Lesson 6. HWUpI. Making it big

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√ Making it big
√ Expressions of quantity
√ export and ex port
√ Business expressions and numbers

afford əˈfɔːd  позволить себе
ailing ˈeɪlɪŋ  больной
animation ˌænɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n  анимация
anti-globalization ˈænti-ˌgləʊb(ə)laɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n  антиглобализации
appeal əˈpiːl  призыв
attachment əˈtæʧmənt  Прикрепление, вложение
attract əˈtrækt  привлекать
bitterly ˈbɪtəli  горько
blend blɛnd  смесь
blood sports blʌd spɔːts  Кровавый спорт
booming ˈbuːmɪŋ  растущий
brands brændz  бренды
broadcast ˈbrɔːdkɑːst  вещание
burgled ˈbɜːgld  подвергшийся грабежу
camera ˈkæmərə  камера
capital ˈkæpɪtl столица
catering college ˈkeɪtərɪŋ ˈkɒlɪʤ  Студенческая столовая
chains ʧeɪnz  цепи
cheat ʧiːt  обманывать
chefs ʃɛfs  повара
church ʧɜːʧ  церковь
clones kləʊnz  клоны
clubbing ˈklʌbɪŋ  Клубная деятельность
co-founder kəʊ-ˈfaʊndə  соучредитель
coffeemaker coffeemaker  кофеварка
comfy ˈkʌmfi  удобный
commercialism kəˈmɜːʃəlɪzm  торгашеский дух
compete kəmˈpiːt  конкурировать
cool kuːl  круто
crimes kraɪmz  преступления
criminals ˈkrɪmɪnlz  преступники
criticism ˈkrɪtɪsɪzm  критика
data storage ˈdeɪtə ˈstɔːrɪʤ  хранилище данных
demonstration ˌdɛmənsˈtreɪʃən  демонстрация
determination dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən  определение
devotion dɪˈvəʊʃən  преданность
dominance ˈdɒmɪnəns  господство
drop out of drɒp aʊt ɒv  выпадают из
dustman ˈdʌstmən  мусорщик
earn ɜːn  зарабатывать
economy i(ː)ˈkɒnəmi  экономика
employee welfare ˌɛmplɔɪˈiː ˈwɛlfeə  благосостояние работника
energy ˈɛnəʤi  энергия
enthusiasm ɪnˈθjuːzɪæzm  энтузиазм
equipment ɪˈkwɪpmənt  оборудование
espresso ɛˈsprɛsəʊ  эспрессо
essential ɪˈsɛnʃəl  существенный
expand ɪksˈpænd  расширять
export  ˈɛkspɔːt  экспорт
extract ˈɛkstrækt  экстракт
fair trade feə treɪd  честная торговля
fame feɪm  известность
fattening ˈfætnɪŋ  откорм
fierce fɪəs  свирепый
fine faɪn  штраф
fluids ˈflu(ː)ɪdz  жидкости
former ˈfɔːmə  бывший
founder members ˈfaʊndə ˈmɛmbəz  члены-учредители
fresh frɛʃ  свежий
fridge frɪʤ  холодильник
gadget guru ˈgæʤɪt ˈgʊruː  гаджет гуру
genuinely ˈʤɛnjʊɪnli  искренне
grown-up ˈgrəʊnʌp  взрослый
herbs hɜːbz  травы
hesitation ˌhɛzɪˈteɪʃən  нерешительность
hire ˈhaɪə  Наем
hold-ups ˈhəʊldʌps  Задержывание, ограбление, грабеж
hope həʊp  надежда
horrible ˈhɒrəbl  ужасный
import ˈɪmpɔːt  Импортировать
ingredients ɪnˈgriːdjənts  ингредиенты
insult ˈɪnsʌlt  оскорбление
insurance ɪnˈʃʊərəns  страхование
irresistible ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl  непреодолимый
knives naɪvz  ножи
knowledge ˈnɒlɪʤ  знание
launch lɔːnʧ  запуск
logo ˈləʊgəʊ  логотип
lounge laʊnʤ  гостиная
loyal ˈlɔɪəl  верный
luck lʌk  удача
majority məˈʤɒrɪti  большинство
make it big meɪk ɪt bɪg  сделать его большим, увеличить
marketing ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ  маркетинг
media personality ˈmɛdɪə ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti  медиа-личности
 model ˈmɒdl   модель
multinational corporation ˌmʌltɪˈnæʃənl ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃən  многонациональная корпорация
natural ˈnæʧrəl  натуральный
networked ˈnɛtwɜːkt  сеть
numerous ˈnjuːmərəs  многочисленные
offhand ˈɒfˈhænd  Экспромтом, импровизированный, бесцеремонный, сделанный без подготовки
opposition ˌɒpəˈzɪʃən  оппозиция
out of curiosity aʊt ɒv ˌkjʊərɪˈɒsɪti  из любопытства
overnight success ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt səkˈsɛs  ночной успех
overwhelmed ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmd  перегружен
party ˈpɑːti  вечеринка
passionately ˈpæʃənɪtli  горячо
permit ˈpɜːmɪt  разрешать
plenty ˈplɛnti  много
point and click graphics pɔɪnt ænd klɪk ˈgræfɪks  Наведите на график и кликните
policy ˈpɒlɪsi  политика
pollution pəˈluːʃən  загрязнение
popular ˈpɒpjʊlə  популярный
possessions pəˈzɛʃənz  пожитки
powder ˈpaʊdə  порошок
power struggle ˈpaʊə ˈstrʌgl  борьба за власть
profitability ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪlɪti  рентабельность
progress ˈprəʊgrəs  прогресс
protests ˈprəʊtɛsts  протесты
pub pʌb  паб
qualified ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd  квалифицированный
quality ˈkwɒlɪti  качественный
range reɪnʤ  ассортимент
recession rɪˈsɛʃən  спад
recipe ˈrɛsɪpi  рецепт
refund ˈriːfʌnd  возврат
religious rɪˈlɪʤəs  религиозный
remote rɪˈməʊt  дистанционный пульт
reputation ˌrɛpju(ː)ˈteɪʃən  репутации
restaurateur restaurateur  владелец ресторана
retailer riːˈteɪlə  розничный торговец
rivals ˈraɪvəlz  соперники
roaster ˈrəʊstə  жаровня
rock and roll rɒk ænd rəʊl  рок-н-ролл
scientific calculator ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk ˈkælkjʊleɪtə  научный калькулятор
scooter ˈskuːtə  самокат
sleek sliːk  гладкий
software ˈsɒftweə  программного обеспечения
soundtrack ˈsaʊndtræk  звуковая дорожка
speciality coffees ˌspɛʃɪˈælɪti ˈkɒfiz  специальные сорта кофе
spotted ˈspɒtɪd  пятнистый
stylish ˈstaɪlɪʃ  стильный
swiftly ˈswɪftli  быстро
synonymous sɪˈnɒnɪməs  синонимичный
target ˈtɑːgɪt  мишень
techniques tɛkˈniːks  методы
traffic ˈtræfɪk  трафик
transport ˈtrænspɔːt  транспорт
tribute ˈtrɪbjuːt  дань
unemployment ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt  безработица
unhealthy ʌnˈhɛlθi  нездоровый
user-friendly ˈjuːzə-ˈfrɛndli  удобный
utilitarian ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteərɪən  утилитарный
valued ˈvæljuːd  ценный
vicar ˈvɪkə  викарий
violence ˈvaɪələns  насилие
vitally ˈvaɪtəli  жизненно
wasted ˈweɪstɪd  впустую
whisky ˈwɪski  виски
world domination wɜːld ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃən  мировое господство
worldwide ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd  Мировой
zipping ˈzɪpɪŋ проноситься

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Jamie Oliver
At only 28, Jamie Oliver is now an extremely successful and well known chef, with his own acclaimed restaurant in the centre of London. He has made quite a few TV series, written four books, and still does a large number of live shows a year. He doesn’t have many free days any more. How did he make it big?
Well, his rise to fame and fortune came early and swiftly. By the age of eight he had already started cooking at his parents’ pub. It was an easy way to earn a little pocket money! After a couple of years in catering college, and a little time spent in France, he started working in restaurants. He worked under a few famous chefs in London, before he was spotted by a TV producer at 21, and his life changed.
Even though he had hardly any experience, he had a lot of enthusiasm for cooking, and was very natural in front of the camera. His first TV programme featured him zipping around London on his scooter buying ingredients and cooking for his friends, all to a rock and roll soundtrack. The recipes were bare and simple - they didn’t involve complicated cooking techniques and used lots of fresh ingredients and herbs. It attracted a completely new audience that previously didn’t have any interest in food programmes. Jamie Oliver became an overnight success.
So what’s his recipe for success? ‘A little bit of luck, a little bit of passion, and a little bit of knowledge!’ he says.
T 62
1 ‘How much money have you got in your pocket?’ ‘About twenty euros.’
2 ‘How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?’
'It depends. I have milky coffee for breakfast, sometimes another mid-morning, then maybe one or two, black, after lunch and dinner.’
3 'How many times have you been on a plane?’ ‘About five or six.'
4 'How much time do you spend watching TV?’
‘A couple of hours a night, just before I go to bed, I suppose.’
How much sugar do you have in your coffee?’ 'lust half a spoonful in white coffee, and none in black.’
How many pairs of jeans do you have?'
Three. A black pair, a blue pair, and an old pair I wear when I do dirty jobs like cleaning the car.’ ‘I low many books do you read in one year?’
' I honestly don’t know. Ten? Fifteen? I read most when I’m on holiday.’
'How much homework do you get a night?’
Too much! About two hours, maybe? It depends.'
How many English teachers have you had?’
'Er... let me see... about ten, I guess.’
How many films do you watch a month?’
One or two in the cinema, and one or two on television.'

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T 63
1 There’s no need to rush. We’ve got masses of time.
2 She's got bags of money. I think she inherited it.
3 We've got heaps of food for the party. Don’t buy any more.
4 When my daughter comes back from university, she always brings piles of washing.
5 I can't see you today. I’ve got tons of things to do.
6 There were millions of people at the sales. I couldn’t be bothered to fight my way through them.

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T 64 Six radio adverts
1 S = Sarah M = Mummy
Sarah is five, anil this is her favourite play shirt. It’s pink, with fluffy yellow ducks. Sarah loves her play shirt.
S It’s my favourite.
Ami she wears it to play in the garden.
S Look what I’ve found. Mummy!
And you wash it at low temperature. And she wears it to play in the garden.
S Mummy! Look what I’ve made!
And you wash it. And she wears it to play in the garden.
M Sarah! What on earth ... ?
And after a while, the din builds up, so the pink isn't quite as pink, and the yellow ducks aren’t as fluffy. New System Sudso Automatic can help. Its advanced formula can remove ground-in dirt even at low temperatures. So the pink stays very pink, and the fluffy yellow ducks are happy again. Wash ...
S Mummy! Look what I’ve made!
... after wash...
S Look what I’ve found. Mummy!
... after wash...
M Sarah! Don’t you dare bring that in here!
New System Sudso Automatic. It’s all you could want from a powder.
2 A ’Ere, Bill! lust... just watch this. Look! Look at that car trying to park!
B Ooh! You’re joking! Ooh-ooh! Now that just has to be a woman driver. It must be.
A It’s gotta be. ’Ere, do you want some help, love? Hey, look! Look at her now! Look! Look!
B I don’t believe it! She’s just whacked that GTI! Are you all right, darling?
A It’s a bloke.
B Bloke. Oh. It was a tight space, though, wannit, eh? [Oh, yeah. | Really.
A Yeah, that space, very tight space. Yeah.
B Complicated.
Since men are responsible for 81% of parking offences and 96% of dangerous driving offences, why should women have to pay the same for car insurance? At Swinton, we have access to policies with up to 20% reductions for women. For a competitive quote, contact your local branch, or Freefone Swinton on 0800 600 700.
С = Child D = Daddy
С Daddy! Daddy! Today I did a painting of you! And I got two stars! And Miss Lewis says I was the best in class!
D You’re a very naughty girl! 
С Why daddy?
D Don’t argue with your father, young lady!
Now, go to your room ...! It’s no use crying about it. Go on! Go on! Get out!
Wednesday's UEFA Champion's League night. Manchester United - Bayern Munich.
7.30. ITV I. Do not disturb.
4 D = Daughter F = Father
D Well, Dad. I've decided which new car I’m getting.
F It’s all right for some. When I was your age ... D ... you counted yourself lucky to have a bike.
And that was second-hand.
F Now, well, that’s where you’re wrong, Miss Smarlypants. 1 was going to say that when 1 was twenty-two. I couldn’t even have afforded to insure a new car.
D Neither can I.
F Well, don’t expect me ...
D ... and I don’t have to. ’Cos all new Ford Escorts now come with one year’s free insurance, for anyone between 18 and 80. Which rules you out, anyway.
See your Thames Ford dealer now, as offer ends soon. Free insurance, subject to age and status.
F Just like your mother. Always have to have the last word.
D No I don’t.
5 Hi, this is Sue. Please leave a message.
Hi Sue. Met you last night. Just wondering if you -er want to meet up sometime. Erm, I’m going away soon, so maybe it could be soon. Er, don’t want to sound too keen. Not that I’m not keen, ’cos I am. Well, you know, within reason.
Anyway, maybe lunch, or maybe just a drink? Not that you shouldn’t do lunch, I mean you’re not, you're not fat -er, you’re not fat at all actually, you’ve got a great, -erm ... Not that that’s important, it, it’s personality that counts. Erm, anyway ...
Have a break. Have a Kit Kat.
6 P = Priest T = Tony
P Er-hem! Everyone! Welcome! We’re gathered here today, in the presence of others, to marry Tony and Helen. Helen, do you lake Tony to be your husband? Just nod. Tony, do you take her? T Iw...
P Lovely rings. Oop! Leave it! Leave it! Kiss! Lovely. Husband and wife. Wife, husband. Right. You’re married. Jolly good. I’m outa here. Come to IKEA after work. Bur don’t rush! We're open till 10 p.m. weeknights.

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T 65

T 66
Scotland imports a lot of its food from other countries. Its exports include oil, beef, and whisky. I’m very pleased with my English. I’m making a lot of progress.
Ministers are worried. There has been an increase in the number of unemployed.
But the number of crimes has decreased, so that’s good news.
How dare you call me a liar and a cheat! What an insult!
There was a demonstration yesterday. People were protesting about blood sports. 
7 He ran lOOm in 9.75 seconds and broke the world record.
8 Don't touch the DVD player! I’m recording a film.
9 Britain produces about 50% of its own oil.

T 67

T 68
1 A refuse collector.
2 An unidentified flying object.
3 A desert in northern Africa.
4 Presents!
5 The contents pages.
6 con'tent, mi'nute, contract, re'fuse, in'valid.
Page 061

1 A Mike! Long time no see! How are things?
В Good, thanks, Jeff. Business is booming.
What about yourself?
2 A I’m afraid something’s come up, and I can’t
make our meeting on the 6th.
В Never mind. Let’s go for the following week.
Is Wednesday the 13th good for you?
3 A What are your travel arrangements?
В I’m getting flight BA 2762, at 18.45.
4 A Could you confirm the details in writing?
В Sure. I’ll email them to you as an attachment.
5 A They want a deposit of 2 V: percent, which is
?7,500, and we... the two ... thousand ... ge... t... В Sorry, I didn’t quite get that last bit. What was it again?
6 A I'll give you ?5,250 for your car. That’s my
final offer.
В Great! It’s a deal. It’s yours.
7 A I don’t know their number offhand. Bear
with me while I look it up.
В No worries. I’ll hold.
8 A OK. Here’s their number. Are you ready? It’s
0800 205080.
В I’ll read that back to you. Oh eight double oh, two oh five, oh eight oh.
9 A So what’s your salary, Dave? 35K? 40K?
В Hey! Mind your own business! You wouldn’t tell anyone yours!
10 A Have you applied for that job?
В There’s no point. I’m not qualified for it. 1 wouldn't stand a chance.

T 6.10 See p61

















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