Lesson two, collect, stew, embarrass

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Lesson two: collect, stew, embarrass, obvious, traffic jam. Present Continuous, Present Indefinite: grammar rules, training exercises. Prepositions, texts for reading and understanding, exercises. This lesson is devoted to new present tenses, prepositions, phrasal verbs. There are some texts to develop of speaking skills and dialogues.

Collect [kəˈlekt] v 1. собирать; to collect data (signatures, evidence, material for a dictionary, information) собрать данныe (подписи, свидетельские показания, материал для словаря, сведения); to collect students at the University - собрать студентов у университета
2. скопляться, собраться; big crowd has soon collected. Вскоре огромная толпа собралась.
3. коллекционировать собирать; to collect pictures (books, stamps) коллекционировать картины (книги, марки)
4. забирать; to collect luggage/goods from the railway station забрать багаж/товары с железнодорожного вокзала;
Collection [kəˈlekʃən] n 1. коллекция, собирание; collection of postcards/telegram/letters выемка открыток/телеграмм/писем (из почтового ящика);
2. собрание; collection of evidence (offacts) собирание свидетельских показаний (данных); collection of novels/stories сборник (собрание) романов/рассказов
3. collection of rubbish куча мусора (хлама); сборище, скопление; collection of strikers толпа бастующих;
4. коллекция; collection of plants (stamps, books) коллекция растений, (марок, книг)
Stew [stju:] п 1. тушеное мясо 2. мешанина, каша, всякая смесь, stew v тушить(ся), томить(ся)
Traffic jam скопление транспорта, затор, “пробка”
Trickle [ 'trikl] v течь тонкой струйкой, сочиться; to trickle down капать
Reward [rɪˈwɔːd]n награда, вознаграждение; reward for something.
в награду за что-либо.
reward v 1. награждать, давать награду или должное вознаграждение; to reward a service отблаготдарить за услугу 2.воздавать должное; вознаграждать; Success had rewarded their effort. Их усилие увенчались успехом (не пропали даром).
virtue ['va:tju:] n I. нравственность, добродетель; добродетель и порок - virtue and vice 2. мужество, доблесть
obvious ['obviss] а 1. явный, очевидный; Their embarrassment were obvious. Они явно смутились, 2. само собой разумеющийся, понятный, ясный;
an obvious intention (meaning) ясное намерение (значение)
obviously ['ɒbvɪəsli]adv., конечно, безусловно, ясно, явно, очевидно; Its obviously lie. Это безусловно ложь,
embarrassmˈbærəs] vбеспокоить, смущать, приводить в замешательство, сбивать с толку; It embarrassed them to admit it. Они стеснялись в этом признаться.; чувствовать себя неловко - to feel embarrassed

Ex.1 Translate into Russian.

1. Are you collecting material for a new article?
2 .We collect data for a set up a new firm.
3. A lot of people have soon collected.
4. Have you collected my luggage from the railway station?
5. Can you stew?-yes I can.
6. I used to get into traffic jam, until I started to leave the house earlier.
7. The rain is trickling down my neck.
8. Success will reward their efforts.
9. She‘s got a lot of virtue such as helping homeless animals, people by giving them food.
10. We embarrassed to admit her suggestion.
11. Can’t you see she’s got embarrassed
12. It was obvious clear what she had wanted.
13. What have you got in reward for your loyalty?
14. He gave an obvious intention to go home.
15. I feel embarrassed at her presence.
16. My mother has a collection of old fashion magazines.
17. Your task is to do the collection of rubbish.
18. The collection of rare books impressed me deeply.
19. I like how she cooks stew.
20. You hate me get into traffic jam.
21. He's got a car in reward for loyalty.
22. She always rewarded the plumbers' service.
23. All the parrents try to bring their children up in virtue.
24. Their embarrassments were obvious.
25. They obviously told us a lie.
26. She felt embarrassed to admit it.

Ex. 2 Insert new words.

1. The information was ... by brother.
2. The manager has his secretary to ... the staff in business hall.
3. He presented her with a big ... of the rare stamps.
4. Have you ever ... before.
5. Look! I'm sure I can get into ... if I don't set off now.
6. The snow is melting quickly and was ... the neck.
7. Our efforts have been ... .
8. Our embarrasment was ... .
keys: collected, collect, collection, stewed, traffic jam, trickling down, rewarded, obvious

Ex.3 Rephrase.

1. I had her secretary find information about the customer.
2. We got together here to inform

Ex.4 Translate into English.

1. Вы собираете материал для новой статьи?
2. Мы собираем данные для создания новой фирмы.
3. Многие люди вскоре собирались.
4. Вы забрали свой ​​багаж от железнодорожной станции?
5. Умете ли вы тушить мясо? - Да, я могу.
6. Я раньше попадал в пробки, пока я не начал выходить из дома раньше.
7. Дождь стекает мне по шее.
8. Успех вознаградит их
9. У нее много добродетелей, таких как помощь, бездомным животным и людям.
10. Мы неловко сделать ей предложение.
11. Не видишь, у нее есть очевидные намерения?
12. Было очевидно, ясно, что она хотела.
13. Что тебе дали в награду за вашу преданность?
14. Он явно намекнул на то,что он хочет идти домой

Cathy and Steve
Cathy and Steve are engaged, but unfortunately Cathy lives in Sussex and Steve in Yorkshire. It is nine o’clock on Saturday morning, when the phone rings beside Steve’s bed. He is still asleep.
Steve: Hello?
Cathy: Hello dear, where are you?
Steve: Where all civilized people should be at this time on a Saturday morning — in bed.
Cathy: Lazy thing!
Steve: What do you mean “lazy thing’’? I earn my rest. I work jolly hard, you know.
Cathy: Of course you do, dear.
Steve: What about you? What are you doing?
Cathy: At the moment I’m drinking a cup of coffee and talking to my lazy fiance, but later I’m going shopping. That's what I want to talk to you about
Steve: Mmm.
Cathy: I'm getting the curtains for the bedroom.
Steve: Good.
Cathy: Do you like the idea of pale green?
Steve: That sounds all right.
Cathy: Plain ...then there won't be any problem when we come to buy the carpet. But I want to order the curtains today, because Aunt Phyllis is staying, and she's giving us the curtains as a wedding present. So we're going together to choose the material.
Steve: That’s a good idea.
Cathy: What are you doing today?
Steve: Well, this morning I’ve got a little shopping to do, then this afternoon I’m going to the football with Jim.
Cathy: All right. Love, enjoy yourself. Bye.
Steve: Same to you. Bye.

1. Do Cathy and Steve see one another every day? If not, why not? 2. Why isn’t Steve at work when the phone rings? 3. What does Cathy call Steve? 4. How does he defend himself? 5. What is Cathy doing while she’s talking to Steve? 6. What is she planning to buy? 7. Is she planning to buy flowered material? 8.Where is Steve going this afternoon?

Ex5 Listen, read, translate

Old Mike and Morgana.

Everybody knows them as old Morgana and him as gentle Mike. Her husband and she live in that little house somewhere in the our forest, about three miles from our town,. They visit the town stores three times a month to buy some paraffin and food and occasionally they collect their pensions and letters from the bank. Two months ago they gave interview to a reporter from the town newspaper. That is what they said:
We get up with the birds every morning. There is a spring and a stream not far from our house and Mike fetches water from there. It’s clear, good, fresh water, much better than town people get in the town. Sometimes, in the winter, my husband has to break the ice. Morgana cooks simple food on our old paraffin stove; mostly boil potatoes and stews and things like that. Occasionally Mike goes to the loсal pub and has some drink, but he doesn’t see many friends. He doesn't feel lonely because he is always with his wife. More over we know our forest pretty well, you see. We know all the animals and little birds that live here and they know us. We don’t have much money, but we don’t need much. We think we are lucky.


1. Where do Old Mike and Morgana live?
2. Who interviewed them re­cently?
3. How far is it to the town?
4. How often do Old Mike and Morgana go into the town?
5. What do they buy from the village store?
6. What do they collect from the post office?
7. Where do they get his water from?
8. What do they say about the water in the stream?
9. What does she cook on?

B.Give short answers to the following questions.

1. Are Old Mike and Morgana quite old? 2. Is he a lonely man? 3. Is the store in the village? 4. Is the water in the stream clean? 5. Does old Mike see many people? 6. Does he get his water from a tap? 7. Does he like the birds and animals in the wood? 8. Does the stream sometimes freeze in winter? 9. Does Mike cook on an electric stove? 10. Does he get his pension from the post office?

Imagine that you are interviewing Old Mike. These are the answers he gives to your questions. What were the questions you asked him?

1. In a little hut in the wood. 2. At the village store. 3. On my old paraffin stove. 4. Yes, I go there occasionally for a drink. 5. From the stream. 6. No, I never feel lonely. 7. Not much, my eyes aren’t too good. 8. No, I haven’t got a radio. 9. No, I was an only child, and my parents died when I was quite young. 10. No, I don’t believe in doctors.
Situation: You are interviewing Old Mike on his life in the wood. Add more details about Arthur’s life. Make up negative statements.
Example: He only sees a few people, not/many
He doesn’t see many people.

1. He only visits the village store twice a week, not/every day
2. He only breaks the ice on the water occasionally, not/often
3. He only collects his letters from the post office once a month.
not/every week
4. He cooks on a paraffin stove, not/a gas stove
5. He lives in a hut in the wood, not/an ordinary house.
6. He gets his water from the stream, not/ a tap
7. There is no television in his hut.
8. There is no radio in his hut. not/radio
9. He usually feels quite cheerful, not/miserable
10. He only has one cooking pot. not/complicated meals

Speak on old Mike and Morgana's life. What do you think of this sort of life? Do you think Mike is really a lucky man? Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of living in a village.

Do you have any friends or relatives who live in a village? Who are they? What do they do? What is their life in the country like? Have you got a country house? Where is it? Have you got any conveniences in the house? Do you like life in the country?

Grammar world

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Recording 1b

Man: Westfield Sports Centre, can I help you?
Woman: Yes, I hope to. I've recently moved to the area and I want to do some sports activities.
Man: Well, we have excellent facilities, including a new gymnasium and several tennis courts. Our tennis team are always looking for new people.

Woman: Oh, I was never any good at gymnastics and I don't think I’ve got the time to put into learning tennis. No, I'm more interested in swimming, and I’d also like to take a few yoga classes if I can.
Man: OK. well, we have three swimming pools: an Olympic size 50 metre pool and a 25 metre pool, which are both outdoors, and a heated indoor pool, which is just 15 metres long but is very popular with our members in the winter!
Woman: I bet it is! Do members have to pay to use the pools?
Man: Well, members don’t pay for the pools if they just want to swim laps on their own. We even offer complimentary classes for beginners, but we do charge a small fee if you want to take pan in the advanced training sessions, and there’s also a fee for our water-based keep-fit class.
Woman: Right. And would I need to book any of the facilities or can I just come whenever I want?
Man: We don’t actually allow anyone to book the swimming lanes or the gym equipment, but for safety reasons we can only have a maximum of seven people in the sauna at any one time, so you do need to put your name on the list for that. Woman: Fine. Now, I'd also really like to take a yoga flaw. Do you have any?
Man: Yes. There are classes on Monday, Tuesday and Friday in the morning from ten till eleven, and then every Saturday and Sunday in the evening. Those classes are a bit longer, starting at six and finishing at seven thirty.
Woman: Right. I'll just make a note of that. So, does that mean that if I enrol I can come on each of those days?
Man: No, each day it a different level, so you only come once a week.
Woman: Oh. I sec. Well. I've been doing yoga for a little while now, but I am still finding it quite difficult. Which level do you think I should choose?
Man: Most people start at the lowest level, and then you can talk to the instructor about changing if you think it's too easy
Woman: OK. How much are the classes?
Man: They're £1.50 an hour for members.
Woman: Great. Now, I'd like to come in and look at the facilities. Would someone be able to show me around?
Man: Yes. no problem.
Woman: Who should I ask for?
Man: Ask for me. My name is John Doherty - that's DOHERTY.
Woman: And should I just ask for you at the reception?
Man: Actually, my office is on a different level. Take the lift up to level one and you'll see my name on the door right in front of you.
Woman: Great. I'd like to come tomorrow if that's OK. What time suits you?
Man: Well, I have appointments from nine to ten thirty, so could you make it eleven?
Woman: I'm sure that will be fine, but can I just take your direct number in case something else crops up?
Man: That’s a good idea - my number's 0117 965 478.
Woman: Great. I think that's everything, so I'll see you tomorrow Oh. my name's Alison Martin, by the way.
Man: Thanks, Alison. See you tomorrow.

Article II

5. After there is, this is, that is, it is (verb to be, and can be used in other times).

This is an apple. - Это - яблоко.

There was a vacant seat in this row. - В этом ряду было свободное место

6. With professions.

The sister of mine is a nun. - Мой брат инженер.

And also to the persons who profess a religion Chris Graham became a Muslim.

Chris Graham became a Muslim. - Крис Грэхэм стал мусульманином.

7. It is used in the apposition, if it is not emphasized the fame of the person to whom it relates.

The sister of mine, a student of art, is a pretty nice man. - Моиприятель, преподаватель истории, очень приятный человек.

With plural nouns article is missing and cannot be replaced by other determinants.

They are engineers. Ониинженеры.

8. Before abstract nouns that express a human emotion or mental activity if there is a descriptive adjective that gives to quality or unusual phenomenon, a peculiar or specific nature, and if the determination is expressed by an adjectives such as: peculiar - какой-то, особенный, certain - некий.

There is a peculiar tenderness in his letter. - В его письме есть какая-то своеобразная нежность.

Mike speaks of it with a childish excitement. - Онговориn об этом с детским восторгом.


a) Article doesn’t go before adjectives that do not give specifics quality to the abstract nouns, expressing the degree of quality:


Great - великий,

Perfect - совершенный,

Sufficient - достаточный,

Complete - полный,


b) Give a temporary characteristics:


Modern - современный,

Ancient - древний,

Eternal - вечный,

Contemporary - современный,


c) Establishes the identity of the phenomenon, its social or political affiliations:


Real - реальный,

Genuine - подлинный,

Authentic - аутентичный,

Symbolic - символичный,

Racial -расовый,

Bourgeois - буржуазный,

Capitalist - капиталистический,

Religious - религиозный.

Ex. Explain the usage of an article.

1. This is a pen.
2. My father is a doctor.
3. My father became a Christian 10 years ago.
4. My sister, a nurse, is a very kind person.
5. He looked at her with a woman curiosity.
6. It was perfect reaction.
7. There is a book on the table.
8. My mom is a dentist.
9. He became a Baptist.
10. My neighbour, a doctor, is a very kind man.
11. It was real indignation.

Possessive pronoun.
dependent/independent (absolute) pronoun form.
1. Possessive pronoun or depending form goes before a noun which is determined.
My pen
his pen
her pen
our pen
your pen
their pen

2. Independing from (absolute) when after a pronoun goes nothing.

The pen is mine
the pen is his
the pen is hers
the pen is its
the pen is ours
the pen is yours
the pen is theirs

a) It is usually used in phrases such as: a friend of mine, a cousin of hers

Mr Brown is a reliable business partner of theirs.

b) In set phrase:
(of) my own
(of) your own
(of) his own
(of) her own
(of) our own
(of) your own
(of) their own
Mike can't afford to buy a car of his own.

Ex. Practice

1. Garry would really like to have.......bike.
2. She hopes to set up..........business next month.
3. Jack Bauer has a reliable helicopter of....... .
4. We don't use your drill, we have taken........one.
5. He invests the money of ........ in that project.
6. He is always asking for cigarettes! Why doesn't he buy......one.
7. She has always wanted to buy a two-room flat of ........ .
8. We left ........children at my granny's.
9. We can't believe you. ........ experience is not a good proof for us.

Phrasal verbs:

Match the multi-word verbs in A with the definitions in B.

Match the multi-word verbs in A with the definitions in B. 


    1. come  through something

a. to feel mentally or physically capable of doing something
2. to build something/someone up b. to disappear gradually until it no longer exists or has any effect
3. to go ahead (with something) c. to cause an illness or pain to occur
4. to fight someone/something off d. to increase the strength, size, or intensity of someone/something
5. to wear off e. to survive or to recover from a serious illness or situation
6. to bring something on f. to proceed with something
7. to feel up to (doing) something g. to overcome or defeat someone/something unpleasant and threatening
8. to try something out (on someone) h. to test something to see if it is useful or effective

EX.1. Listen to the sentences on the tape.

EX.1. Listen to the sentences on the tape.

D: Doctor N: Nurse


D Good morning, nurse. How are things on the ward today?


N Very quiet at the moment, doctor.


D How’s Mr Harris getting on?


N He’s fine. He had his operation early this morning and he’s still under the anaesthetic at the moment, but it seems he’s come through     it very well.


D Good. I think he’ll need at least a week to build up his strength, but after that he should be up and about pretty quickly. How's Mr         Stephens?


N The surgeons decided to go ahead with the operation last night, and at first we were rather worried - we thought he wasn’t going to come through it, but he seems to be over the worst now and his condition is stable.


D Well, he's in good hands, and I’m sure you’ll do an excellent job of looking after him. I think we may need to give him some antibiotics     to fight off any possible infection. And Mr Spencer?


N I'm afraid he took a turn for the worse in the night. He died early this morning.


D I see. Have his relatives been informed?


N Yes, they have.


D What about Mr King? Has there been any change?


N There’s been an improvement in his condition, but he's in pain when the effect of the drugs he’s taking starts to wear off. and he           says he's had some attacks of breathlessness.


D Has he told you what brings them on?


N No, but I know he hasn't given up smoking. Old habits die hard. I suppose... At the moment he says he doesn’t feel up to doing              anything - he just wants to lie in bed and rest. Should he keep on taking the tablets?


D Yes, for the moment - it’s best to be on the safe side.

   But we’d like to try out a new course of treatment on him. I think I’ll go and have a word with him now...

Listen to the sentences. Then say the sentences again, using the multi-word verb prompts. The first one has been done for you.


1 Would you like to test this new product?

(try out)

Would you like to try out this new product?


2 She survived a very serious illness.

(come through)

She came through a very serious illness.


3 I'm trying to get rid of a cold at the moment.

(fight off)

I'm trying to fight off a cold at the moment.


4 The pain is beginning to disappear.

(wear off)

The pain is beginning to wear off.


5 They've decided to proceed with the treatment.

(go ahead with)

They've decided to go ahead with the treatment.


6 Reading in a poor light can cause headaches.

(bring on)

Reading in a poor light can bring on headaches.


7 I’m too tired to see anybody today.

(feel up to)

I don't feel up to seeing anybody today.


8 You must strengthen your muscles.

(build up)

You must build up your muscles.

Ex.3. Use the prompts you hear to make sentences with the same meaning. Example Her enthusiasm began to disappear. (wear off) enthusiasm began to wear off.


1. Complete the following sentences, using the multi-word verbs from this:

a. My cousin was in a serious car accident last week. Fortunately, he______ it with only minor injuries.

b. I'm taking lots of vitamin С to help me__________this cold.
c. We had intended to go out last night, but we were so tired we didn't_________it, so we stayed at home.
d. Many nervous breakdowns are___________by stress.
e. The company was finally given permission to___________with production of the new drug. f. The dentist told me that when the           effect of the anaesthetic__________. I might feel a little pain.
g. Before you buy a second-hand car. You should always_____it______.
h. I still feel very weak after my illness. I think I need some vitamins to help me_______my strength___________.

Prepositions In the end/at the end, In time/on time

Материалы использованы из учебного пособия,Л.П. Христорожденственская Английский язык практический курс "Intermediate" Минск, "Попресс", 1998г.
R. Merphy, English Grammar in Use, second edition, Cambrige University Press 1994 (p.240-241)
Martin Hewings "Advanced Grammar in Use", Cambridge University Press 1999
Diana Hopkins, Pauline Cullen, Cambridge, Grammar for IELTS 2007, (p.6,7, 240, 241)
Graham Workman, Making Headway, "Phrasal Verbs and Idioms", Advanced, Oxford University Press, 1955

1. to go ahead (with something)

Гости не могут комментировать