Ex. 21. Explain the use of the verb forms in the following clauses of comparison and predicative clauses introduced by as if and as though:
1. He was throwing his things into a suitcase as if the place were on fire.
2. She always looked as though she had been in the beauty parlour all afternoon.
3. Магу is always saying she believes in her friend, and at the same time she always behaves as if he were her enemy.
4. Our life goes on as if nothing had happened.
5. Father sounded as if he would never agree to let me go on the trip.
6. He came over to the table and stood in front of it as though it were a lecter.
7. He took off his hat and held it across his chest, almost as if he were saluting the flag.
8. Bernard sat in his chair looking as if he were going to be sick.
9. His head ached terribly. It felt as though all sorts of little savage things were beating inside it, trying to get out.
10. It seemed as though the water drew her irresistibly.
11. He felt as if he were being reprimanded.
12. After travelling some distance the leather of the seats felt as if they might burst into flame.
13. Sinclair was panting, as though he had been running.
22. Supply the necessary forms of the verbs in brackets in the following clauses of comparison and predicative clauses introduced by as if and as though:
1. Her lips were parted as if she (to be) out of breath.
2. Hugh laughed awkwardly, as if he (to say) something indecent
3. Then he rolled his eyes in his head, as if he (to do) an exercise
4. He looked down at his feet as though he (to be) unconscious of the company.
5. Bateman felt as though someone (to give) him a violent blow,
6. She sounded as if she (to talk) to someone distasteful.
7. He couldn’t move his legs as if they (to be) stuck on the floor,
8. “It sounds as though there (to be) three or four men down there,” said my father.
9. She spoke of this and that as though she (to make) conversa¬tion with a stranger.
10. He looked as if he already (to decide) on some action.
11. He went into the house by the back door and sneaked up the stairs as though he (to have) something to hide.
12. It looked as though he (to be) filled with an overwhelming joy.
13. The sky looked as though it (to be) grey for months.
14. Robert’s voice sounded hoarse, as though he (to shout) into the wind for hours.
15. Her stillness and her strange words made me feel as if I still (to dream).
16. Jones greeted me as though I (to be) an old school-friend whom he had not seen for years.
17. Her eyes were sparkling as though she (to laugh) at us.
18. She was breathing fast and deep, as though she (to run).
19. Her face was red and swollen as though she (to choke).
20. He looked as though he (not to move) since I left him the previous night.
Ex. 23. Translate the following into English using the appropriate verb
forms in clauses of comparison and predicative clauses introduced by as
if or as though:
1. Он сидел за столом, как если бы писал, но он не писал и не читал.
2. Он смотрел на меня так, как будто не понимал меня.
3. Собака приветствовала Фрэнка, как будто они давно яе виделись.
4. Они не разговаривали, как будто они были так счастливы быть вместе, что разговоры были излишни.
5. У него был такой вид, как будто он вот-вот расплачется-
6. Она чувствовала себя очень усталой, как будто она очень долго гуляла.
7. Она продолжала оглядывать комнату, как будто искала кого-то.
8. Они разговаривали друг с другом тихими голосами, как будто они были в церкви.
9. Морис сидел не шевелясь, словно он не расслышал Джека.
10. Он застегнул пальто, как будто ему было холодно.
11. да, у меня такое чувство, как будто я знаю тебя годы.
12. Она обычно выглядела так, словно она недавно пла5. У него был такой вид, как будто он вот-вот расплачется-
6. Она чувствовала себя очень усталой, как будто она очень долго гуляла.
7. Она продолжала оглядывать комнату, как будто искала кого-то.
8. Они разговаривали друг с другом тихими голосами, как будто они были в церкви.
9. Морис сидел не шевелясь, словно он не расслышал Джека.
10. Он застегнул пальто, как будто ему было холодно.
11. да, у меня такое чувство, как будто я знаю тебя годы.
12. Она обычно выглядела так, словно она недавно плакала.
Было похоже, что переговоры продлятся еще несколько дней.
Ex. 30. Finish off the following conditional sentences:
1. The cake wouldn’t have got burnt if ... .
2. You wouldn’t have got into trouble if ... .
3. Your dress would look nicer if ... .
4. She would have married him if ... .
5. I would have come earlier if ... .
6. He would have got wet through if ... .
7. She would fix the door knob herself if ... .
8. He would drive straight home if ... .
9. I would take her to the party if ... .
10. It would be better for all of us if ... .
11. If it hadn’t been for the rain ... .
12. If it were not for the coming wedding ... .
13. If it hadn’t been for their neighbour ... .
l4. If it hadn’t been for his advice ....
15. If it hadn’t been for his departure ... .
l6. If it were not for his family ... .
17. If it were not for his scholarship ....
18. If it hadn’t been for the announcement on the radio ... .
l9. If it were not for my sprained ankle ....
20. If it were not for the message that he received ... .
21. If your mother were to ask you about me ... .
22. If I had known you were here ....
23. If he should turn down your offer ....
24. If you would not interfere ... .
25. If the play had not been so long ....
26. If we could afford it ... .
27. If the car had not broken down ....
28. If I were you ... .
29. If you should leave unexpectedly ... .
30. If it hadn’t been raining
31. If the job were to be offered to me ....
32. If my son were not making progress in his English ... .
Ex. 31. Translate the following conditional sentences into English:
1. Я бы никогда не подумал, что это возможно, если бы я не увидел этого своими глазами.
2. Я бы не стал делать этого на твоем месте.
3. В случае, если тебе придется неожиданно уехать, пришли мне записку.
4. Пьеса понравилась бы мне больше, если бы она не была такой длинной.
5. Если бы не его болезнь, семья переехала бы в город.
6. Если бы он пришел вовремя, этого могло бы не случиться.
7. Если бы пошел дождь, я бы промокла до костей, так как на мне было очень легкое платье.
8. Куда бы ты пошел, если бы не было дождя?
9. Посиди с ним, и, если он вдруг попросит чего-нибудь, скажи мне.
10. ...