Lesson 3 What a story!

Lesson 3 What a story!
 What a story!
Books and films
Reading and speaking
Listening and speaking

accuracy ˈækjʊrəsi  точность
alerted əˈlɜːtɪd  насторожило
ambulance ˈæmbjʊləns  скорая помощь
anchorage ˈæŋkərɪʤ  анкеровка
apologize əˈpɒləʤaɪz  принести извинения
avalanche ˈævəlɑːnʃ  лавина
awarded əˈwɔːdɪd  награжден
benefits ˈbɛnɪfɪts  выгоды
biography baɪˈɒgrəfi  биография
bus stop bʌs stɒp  автобусная остановка
cameraman ˈkæmərəmæn  кинооператор
cautious ˈkɔːʃəs  осторожный
character trait ˈkærɪktə treɪt  Характерная черта
charismatic ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk  харизматический
clinging ˈklɪŋɪŋ  цепляется
clutch klʌʧ  сцепление
collection kəˈlɛkʃən  коллекция
competition ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən  соревнование
cons kɒnz  минусы
constituent kənˈstɪtjʊənt  учредительный
crafts krɑːfts  ремесла
deserted dɪˈzɜːtɪd  пустынный
deserted dɪˈzɜːtɪd  пустынный
disbelief ˌdɪsbɪˈliːf  неверие
disgusting dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ  отвратительный
double ˈdʌbl  двойной
downloading ˌdaʊnˈləʊdɪŋ  загрузка
drift drɪft  дрейф
dull dʌl  скучный
dummy ˈdʌmi  фиктивный
elk ɛlk  лось
emaciated ɪˈmeɪʃɪeɪtɪd  истощенный
experts ˈɛkspɜːts  эксперты
feebly ˈfiːbli  слабо
fiance fɪˈɑːnseɪ  жених
focus ˈfəʊkəs  фокус
fuel fjʊəl  топливо
gaze geɪz  посмотреть
gossip ˈgɒsɪp  слухи
handfuls ˈhændfʊlz  горстей
happily ever after ˈhæpɪli ˈɛvər ˈɑːftə  долго и счастливо
haunted ˈhɔːntɪd  часто посещаемый
haunting ˈhɔːntɪŋ  преследующий
headline ˈhɛdlaɪn  Заголовок
hibernation ˌhaɪbɜːˈneɪʃən зимняя спячка
hypothermia ˌhaɪpəʊˈθɜːmɪə  гипотермия
igloo ˈɪgluː  иглу
in connection with (something) ɪn kəˈnɛkʃən wɪð (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) в связи с (что-то)
incident ˈɪnsɪdənt  инцидент
injured ˈɪnʤəd  пострадавший
intensive care ɪnˈtɛnsɪv keə  интенсивная терапия
killer ˈkɪlə  убийца
lay bare leɪ beə  разоблачать
limelight ˈlaɪmlaɪt  центр внимания
limitations ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃənz  ограничения
lure ljʊə  приманка
manipulative məˈnɪpjʊlətɪv  манипулятивный
masked mɑːskt  замаскированный
maternal məˈtɜːnl  материнский
melodrama ˈmɛləʊˌdrɑːmə  мелодрама
missing ˈmɪsɪŋ  отсутствует
modest ˈmɒdɪst  скромный
nature lover ˈneɪʧə ˈlʌvə  Любитель природы
nerve nɜːv  нерв
newly-built ˈnjuːli-bɪlt  недавно построенный
news bulletin njuːz ˈbʊlɪtɪn  информационный бюллетень
notice ˈnəʊtɪs  уведомление
novelty ˈnɒvəlti  новинка
nutrition nju(ː)ˈtrɪʃən  питание
obsession əbˈsɛʃən  навязчивая идея
obviously ˈɒbvɪəsli  очевидно
overcoat ˈəʊvəkəʊt  пальто
overhead ˈəʊvɛhɛd  накладные расходы
page-turner peɪʤ-ˈtɜːnə  страница токарь
play (something) out pleɪ (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) aʊt  играть (что-то) из
poor state pʊə steɪt  плохое состояние
possessiveness pəˈzɛsɪvnəs  собственничество
pound paʊnd  фунт
powers ˈpaʊəz  полномочия
prediction prɪˈdɪkʃən  прогнозирование
professor prəˈfɛsə  профессор
promise ˈprɒmɪs  обещание
property tycoon ˈprɒpəti taɪˈkuːn  недвижимость магнат
pros prəʊz  профи
psychiatrist saɪˈkaɪətrɪst  психиатр
psychological thriller ˌsaɪkəˈlɒʤɪkəl ˈθrɪlər ɛn  психологический триллер
raid reɪd  рейд
recover rɪˈkʌvə  выздоравливать
remote rɪˈməʊt  дистанционный пульт
repaired rɪˈpeəd  отремонтированный
rescuer ˈrɛskjʊə  спасатель
risking ˈrɪskɪŋ  рисковать
romance rəʊˈmæns  романтика
romantic rɛʊˈmæntɪk  романтический
roommate ˈruːmmeɪt  сосед по комнате
sacked sækt  уволен
safety precautions ˈseɪfti prɪˈkɔːʃənz  меры безопасности
sanity ˈsænɪti  вменяемость
sceptical ˈskɛptɪkəl  скептический
scrape skreɪp  скрести
security sɪˈkjʊərɪti  безопасность
sensuous ˈsɛnsjʊəs  чувственный
set sɛt  задавать
sinister ˈsɪnɪstə  зловещий
skiing ˈskiːɪŋ  горнолыжный спорт
sleeping bag ˈsliːpɪŋ bæg  спальный мешок
snowdrifts ˈsnəʊdrɪfts  снежные заносы
snowmobile ˈsnəʊˈməʊbaɪl  аэросани
speculation ˌspɛkjʊˈleɪʃən  спекуляция
starred stɑːd  избранные
stench stɛnʧ  зловоние
stolen ˈstəʊlən  похищенный
streaming ˈstriːmɪŋ  потоковый
stuck stʌk  застрял
stunt stʌnt  трюк
stuntman ˈstʌntmən  каскадер
sublime səˈblaɪm  возвышенный
successful səkˈsɛsfʊl  успешный
suicide ˈsjʊɪsaɪd  самоубийство
survive səˈvaɪv  уцелеть
switch swɪʧ  переключатель
synopses up sɪˈnɒpsiːz ʌp конспекты вверх
tenants ˈtɛnənts  арендаторы
thriller ˈθrɪlə  триллер
top of her class tɒp ɒv hɜː klɑːs  Верхняя часть своего класса
towed təʊd  буксируемый
traffic jam ˈtræfɪk ʤæm  пробка
tragically ˈtræʤɪkəli  трагически
transcend trænˈsɛnd  превосходить
treat triːt  рассматривать
twisted ˈtwɪstɪd  скрученный
ultimate ˈʌltɪmɪt  окончательный
unbalanced ʌnˈbælənst  неуравновешенный
unwilling hero ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ ˈhɪərəʊ  герой не желает
van væn  фургон
vanishing ˈvænɪʃɪŋ  исчезающий
victim ˈvɪktɪm  жертва
violent ˈvaɪələnt  насильственный
What a drag! wɒt ə dræg! Какое сопротивление!
windscreen ˈwɪndskriːn ветровое стекло












A Did you read that story about the guy who
went over the Niagara Falls?
В Mo. What happened to him? Did he die?
A No, he survived, amazingly enough.
В Really? But I suppose he was wearing some kind of protection.
A That’s the incredible thing. He was just wearing ordinary clothes. He just jumped in, fell down 180 feet, and somehow managed to avoid hitting the rocks.
В That’s amazing! What did he do it for?
A Apparently he just did it for a dare. He’d been talking about doing it for ages. His friends had bet him he wouldn’t do it.
В What a crazy guy!
A You’re not kidding. The strange thing is, before he jumped, people around him said he’d been smiling.
В Wow! How weird!
A There was this story the other day about...
this woman mountain climber ...
В Uh huh. What about her?
A Well, she was stuck on top of a mountain, and she only managed to escape by sending text messages.
В Gosh! Where did this happen?
A In the Swiss Alps, I think. She was climbing with a partner. They’d been climbing for three hours when they got trapped in a terrible storm.
В You’re kidding!
A No. But they built a shelter or something, and they hid in that.
В Then what happened?
A She started sending text messages to friends in London, and one of them sent a text back saying that the mountain rescue teams in Switzerland had been contacted.
В Uh huh.
A They tried to find them, but the weather was too bad - storms and everything.
В Oh, no!
A Anyway, they were rescued the next night, and now they’re safe and sound.
В Thank goodness for that!
A I was reading in the paper the other day about j schoolboy who hacked into the United States military computers.
В No! Really? How old was he? 17? 18?
A Actually he was only 14.
В How did he do it?
A Well, he’d developed his own software program, and he’d been using this to download films and music from the Internet.
В I don’t get it. What's that got to do with the US military?
A Well, he’d figured that if he broke into these powerful military computers, he could use them to download stuff even faster, so he wasn’t really trying to get to their secrets.
В Oh, I see. I bet they were worried, though.
A They were. They got in touch with Scotland Yard, and this boy was tracked down to his house in North London.
В And he’s only 14! They should give him a job!
He was wearing ordinary clothes.
He’d been talking about doing it for ages. His friends had bet him he wouldn’t do it. She was climbing with a partner.
They were rescued the next night.
T 3.3
This is the six o’clock news.
Ten workers have been rescued from an accident 400 feet beneath the streets of London. They had spent the past 36 hours trapped underground. They had been digging a tunnel for a new Underground line when the roof collapsed. Sixty men managed to escape immediately, but two were fatally injured.
Last night the ten men were recovering in hospital. An investigation into the cause of the accident is due to start tomorrow.
T 3.4
Three children who had been missing for two days have been found safe and well. The three ten-year- olds, two boys and a girl, disappeared after school on Wednesday. Police had issued photographs of the three, and had been searching nearby houses. They were eventually spotted by a neighbour, who alerted the police. They said they had slept out in a garden shed for a dare, and hadn’t realized the concern they had caused.
Books and films Paul
Certainly one of my favourite films is Witness. It’s the one starring Harrison Ford, where he plays a detective who’s investigating a murder that an Amish child has witnessed, and he has to protect the child and to do that at one point he has to go and spend some time living with the Amish community. Now the Amish community are that religious group ... erm ... in America who live a very old-fashioned lifestyle. They have no modern gadgets and no modern technology because their religion doesn’t allow it. Now, Harrison Ford plays this very tough, hard-nosed city cop and there are some wonderful scenes where his values and culture really clash with
this very peaceful Amish community. It’s also, it has a love story in it because he falls in love with the boy’s mother, who’s Amish. It’s a very, very intense and passionate love story, and it’s a thriller because it deals with police corruption, and it’s unbearably tense and the build up towards the end is incredible. It really, really does have you on the edge of your seat.
I don’t know if I’d say this is my favourite book, but this is certainly a book that made ... erm ... quite an impression on me. The book is called ... erm... The Secret History and it’s by Donna Tartt, and ... erm ... without actually giving away entirely what happens in the story,... erm ... The Secret History is about a group of students and it’s all about somebody’s desire to belong to a group. And in fact the group of students ... erm ... do something really, really terrible. Erm ... they are involved in a murder and you know right from the beginning of the novel that this is going to happen and so you would think that there isn’t any element of suspense because you know that somebody’s going to die and you have some idea about how they’re actually going to die, but in fact... erm ... the whole story’s very, very claustrophobic. You feel sort of trapped inside the group and trapped inside their situation. It’s completely compelling to read. It’s not a comfortable read but it was about 600 pages long and read it in about a week ... erm ... and I lived and breathed this book over that week. Erm ... I would recommend it to anybody who wants to read something that psychologically is really dramatic.
The money jigsaw
I = Interviewer, R = Rachel
I Well and one of those girls, Rachel Aumann, is on the line now as we speak. Good morning to you, Rachel.
R Good morning.
I Erm ... extraordinary, this. You saw these bits of bank notes just blowing in the wind?
R Yeah, it was... erm ... like really out of the ordinary. We were just walking to school and there’s ripped up notes flying all over the floor. And then we traced it to like a bin, so that’s where the ... the big bag was full of them.
I How big a bag?
R Erm...
I Like a bin bag or something?
R No, actually, not that big... erm ... it’s about, I think it was like a Sainsbury’s bag, like one of those.
I And it was just jammed full of tom-up
banknotes, what fivers and tenners and that sort of thing?
R Yeah, just fives, tens, twenties.
I And how little were the pieces?
R Erm ... some were bigger than stamp sizes.
I That small though?
R Yeah, some were smaller.
I And so what did you do? You took them to the police or something?
R Erm we, we had to go to school so we went to school and then ... erm ... after school we were playing outside around ... erm ... like on the same road and ... erm ... when the police arrived we were, we went over then and started talking to them and telling them when we found it.
1 And thev took them awav at that stage, did they? R Yeah.
I And then what happened?
R Erm ... they kept them for like a long time ’cos there’s a certain amount of months that they have to keep them before you, they can give them back.
I Right.
R And I think they went to the Royal Bank of England and to Scotland Yard and ... erm ... when ... erm ... they said yeah, it’s real money ... erm ... they gave it back and we put it together.
I You say you put it together, but tiny bits of bank notes it must have taken you forever to do... I mean, what a jigsaw puzzle!
R Yeah it’s taken ages ’cos it's been about a year and we still haven’t finished.
I So how many have you got left now then?
R Erm ... we have all the fives to do and just a few twenties but the tens are all finished.
I Extraordinary! Is it... how much time do you spend doing this?
R Erm ... well when we first got it we did like half an hour, an hour a day but then as like time passed we just slowly like died down and didn’t do as much.
I But I'm trying to picture you doing this. What do you do, do you stick bits of sellotape or something, or do you stick them onto a piece of paper or what?
R Well you have to get, you get the two serial numbers and ... erm ... then you have to get like a little bit from the middle of the note and so once you’ve got that, you just put sticky tape on the back of them so that they all stay together and put it in a bag.
I Good heavens! And you’re going to carry on doing it, eh?
R Yeah, hopefully.
I &1200 so far? '
R Erm... yeah.
I And how much do you reckon you will be worth at the end of it all?
R Erm ... I think we if stick to it we could probably get about ?2,000.
I Well, I think that you’ve earned every penny of it, Rachel. Thank you very much.
R Thank you.


T 3.7
A lade’s got a new boyfriend.
В A new boyfriend? Good for her!
A Apparently, he lives in a castle.
В Does he? How' amazing!
A Yes. She met him in Slovenia.
В In Slovenia? That’s interesting.
A Unfortunately, he can’t speak much English.
В Can’t he? I thought everyone could these days!
T 3.8 See p33
T 3.9
A Sam wants to apologize.
В Does he?
A Yes. He’s broken your mother’s Chinese vase.
В My mother’s Chinese vase? Oh, no!
A We had a terrible holiday.
В Did you?
A Yes. It rained all the time.
В Did it?
A Yes. And the food was disgusting!
В Was it? What a drag!
A I’m broke.
В Are you? How come?
A Because I just had a phone bill for ?500.
В ?500? Why so much?
A Because I have a girlfriend in Korea.
В Do you? How interesting!
A It took me three hours to get here.
В Did it?
A Yes. There was a traffic jam ten miles long.
В Ten miles long? That’s awful!
A Now I've got a headache!
В Have you? Poor darling. I'll get you something for it.
A I’m on a mountain, watching the sun set.
В Are you?
A Yes. And I’ve got something very important to ask you.
В Have you? What is it? 1 can’t wait!
A You’d better sit down. I'd like to marry you.
В Marry me? Wow!


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