all over the floor. 32. I live near my office, so I don’t spend much time travelling to work.


Conditional sentences: type 3


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms, (self check)

1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you. 2. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat. 3. You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week. 4. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes.


5. If he had slipped he (fall) 500 metres. 6. If he had asked you, you (accept)? 7. If (have) a map I would have been all right. 8. If I (know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake. 9. I (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill. 10. If you had told me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money. 11. If you (put) some mustard in the sandwiches they would have tasted better.


12. If he had known that the river was dangerous he (not try) to swim across it. 13. If you (speak) more slowly he might have understood you. 14. If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry. 15. If I (try) again I think that I would have succeeded. 16. You (not get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions. 17. If you hadn’t been in such a hurry you (not put) sugar into the sauce instead of salt.


18. If I (be) ready when he called he would have taken me with him. 19. If she had listened to my directions she (not turn) down the wrong street. 20. If you (look) at the engine for a moment you would have seen what was missing . 21. He would have been arrested if he (try) to leave the country. 22. I (take) a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way.


23. You (save) me a lot of trouble if you had told me where you were going. 24. She was sent to prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she (pay) the fine she (not be) sent to prison. 25. He didn’t tell me that he was a vegetarian till halfway through the meal. If he (tell) me earlier I (cook) something more suitable. 26. I had no map; that’s why I got lost. If I (have) a map I (be) all right.


27. Why didn’t you say that you were short of money? If I (know) I (lend) you some. 28. It’s lucky he had his torch with him. If he (not have) it he (fall) down the cellar steps. 29.    The job is much worse than I expected. If I (realise) how awful it was going to be I (not accept) it. 30. The paraffin heater was perfectly safe. There (not be) a fire if the children (not knock) it over.


31. The accident was mainly Tom’s fault. He was driving much too close to the car in front. If he (be) further away he (be able) to stop in time. 32. Why did you throw away those newspapers? I hadn’t finished with them. — I’m sorry. If I (know) you were still reading them I (not throw) them away.


33. He says he refused the job, but that this had nothing to do with, the salary. He (refuse) even if they (offer) him twice as much. 34. If you had been there what you (do)? 35 .It rained, which spoiled our picnic; but if it (not rain) it (be) a great success. 36.1 didn’t recognize him at first because he was wearing dark glasses; if he (not wear) them I (recognize) him immediately.


37. Why didn’t you phone from the village? — Because there was no phone in the village. If there (be) of course we (phone) from there. 38. He was not very happy at school because he was a bookish boy, not at all interested in games. If he (play) games like the other boys he (have) a much better time. 39. We had to stand almost all the way. It was all Tom’s fault. If he (book) seats, as I told him to, we (have) quite a comfortable journey.


40. We were travelling with false passports. That was the trouble. If our passports (be) all right we (not be) arrested. 41. When the director asked her to play the lead she agreed though she didn’t know anything about the play. I think that if she (read) the play she (refuse) the part. 42 .The club secretary is useless. He never tells anybody anything. We (not know) about the meeting if the chairman (not tell) us.


43.    The passengers at the front of the plane were all killed, but Alice, who was sitting at the back, survived. If she (sit) nearer the front, she (kill). 44. A: We’re penniless. Did you know that? B: It’s because our holiday cost so much. If we (go) where I wanted to go, it (be) a lot cheaper. 45. She was badly hurt when the car in which she was a passenger hit another car. If she (wear) her seat belt, she (not hurt) so badly.


46. My wife and I met on a cruise. I was on it because I was recovering from an illness, and she was the ship’s doctor. Just think! If I (not be) ill, and if she (not be) the doctor, we (not meet), we (not get) married, and our children (not be) bom! What a thought! 47. I’m sorry you had to take a cab to the airport. I didn’t know you needed a ride. If you (tell) me, I (give) you a ride gladly.


48. You made a lot of unnecessary mistakes in your composition. If you (use) a dictionary to check your spelling, you (receive) a better grade. 49. A: Shh! Your father is taking a nap. Oh-oh. You woke him up. B: Gee, I’m sorry,
Mom. If I (realize) he was sleeping, I (make, not) so much noise when I came in. But how was I supposed to know? 50. Many people were not satisfied with the leader after he took office. If they (know) more about his planned economic programs, they (vote, not) for him.


51. Last night Alex ruined his sweater when he washed it. If he (read) the label, he (wash, not) it in hot water. 52. A: Ever since I broke my foot, I haven’t been able to get down to the basement to wash my clothes. B: Why didn’t you say something? I (come) over and (wash) them for you if you (ask) me. A: I know you (come) right away if I (call) you. I guess I just didn’t want to bother you. B: Nonsense! What are good neighbours for?


53. I didn’t know the Newtons were going to bring two other people to dinner last night. If anyone else (bring) extra guests, we (have, not) enough seats at the table. 54. If television (invent) in the eighteenth century, George Washington (interview) regularly on the evening news.

 Rephrase these sentences using an if construction.


eg You didn’t tell me we had run put of bread, so I didn’t buy any.

If you had told me we had run out of bread I’d have bought some.


1. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop. 2.1 didn’t know your number, so I didn’t ring. 3. She didn’t know you were in hospital, so she didn’t visit you. 4. We came by bus because there were no taxis. 5. She didn’t speak to him, possibly because she was so shy. 6. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time. 7. We didn’t listen carefully; perhaps that’s why we made this mistake. 8. We got a lift, so we reached the station in time. 9. We missed the train because we were using an out-of-date timetable. 10. They were driving very quickly. That’s why the accident was so terrible.11 . It was raining. That’s the only reason I didn’t take the children to the beach. 12. He wasn’t looking where he was going. That’s why he was run over. 13. I don’t like country life, perhaps because I wasn’t brought up in the country. 14. I didn’t know he was so quarrelsome. I’m sorry now that I invited him. 15. It rained all the time. Perhaps that’s why he didn’t enjoy his visit. 16. I didn’t work hard at school so I didn’t get a good job when I left. 17. They asked him to leave the dining-room because he wasn’t wearing a shirt. 18. It took us a long time to find his house because the streets were not clearly marked. 19. We didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money 20. The bus didn’t stop because you didn’t put your hand up. 21. I  didn’t know how thin the ice was, so I was walking on it quite confidently. 22. The champion didn’t take the fight seriously at first; perhaps that’s why he didn’t win it. 23. The examiner read the passage very quickly, so the candidates didn’t understand it. 24. He didn’t get to the top of his profession, perhaps because his wife didn’t encourage him. 25. The exit doors were blocked so people couldn’t escape from the burning hall.

Conditional sentences: Type 2 and Type 3 mixed


I.Put the verbs in brackets into the connect forms, (self check)

1. It was the drug, not the disease, that killed him. He still (be) alive today if he (not take) that drug. 2. This room’s freezing because the fire has only just been lit. — If it (be lit) this morning, as I suggested, the room (be) warm enough to sit in now. 3. I overslept; that’s why I’m half an hour late; and if my phone (not ring) at nine o’clock I might still be in bed. 4. Why are you in such a bad temper? — Because I’ve been waiting for 40 minutes in an icy wind. If you (wait) 40 minutes in an icy wind you (be) bad-tempered, too. 5. When the weather got bad the climbing party turned back, all except Tom and his brothers, who decided to go on. If only they (turn) back with the others they (be) alive today. 6. You are not practical. If you (be) practical you (not buy) such a useless thing. 7. She is not careful. If she (be) careful she (not get) into trouble. 8. She looks tired. If she (not work) all the time she (not look) so tired now.

II. Change the following statements into conditional sentences.


eg I’m hungry now because I didn’t eat dinner.

But if I’d eaten dinner, I wouldn’t be hungry now.


1. The room is full of flies because you left the door open. 2. You are tired this morning because you didn’t go to bed at a reasonable hour last night. 3. I didn’t finish my report yesterday, so I can’t begin a new project today. 4. Helen is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders. 5. I’m not you, so I didn’t tell him the truth. 6. I don’t know anything about plumbing, so I didn’t fix the leak in the sink myself. 7. I received a good job offer from the oil company, so I won’t seriously consider taking the job with the electronics firm. 8. I’m careless, that’s why I made so many mistakes. 9. She doesn’t know English well enough, so she didn’t help him to translate the article.Conditional sentences: mixed types

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms, (self check)

1. If you pass your examination we (have) a celebration. 2. What (happen) if I press this button? 3. You would play better bridge if you (not talk) so much. 4. If I had known that you couldn’t eat meat I (not buy) it. 5. If you go to Paris where you (stay)? 6. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)? 7. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick. 8. If you (read) the instructions carefully you wouldn’t have answered the wrong question. 9. If the milkman (come), tell him to leave two pints. 10. If you were made redundant what you (do)? 11. Someone (sit) on your glasses if you leave them there. 12. You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly. 13. If you (wear) a false beard nobody would have recognized you. 14. I could repair the roof myself if I (have) a long ladder. 15. I’ll probably get lost unless he (come) with me. 16. If she (leave) the fish there the car will get it. 17. You’ll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes. 18. She (be able) to walk faster if her shoes hadn’t such high heels. 19. I (bring) you some beer if I had known, that you were thirsty. 20. If the story hadn’t been true the newspaper (not print) it. 21. I (not buy) things on the instalment system if I were you. 22. Dial 999 if you (want) Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade. 23. If anyone attacked me my dog (jump) at his throat. 24. If he were in he (answer) the phone. 25. The ship would have run aground if the pilot (make) one mistake. 26. I shouldn’t have taken your umbrella if I (know) that it was the only one you had. 27. If I have enough apples, I (bake) an apple pie this afternoon. 28. If I had enough apples. .I (bake) an apple pie this afternoon. 29. If I had had enough apples yesterday I (bake) an apple pie. 30. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we (go) to the zoo. 31. If the weather were nice today, we (go) to the zoo. If the weather had been nice yesterday, we (go) to the zoo. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (be) here, she (know) what to do. 34. Fred failed the test because he didn’t study. However, if he (study) for the test, he (pass) it. 35. You should tell your father exactly what happened. If I (be) you, I (tell) him the truth as soon as possible. 36. If I (have) my camera with me yesterday, I (take) a picture of Alex standing on his head. 37. I’m almost ready to plant my garden. I have a lot of seeds. Maybe I have more than I need. If I (have) more seeds than I need, I (give) some to Nellie. 38. I got wet because I didn’t take my umbrella. However, I (get, not) wet if I (remember) to take my umbrella yesterday. 39. I (change) the present economic policy if I (be) the President of the United States. 40. If the teacher (be) absent tomorrow, class will be cancelled. 41. That sounds like a good job offer. If I (be) you, I (accept) it. 42. I’ve hung out the clothes. It’s lovely and sunny; if it (stay) like this they (be) dry in two hours. 43. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they (not know) French they (not understand) half the callers. 44.    This flat would be all right if the people above us (not be) so noisy. 45. If you aren’t going to live in the house why you (not sell) it? If I (have) a house I couldn’t use I (sell) it at once. 46. Tell him to bring his bicycle inside. If he (leave) it outside someone (steal) it. 47. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for fifteen years. If she (not love) him she (not wait) so long. 48. If you are catching an early train tomorrow you (like) to have breakfast at 7.00? 49. When he left school he became a fisherman. His family didn’t like it at all. They (be) much happier if he (become) a greengrocer like his father. 50. But he says that if he (have) his life again he (make) the same choice. 51. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I (be) Tom I (get) a new battery. 52. I hope you’ll see Jack at the lecture tonight. If you (do), please (remind) him about tomorrow’s meeting. 53. The only thing I haven’t got is a balcony. If I (have) a balcony I (grow) plants in pots. Then my flat (be) perfect! 54. Be careful about the time. If you (spend) too long on the first question you (not have) enough time to do the others properly. 55. We had a lot of trouble putting the tent up. If it (not be) so windy perhaps it (not be) quite so difficult.


Complete these sentences taking care to use the correct tenses.


1. If he had taken my advice... 2. If you ate less... 3. We’ll send for the doctor if... 4. If she practised more..., 5. If there isn’t enough wine in that bottle... 6. Try on the blue one if... 7. If we leave before breakfast... 8. Her life might have been saved if... 9.Unless it is a nice day... 10. He would lend it to you if... 11. If the storm becomes worse... 12. If your uncle sees you... 13. If you tried to climb it without a guide... 14. If  I’d brought my coat...
15.    If you had asked his permission... 16. If you had any sense...
17. You would have been angry if... 18. I should have ordered more coal if... 19. If you leave the gate open... 20. He would have been drowned if... 21. If I’d had a car... 22. If Tom rings while I’m out... 23. If I lived in the country... 24. If you want to get to the station in time to catch the 8.10 train... 25. If you took a course in computer programming... 26. I could have walked more quickly if my suitcase... 27. My room would be all right if it... 28. We’ll test your voice and if it is good enough... 29. Your job sounds awful. If I were you... 30. They would have paid you more if...
31. If you don’t boil the water before you drink it... 32. He expected absolute punctuality. He was furious if... 33. We could have got seats... 34. Mother to little boy: If you don’t eat up your rice pudding... 35. Tom (looking at his watch): We’ll have to go without Peter if... 36. She is simply terrified of rats. If she hears the rats running round your attics she... 37. He would have given her his typewriter if.,. 38. I might understand your problem better if., 39. I couldn’t have fixed the bicycle if... 40. You could have gotten the job if,.. 41. I might have... if I had... 42. If I could... I would... 43. If I could have... I would have... 44. She wouldn’t be so tired today if... 45. I might have helped if...


Using the given ideas, make conditional sentences


eg rain last Saturday/go (somewhere)

If it hadn’t been raining last Saturday, we could have gone on a picnic.

he a magician/make all the people happy If I were a magician, I would make all the people happy. eat properly/run out of energy

If I don’t eat properly during the day, I always run out of energy late in the afternoon.

know the answer/tell you

come to my house/cook dinner

be a teacher/teach

be no fresh water/live


Iistfen/understand    -

make reservations/request a table for four

bus drivers be on strike/take a taxi

live in the city/raise horses

ten years old again/not have to (do something)

be a famous author/write about (something)


Make sentences with if. Follow the patterns in the examples.


eg If I have enough money,

Student A: If I have enough money; I’ll buy (can buy) a car.

Student B: If I buy a car, I’ll drive (can drivS) to Florida.

Student G: If I drive to Florida, I’ll go (can go) to Miami.

Student D: If I go to Miami, I...

eg If I had enough money,...

Student A: If I had enough money, I would buy (could buy) a car.

Student B: If I bought a car, I would drive (could drive) to Florida.,

Student C: If drove to Florida, I would go (could go) to Miami.

Student D: If went to Miami, L.

eg If I had had enough money..,.

Student A: If had had enough money, I would have bought (could have bought) a car.

Student В: Ifl had bought a car, I would have driven (could haVe driven) to Florida.

Student C: If I had driven to Florida, I would have gone (could have gone) to Miami.

Student D: If I had gone to Miami, I...

1. If have enough money,... .

2. If I had enough money, ...

3. If I had had enough money,...

4. If I have enough time,



Exercise I, p. 179


I would still be alive, hadn’t taken 2 had been lit, would be 3 hadn’t rung 4 had been waiting, would be 5 had turned, would be 6 were practical, wouldn’t have bought 7 were careful, wouldn’t have got 8 hadn’t been working, wouldn’t look


Exercise I, p. 180


1 will/shall have 2 will happen 3 didn’t talk/weren’t talking 4 wouldn’t have bought 5 will you stay 6 would you choose 7 gets 8 had read 9 comes 10 would you do П will sit 12 wouldn’t have 13 had worn/had been wearing 14 had 15 comes 16 leaves 17 don’t change 18 would be able 19 would have brought 20 wouldn’t have printed 21 wouldn’t buy 22 want 23 would jump 24 would answer 25 had made 26 had known 27 will bake 28 would bake 29    would have baked 30 will/shall go 31 would go 32 would have gone 33 were, would know 34 had studied, would have passed 35 were, would tell 36 had had, would have taken 37 have, will give 38 wouldn’t have got, had remembered 39 would change, were 40 is. 41 were , would accept 42 stays, will be 43 didn’t know, wouldn’t understand 44 were not 45 don’t you sell, had, would sell 46 leaves, will steal 47 hadn’t loved, wouldn’t have waited 48 would you like 49 would have been, had become 50 had, would make 51 were, would get 52 do, remind 53 had, would grow, would be 54 spend, won’t have 55 hadn’t been, wouldn’t have been

Exercise XII, p. 187


Type I conditionals


1. If it is frosty tomorrow we shan’t go skiing. 2. I wonder whether he will come. If he comes he will be very surprised. 3 . She’ll be worried if you don’t phone her. 4. if I find her address I’ll write to her. 5. They’ll get the letter on Monday if it is sent today. 6. He will be delighted to come if he is invited. 7. If I’m free tomorrow evening I’ll visit my parents. 8. If he is still working when you come, tell him to go to bed. 9. If he doesn’t come tomorrow send him a telegram. 10. She’ll get angry if you do this. 11. If you have some time, phone Ann. 12. I think that if she is offered this job, she’ll accept it. 13 .If you work hard you will have finished the work by the end of the day. 14. You won’t become a good sportsman if you don’t train hard. 15. His parents will be happy if he marries her. 16. If I get my salary tomorrow I’ll buy this suit. 17. If I have time I go fishing every week. 18. If I buy the tickets today I’ll give you a ring. 19. What will you do if you don’t get the documents? 20. If the weather doesn’t change we’ll go boating tomorrow. 21. If the bus is overcrowded they’ll walk to the station. 22. You’ll get into trouble if you don’t follow his advice, 23. If I work hard I get very tired by the end of the day. 24.    I’ll call on you tonight if you don’t mind. 25. If you wish, I may ask her about it. 26. If he comes tell him that I’m at the barber’s. 27. If she doesn’t book accommodation at the hotel she will stay at her friends’. 28. I’ll write to her if you send me her address. 29. What shall we do tomorrow if the weather is nice? 30. If you don’t catch the 10.30 train there’s a train at 10.50. 31. If he is in a good mood he’s always joking.


Type 2 conditionals


1. If you knew grammar better you wouldn’t make so many mistakes in your exercises. 2. He would certainly help us if he were here now. 3. I would phone her if it weren’t so late. 4. If she were more patient she would be easier to deal with. 5. If I had more time I would call on you next week. 6. If I were you I would spend the holiday in the south. I’m sure it would do you good. 7. You would feel better if you spent more time in the open air. 8. If you were really fond of reading you would always find time for reading. 9. If he were having his classes now we would have to wait long. 10. You wouldn’t be late for your classes if you left home ten minutes earlier. 11. If he were no so lazy he would be one of the top pupils in his class. 12. If we had less luggage we could go to the station on foot because we have enough time to catch the train. 13. She wouldn’t lose things so often if she were not so absent-minded. 14. If were you I would accept this offer. 15. If you knew him better you wouldn’t think so badly of him. 16. If I were you I would give up this idea. It is difficult to realize. 17. What would you say if he asked you for advice? 18. If she went to the library just now she would still find the librarian there. 19. If the film were colour, it would make a better impression. 20,1 like this watch very much. If it were/was cheaper I would buy it. 21. There are too many unknown words in this text. If I had a dictionary I might be able to translate it. 22. If women didn’t have to do housework they would save a lot of time. 23. You would feel better if you didn’t keep late hours. 24. It is too cold. We might go to the skating-rink if it weren’t so cold.
25. If it were not raining we might go to the country now. 26. If were you I would consult a doctor. 27. She wouldn’t feel so lonely if the children were with her.


Type 3 conditionals


1. If you had left a message for me I would have called on you yesterday. 2. We wouldn’t have missed the train if we had taken a taxi. 3. If hadn’t been so busy last week I would have joined your excursion too. 4 If he hadn’t refused to help us we would have completed the work already. 5. If she had been asked she would have sent these books long ago. 6. If it hadn’t been so cold yesterday we might have gone to the skating rink. 7. We might not have lost our way if the night hadn’t been so dark. 8 . If you had come to the meeting yesterday you would have heard an interesting report. 9. If I had known that you needed this book I would have taken it with me. 10. I wouldn’t have made this mistake ifl had been more careful when I was writing the dictation. 11. Even if you had phoned me yesterday I wouldn’t have been able to come. 12. I wouldn’t have fallen down if it hadn’t been so slippery. 13. He wouldn’t have come1 if you hadn’t invited him. 14. It took me a long time to translate this article. If you had given me a good dictionary I would have spent less time. 15. I would have been delighted if you had called on us yesterday. 16. This wouldn’t have happened if you had been there. 17 .If I had been told about it before I would have done all I could to help you. 18. If you had come here between two and three o’clock you would have seen him. 19. Why didn’t you ask him to come? I’m sure he would have come if you had asked him to. 20. If I hadn’t been so excited I would have answered better. 21. If he had wound the alarm clock he wouldn’t have overslept and he wouldn’t have missed his plane. 22. If I hadn’t had a swim yesterday I might not have caught cold. 23. If I hadn’t missed so many classes I would have done my test better. 24. I would have visited you yesterday if I had had more time. 25. If we had booked tickets in advance we might have seen that exciting match. 26. I would have helped you if you had asked me to. 27. If I hadn’t been so busy yesterday I would have gone to the station to see him off. 28. Even if you had warned me beforehand I couldn’t have come because I was very busy.


Type 2 and type 3 conditionals mixed


I. If he had been studying regularly all through the term he wouldn’t be afraid of his exams now. 2. If we knew his address we would have informed him about the results of his exams yesterday. 3. He wouldn’t be making so many mistakes now if he hadn’t missed so many classes. 4. You would be feeling well today if you had taken the medicine yesterday. 5. You would know the language better if you had read some English books in summer. 6. If we had worked harder yesterday our work would be finished now. 7. If he were no so absent-minded he wouldn’t have left his suitcase in the train. He’s constantly losing things, 8. If we had sent the letter yesterday they would receive it tomorrow morning, 9. If we hadn’t been walking so quickly we wouldn’t be so tired now and we could continue our way. 10. If I had brought my dictionary with me I could translate this document now. 11. If I hadn’t called on them yesterday we wouldn’t know about it even now. 12. If he had a sense of humour he wouldn’t have got offended. 13. If the train had left the station on time it would reach the destination early in the morning tomorrow. 14. If you had followed the doctor’s instructions you would have recovered long ago and you would be working together with us now. 15. If they loved each other they would have got married long ago.


Mixed conditionals ...


I : If you had been at the stadium yesterday you would have seen the best sportsmen. 2. If the nights are warm we shall be sleeping in the open air. 3. You would have enjoyed yourself greatly if you had taken part in our excursion. 4. If I were you I would hurry up. If you don’t hurry up you will miss your train. 5. If he had been taken to hospital at once he wouldn’t have lost so much blood. 6. If were you I would buy a tape-recorder. 7. If you had reminded me of it yesterday I would have brought you these books today. 8. If had a holiday now I would travel about the Caucasus. 9.    You might go to the country for a couple of days if you finished the work in time. Everything depends on you. 10. If you had a. telephone I would have warned you beforehand. 11. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow we’ll go to the Botanical Gardens. 12. If I were you I would apologize to her. 13. If you enjoy the film I’ll also go to see it. 14. Why didn’t you ask me? I would have looked after your children if you had asked me. 15. I wouldn’t have missed the train if I had packed my things in the evening. 16. If he were/ had been more careful he would have written the dictation better. 17. You would speak English better if you (had) regularly studied in the sound laboratory. 18. If the coffee is not sweet enough, add some sugar. 19. If they hadn’t trained/hadn’t been training so hard they wouldn’t have won. 20. I would willingly take you sightseeing if were not so busy. 21 .I’ll wait for him if he isn’t at home when I come. 22. I'll be very disappointed if they don’t come. 23. If am there and see him I’ll tell him about it. 24. If don’t feel better I’ll go to the doctor’s tomorrow. 25. If he were an honest man he wouldn’t have done that. 26. If I were you I would persuade her to go to the south. It would do her a lot of good. 27. If I knew his address I would immediately write to him. 28.    If he were not capable he wouldn’t have done this work. 29. If the documents had been signed we would send them today. 30. If I’m in trouble I always tell my sister. 31 .If you had visited me last week you might have seen my brother. He came to Minsk on business. 32. If were you I would send him a telegram. 33. Where would you go if you were free now? 34.1 would visit my parents in the country if I weren’t so busy now. 35. If you hurry up you’ll catch the 7 o’clock train. 36. If you were me you would have done the same. 37 If I had known that my parents would come to see me I would have made a cake. 38. What would you do if you lost your money in an unknown city?


Exercise XII, p. 228


1 would change 2 had 3 had 4 had done 5 knew 6 had asked 7 would shave 8 is/were/was addressing 9 were 10 would send 11 would end 12 had tied 13 hadn’t given 14 had known 15 is/were/was 16 had been insured 17 had never been invented 18 had kept 19 hadn’t said 20 had taken 21 had never set 22 hadn’t tried 23 had never got 24 would pick 25 were, were 26 had come, had come,: would have had 27 were not, were not, would go 28 had paid 29'did. 30 had 31 didn’t have, were 32 would go 33 were made 34 would change and decide


Exercise XIII, p. 229


Wish, if only


1. I    wish she were not so light-minded. 2.I  wish you had come earlier. You would have met my sister. 3.I wish I had followed his advice. 4.I wish I could see this film again. 5.I wish she were with us. 6. I wish I had a telephone. 7.I wish he wouldn’t spend so much time on sports. 8.I wish it were spring now. 9. I wish I had told him about it yesterday. 10. I wish you had visited us yesterday. 11. She wishes she had known about it before. 12. I wished I hadn’t asked him about it. 13. I wish you would think over my offer again before finally rejecting it. 14. I wish you would read this book. 15. If only my parents lived in Minsk! 16.

I wish I could read this book in the original. 17. I wish I could come to your lecture tomorrow. 18.1 wish she were not so hot-minded. 19. I wish we would settle down here for ever. 20. She wishes she could speak English. 21. I wish she had a sense of duty. 22.1 wish I could join you. 23. He wished he hadn’t lost his temper and shouted at them. 24. I wish I had borrowed some money then and bought the dictionary. It isn’t on sale now. 25. If only you had seen him at that moment! 26.1 wish it were not raining. I wish the weather were nice"so that we might go to the country. 27. Г wish it were summer now! 28.1 hear you can play the piano very well. I wish you would play for me. 29. The weather

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