Lesson 1 Home is better

Lesson 1 Home is better
Для развития устной и письменной речи предлагается
v No place like home.
v Been there done that...
v What a story...
v Nothing but the truth.

abroad əˈbrɔːd  за границу
accept əkˈsɛpt принимать
accident ˈæksɪdənt авария
adopted əˈdɒptɪd  принят
air conditioning eə kənˈdɪʃnɪŋ кондиционер
airport ˈeəpɔːt аэропорт
amazing əˈmeɪzɪŋ  удивительно
awesome ˈɔːsəm  здорово
barbecued ˈbɑːbɪkjuːd  шашлыки
barrier ˈbærɪə  барьер
bathroom ˈbɑːθru(ː)m ванная комната
beggar ˈbɛgə нищий
begging ˈbɛgɪŋ  нищенство
birth family bɜːθ ˈfæmɪli  семьи при рождении
blog blɒg  блог
board bɔːd  доска
buddy ˈbʌdi  приятель
bumpy ˈbʌmpi  неровный
careful ˈkeəfʊl  осторожный
cheers ʧɪəz  ура
childhood ˈʧaɪldhʊd  детство
cleaning ˈkliːnɪŋ  уборка
clear klɪə  Чисто
coast kəʊst берег
complain kəmˈpleɪn жаловаться
couple ˈkʌpl пара
crisp krɪsp  хрустящий
desire dɪˈzaɪə  желание
determine dɪˈtɜːmɪn  определить
disappointment ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt  разочарование
dislikes dɪsˈlaɪks  антипатии
distance ˈdɪstəns  расстояние
drag dræg  бремя
drop drɒp падение
effective ɪˈfɛktɪv  эффективный
emotional energy ɪˈməʊʃənl ˈɛnəʤi  эмоциональная энергия
except ɪkˈsɛpt  Кроме
expected ɪksˈpɛktɪd  ожидаемый
fabulous ˈfæbjʊləs невероятный
fall aslеер fɔːl aslеер падать aslеер
family home ˈfæmɪli həʊm  семейный дом
famous ˈfeɪməs  известный
fans fænz  поклонники
fateful ˈfeɪtfʊl  роковой
feared fɪəd  опасался
feel up to fiːl ʌp tuː  чувствовать себя до
fend for himself fɛnd fɔː hɪmˈsɛlf  постоять за себя
flat flæt  квартира
flat mate flæt meɪt  плоский мат
forever fəˈrɛvə  навсегда
forgotten fəˈgɒtn  забытый
formal ˈfɔːməl  формальный
fortnight ˈfɔːtnaɪt  две недели
fortune teller ˈfɔːʧən ˈtɛlə предсказатель
foul play faʊl pleɪ  грязная игра
freak friːk  урод
get gɛt  получить
get it gɛt ɪt возьми
get the better of someone gɛt ðə ˈbɛtər ɒv ˈsʌmwʌn получить лучшее из кого-то
granted ˈgrɑːntɪd  предоставляется
grasp grɑːsp  схватывание
grateful ˈgreɪtfʊl  благодарный
guy gaɪ  парень
hang on hæŋ ɒn  подожди
hanging out ˈhæŋɪŋ aʊt  тусоваться
have a lot on hæv ə lɒt ɒn  есть много на
head hɛd  глава
heartbroken ˈhɑːtˌbrəʊkən  убитый горем
hit on (something) hɪt ɒn (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) удар по (что-то)
holiday ˈhɒlədeɪ  день отдыха
home - grown həʊm - grəʊn  домой - выросли
homecoming ˈhəʊmˌkʌmɪŋ  возвращение домой
homeless ˈhəʊmlɪs  бездомный
homemade ˈhəʊmˈmeɪd  домашний
homepage ˈhəʊmˌpeɪʤ  домашняя страница
homesick ˈhəʊmsɪk  тоскующий по дому
hometown ˈhəʊmˈtaʊn  родной город
homework ˈhəʊmˌwɜːk  домашнее задание
hop in hɒp ɪn  запрыгивай
host family həʊst ˈfæmɪli  принимающая семья
housebound housebound  выходящих из дома
house-proud ˈhaʊsˈpraʊd  увлекающийся ведением домашнего хозяйства
house-warming ˈhaʊsˌwɔːmɪŋ  празднование новоселья
houseplant ˈhaʊsplɑːnt  домашнее растение
housewife ˈhaʊswaɪf  домохозяйка
housework ˈhaʊswɜːk  домашние дела
illiterate ɪˈlɪtərɪt неграмотный
incredible ɪnˈkrɛdəbl неимоверный
informal ɪnˈfɔːml  неофициальный
kind of (weird) kaɪnd ɒv (wɪəd) как-то странно)
lesson ˈlɛsn  урок
life expectancy laɪf ɪksˈpɛktənsi  ожидаемый срок службы
life insurance laɪf ɪnˈʃʊərəns  страхование жизни
life sue laɪf sjuː  жизнь Sue
lifelong ˈlaɪflɒŋ  пожизненный
lifestyle ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl  Стиль жизни
lift (transport in a vehicle) lɪft (ˈtrænspɔːt ɪn ə ˈviːɪkl) лифт (транспорт в транспортном средстве)
likes laɪks  нравится
Load of (something) ləʊd ɒv (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) Загрузка (что-то)
lost lɒst  потерял
Lucky you! ˈlʌki juː! Повезло тебе!
Make a living meɪk ə ˈlɪvɪŋ Зарабатывать на жизнь
Mega ˈmɛgə Мега
Memories ˈmɛməriz Воспоминания
mile maɪl мили
Missing you. ˈmɪsɪŋ juː. Скучаю по тебе.
Motorbike ˈməʊtəˌbaɪk мопед
mousse muːs мусс
moving ˈmuːvɪŋ  перемещение
nap næp  вздремнуть
network ˈnɛtwɜːk  сеть
news njuːz  Новости
nice naɪs хороший
notorious nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs печально известный
on business ɒn ˈbɪznɪs по делу
on holiday ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ на выходных
opportunity ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti  возможность
originally əˈrɪʤɪnəli первоначально
orphanage ˈɔːfənɪʤ Сиротство
pass pɑːs проходить
passed away pɑːst əˈweɪ скончался
picnic ˈpɪknɪk пикник
plays pleɪz игры
pretty ˈprɪti Симпатичная
promise ˈprɒmɪs обещание
put up pʊt ʌp  поднимать
radius ˈreɪdjəs радиус
railway track ˈreɪlweɪ træk железнодорожные пути
raindrops ˈreɪndrɒps капли дождя
recognize ˈrɛkəgnaɪz признать
rest of rɛst ɒv остаток
return rɪˈtɜːn  вернуть
rough rʌf  грубый
rubbish ˈrʌbɪʃ  мусор
salesman / ˈseɪlzmən / продавец /
sand sænd  песок
scared skeəd  испуганный
served sɜːvd  служил
settled down ˈsɛtld daʊn  поселился
shabby ˈʃæbi  потертый
shelling ˈʃɛlɪŋ  артобстрел
shells ʃɛlz  ракушки
shelter ˈʃɛltə  укрытие
shock ʃɒk  шок
show ʃəʊ  показать
significance sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns  значение
sleeping rough ˈsliːpɪŋ rʌf  плохо спать
slums slʌmz  трущобы
snowstorm ˈsnəʊstɔːm  метель
somewhere ˈsʌmweə  где-то
spectacular spɛkˈtækjʊlə  захватывающий
spend (a year) spɛnd (ə jɪə) провести (в год)
station ˈsteɪʃən  станция
strange streɪnʤ  странный
strategy ˈstrætɪʤi  стратегия
stressed out strɛst aʊt  подчеркнуты
struck gold strʌk gəʊld  ударил золота
stuff stʌf  материал
subway ˈsʌbweɪ  метро
suspicious səsˈpɪʃəs  подозрительный
sweeper ˈswiːpə  уборщик
swing it swɪŋ ɪt  поверните его
take it easy teɪk ɪt ˈiːzi  не принимайте это близко к сердцу
tickets ˈtɪkɪts  Билеты
tidy ˈtaɪdi  аккуратный
toasts təʊsts  тосты
tourists ˈtʊərɪsts  туристы
travel agent ˈtrævl ˈeɪʤənt  тур-агент
unbelievable ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl  невероятно
vivid ˈvɪvɪd  яркий
wandering ˈwɒndərɪŋ  блуждающий
waterfall ˈwɔːtəfɔːl  водопад
weird wɪəd  странный
wish wɪʃ  желание
wrong rɒŋ  неправильно
zoomed down zuːmd daʊn масштаб изображения вниз


Tl.l 1 How long has Max been at summer camp? Just two days. 2 Is he having a good time? No, not really. He’s feeling very homesick. 3 Is this his first time at summer camp? No, it’s not. He’s been once before. Last year he went to Pine Trees. 4 Did he like it at Pine Trees? Oh, yes he did, very much. 5 Why was that? Because they did things like archery and mountain biking. 6 What’s he doing tomorrow? He’s making pancakes. 7 Why does he want his cell phone? Because all the other kids have theirs.


1 How long has Sophie been in New Zealand? Nearly a week. 2 How long was she in Australia? Three weeks. 3 Who is she travelling with? Catherine. 4 Why does she like New Zealand? Because it’s smaller and cooler than Australia. 5 Why did she like Kangaroo Island? Because of the wildlife. She saw some platypus there. 6 What’s their car like? It’s OK - the lights work and it has a big glove box - but it sometimes makes strange noises. 7 Which wildlife has she seen already? She’s seen dolphins, whales, and enormous albatrosses. 8 Where are they going next? They're heading up the west coast. 9 Why is she sending Rob photos? So that he won’t forget what she looks like.

1 A Are you being served, sir?
  В Oh, -er, just looking, thank you.
2 I’ve heard that she’s been seeing a lot of Patrick recently.
3 I’ll be seeing Bill this afternoon - I’ll tell him the good news then.
4 Apparently, he was overtaking on a bend at 70 mph when they stopped him.
5 I hadn’t seen her since she was a little girl, and she’d changed beyond all recognition.
6 Nobody will listen to him. He’s the kind of guy who isn’t believed by anyone.
7 I haven’t been told yet if I’ve got it. I’ll be told in writing sometime next week.
8 Do you have any idea which address it was sent to?

T 1.4
1 A At weekends I often don’t bother getting up ’til lunchtime.
  В Absolutely! Why bother if you don’t have to?

2 A My parents have never had a cross word in all their married lives.
   В Really? Mine are at it all the time.

3 A I don’t think I’ll ever master this DVD player.
В Well, don’t ask me. I can’t even find the on/off button.

4 A I was saying to a friend just the other day that I hadn’t seen you for ages.
   В I know. How long has it been?

5 A I hate Mondays because nothing ever goes right on a Monday.
   В Just Mondays, eh? Aren’t you the lucky one!

6 A I’d just arrived home last night when I realized I’d left my briefcase on the bus.
   В Well, you won’t see that again.

7 A I was just getting ready to go out this morning when my grandmother rang for a chat. It’s so frustrating!
   В I know, and you feel really bad if you say it’s not a good time.

8 A I’ve been told that our teacher wears purple pyjamas in bed!
   В Who on earth told you that?!

9 A In my very first English lesson I was taught to introduce myself and say ‘hello’.
   В I was taught to say ‘the cat runs after the mouse’ and stuff like that - useful, uh?!

10 A The reason I’m learning English is because it’s spoken all over the world.
   В True. But isn’t Chinese spoken by more people?


T 1.5
1 A Heard about Jane and John splitting up?
  В No! Really? I always thought they got on really well.
   A Apparently not. John's been seeing his ex-girlfriend.

2 A Leaving already? What’s wrong?
   В I just have a headache, that’s all.

3 A Failed again? How many times is that?
   В OK, OK. There’s no need to rub it in! They say the best drivers fail three times.

4 A Sorry I’m late. Been waiting long?
   В No, I’ve just arrived myself. Got caught in traffic.

5 A Doing anything interesting this weekend?
   В Yeah, if you call housework interesting. I’ve just got to tidy my flat this weekend.

6 A Like the car! When did you get it?
   В We’ve had it a while actually. Second-hand, you know.

7 A Bye, Jo! See you later.
   В Yeah. I’ll be round about eight!

8 A Just coming! Hang on!
   В Get a move on, or we’ll go without you!

9 A Want a lift? Hop in.
   В Great. Can you drop me in the centre?

10 A Seen Jim lately?
   В No, I haven’t. I wonder what he’s up to at the moment.


T 1.6

A long-distance phone call
D Hello?
К Dad! It’s me, Kristy.
D Kirsty! How are you? How’s it all going?
К I’m fine, but still a bit jet-lagged.
D I can imagine. What exactly is the time difference over there?
К It’s nine hours ahead. I just can’t get used to it. Last night I lay awake all night and then today I nearly fell asleep at work in the middle of a meeting.
D You poor thing. And what’s work like?
К It’s early days but, I think it’s going to be really good. It’s a big company but everybody's being so kind and helpful. I’ve been trying to find out how everything works.
D And what about Tokyo? What’s it like? Have you seen much of the city yet?
К I’ve seen a bit. It just seems such a big, busy city. I don’t see how I’ll ever find my way round it.
D I know. Big cities can seem really strange and frightening at first. Is it anything like London?
К No, it’s nothing like London. It’s like nowhere else I've ever been - masses of huge buildings, underground shopping centres, lots of taxis and people - so many people - but it’s so clean. No litter on the streets or anything.
D And where are you living? What kind of accommodation have you got?
К Well, for the time being I’ve been given a tiny apartment, but it’s in a great part of town.
D What do you mean ‘for the time being’? Will you be moving somewhere else?
К That’s right. I won’t be living here for long. I’ll be offered a bigger place as soon as one becomes available, which is good ’cos this one really is tiny, but at least it’s near to where I’m working.
D How do you get to work then? Do you walk?
К Walk! You’re kidding. It’s not that close. It’s a short subway ride away. And the trains come so regularly - it’s a really easy journey, which is good ’cos I start work very early in the morning.
D It all sounds really interesting but are you enjoying yourself?
К Again it’s too early to say. I think I really will be enjoying it all soon. I’m sure it’s going to be a great experience. It’s just that I miss everyone at home so much.
D Oh, we miss you too, very much. Make sure you email us regularly - it’s the best way to keep in touch.
К I will. I promise. And you email me back with all your news. I just love getting news from home. Give everyone my love. Bye.
D Bye sweetheart. It’s been great talking to you.





Work book



















Like a ghost I don't need a key
Your best friend I've come to be
Please don't think of getting up for me
You don't even need to speak
When I've been here for just one day
You'll already miss me if I go away
So close the blinds and shut the door
You won't need other friends anymore

Oh don't leave home, oh don't leave home

If you're cold I'll keep you warm
If you're low just hold on
Cause I will be your safety

Oh don't leave home

And I arrived when you were weak
I'll make you weaker, Like a child
Now all your love you give to me
When your heart is all I need

Oh don't leave home, oh don't leave home
If you're cold I'll keep you warm
If you're low just hold on
Cause I will be your safety

Oh don't leave home

Oh how quiet, quiet the world can be

When it's just you and little me
Everything is clear and everything is new
So you won't be leaving will you

Oh don't leave home, oh don't leave home
If you're cold I'll keep you warm
If you're low just hold on
Cause I will be your safety
Oh don't leave home

POSSIBLE VOCABULARY PROBLEMS Here is a list of words and expressions you may want to check. Stop the tape at these points. I was sick = I vomited (not ‘I was ill generally’) miss you loads = miss you a lot pony-trekking my bum was killing me = my bottom was hurting a lot whitewater rafting freshers' ball-- от сидячей работы болит зад. I think you’d approve The suggestion is that Luke is like Oliver, a boy who her sister likes a lot. knackered = slang for very tired/exhausted yonks ago = a long time ago a.s. a.p. = as soon as possible M. and D. - Mum and Dad Sis = Sister cant bear = don’t like the fan --не могу это выдержать Ifollow the progress of every little cloud to head for the coolness = go towards the coolness –добивайся до крутизны делая что-либо Baboons-сопляк, ничтожество a log fire--камин steamy--страстный sticky--липкий

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