Lesson VIII. How Do You Like The Neighborhood?

Курсы английского
√ Places.
√ The neighborhood
√ There is, there are

stationery store ˈsteɪʃnəri stɔː  магазин канцтоваров
street striːt  улица
travel agency ˈtrævl ˈeɪʤənsi туристическое агентство
apartment (building) əˈpɑːtmənt (ˈbɪldɪŋ) жилой дом)
aquarium əˈkweərɪəm  аквариум
bank bæŋk  банк
air воздух
barber shop ˈbɑːbə ʃɒp  парикмахерская
bedroom ˈbɛdru(ː)m Спальня
bookstore ˈbʊkstɔː  книжный магазин
book bʊk книга
cafe ˈkæfeɪ  кафе
card kɑːd карта
coffee shop ˈkɒfi ʃɒp  кофейный магазин
crime kraɪm преступление
dance club dɑːns klʌb  танцевальный клуб
dining room ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm столовая
drug-store drʌg-stɔː  лекарственный магазин
idea aɪˈdɪə идея
gas station gæs ˈsteɪʃən  бензоколонка, автозаправка
kitchen ˈkɪʧɪn кухня
grocery store ˈgrəʊsəri stɔː  продуктовый магазин
living room ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm гостиная
hotel həʊˈtɛl Гостиница
ocean ˈəʊʃən океан
laundromat laundromat  прачечная-автомат
paper (= stationery) ˈpeɪpə (= ˈsteɪʃnəri) бумага (= канцелярские принадлежности)
library ˈlaɪbrəri  библиотека
pollution pəˈluːʃən загрязнение
(science) museum (ˈsaɪəns) mju(ː)ˈzɪəm музей науки
public transportation ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃən общественный транспорт
park pɑːk  парк
suburbs ˈsʌbɜːbz предместья
pay phone peɪ fəʊn  таксофон
traffic ˈtræfɪk трафик
post office pəʊst ˈɒfɪs Почта
unemployment                              ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt  безработица
shopping centre ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˈsɛntə  торговый центр
water ˈwɔːtə воды
busy ˈbɪzi  занятый
downtown ˈdaʊntaʊn в центре города
clean kliːn  чистый
nearby ˈnɪəbaɪ рядом, поблизости
close kləʊs Закрыть
convenient kənˈviːnjənt  удобный
important ɪmˈpɔːtənt  важный
in (the shopping centre/your neighbourhood) ɪn (ðə ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˈsɛntə/jɔː ˈneɪbəhʊd) в (торговый центр / ваш район)
low ləʊ  низкий
near nɪə  возле
on (Pine Street/Third Avenue) ɒn (paɪn striːt/θɜːd ˈævɪnjuː) на (Pine (Сосновой) улице / Третьей авеню)
quiet ˈkwaɪət  тихо
safe seɪf безопасно
by the way baɪ ðə weɪ Кстати
borrow ˈbɒrəʊ  курган
in fact ɪn fækt на самом деле
dry draɪ  сухой
of course ɒv kɔːs конечно
happen ˈhæpən  случаться
make (a reservation) meɪk (ə ˌrɛzəˈveɪʃən) зарезервировать
move in muːv ɪn  входить
trade (places) treɪd (ˈpleɪsɪz) торговля (места)
wash wɒʃ мыть

Asking for and giving locations.
Is there a/an . . . around here?
Yes, there is. There’s one ....
No, there isn’t, but there’s one .... Sorry, I don’t know.
Are there any . . . near here?
Yes, there are. There are some .... No, there aren’t, but there are some . . I’m not sure, but I think ....
Asking about quantities.
How much ... is there? There’s a lot/a little/none. There isn’t much/any.
How many . . . are there? There are a lot/a few/none. There aren’t many/any.
Giving opinions
I bet....
that's the trouble




1. Countable and uncountable nouns
Singular Plural
a bookstore (some) bookstores
an apartment (some) apartments
2. Some and any
Is there a bookstore?
Are there any bookstores?
There are some bookstores.
There aren’t any bookstores.
(some) traffic (some) noise
Is there traffic? any traffic?
There is some traffic.
There isn’t any traffic.










Workbook Answer Key
How do you like the neighborhood?
Exercise 1 A
2. dance club
3. gas station
4. grocery store
5. movie theater
6. pay phone
7. post office
8. shopping center
9. travel agency
2. A: We want to go dancing. Are there any dance clubs
near here?
B: No, there aren’t, but there are some on Main Street.
3. A: I want to send this letter. Is there a post office
around here?
B: Yes, there’s one next to the laundromat.
4. A: I need to make a phone call. Are there any pay
phones around here?
B: Yes, there are some across from the library.
5. A: I need some gas. Are there any gas stations on this
B: No, there aren’t, but there are a couple on Second Avenue.
6. A: We need to make a reservation for a trip.
Is there a travel agency near here?
B: Yes, there’s one near the Sheraton Hotel.
Exercise 2
Possible answers:
3. There’s a laundromat on the corner of 1st Street and Oak in A, but there isn’t one in B. There’s a hospital.
4. There’s a grocery store on Elm Street in B, but there isn’t one in A.
5. There’s a restaurant on the corner of 3rd Street and Oak in A, but there isn’t one in B. There’s a drugstore.
6. There’s a bank on the corner of 2nd Street and Oak in A, but there isn’t one in B. There’s a department store.
7. There’s a post office on the corner of 3rd and Birch in A, but there isn’t one in B. There’s a movie theater.
8. There’s a supermarket on the corner of 2nd and Elm in A, but there isn’t one in B.
9. There are some houses on 3rd Street in A, but there aren’t any in B. There are some apartments.
10. There’s a barber shop on 4th Street in A, but there isn’t one in B. There’s a coffee shop.
Exercise 3
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Is there a post office near here?
There’s one on the corner of Birch Street and 3rd Avenue.
3. I’m looking for a drugstore.
There’s one opposite the gas station.
4. Is there a laundromat in this neighborhood?
There’s one next to the YWCA.
5. Is there a department store on Birch Street?
There’s one between the travel agency and the gym.
6. Are there any pay phones around here?
There are some in front of the post office.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5 В
very noisy, streets full of people traffic is terrible parking is a big problem too quiet
not many shops, no clubs or theaters nothing ever really happens

Exercise 6 Countable nouns
building bank people hospital theater school
Exercise 7
2. How many buses are there?
3. How much traffic is there?
4. How many banks are there?
5. How many people are there?
6. How much crime is there?
Exercise 8
Alex: Sure. There are a lot. There’s a great club across fro® the National Bank, but it’s expensive.
Luis: Well, are there any others?
Alex: Yeah, there are a few. There’s a nice one near here. It’s called Sounds of Brazil.
Luis: That’s perfect! Where is it exactly?
Alex: It’s on Third Avenue, between the Royal Theater and May’s Restaurant.
Luis: So let’s go.
Exercise 9
1. I’m going to the stationery store to get some birthday cards.
2. We’re taking a long drive. We need to go to the gas station.
3. I live on the 8th floor of my apartment building.
4. Our apartment is in the center of the city. We live downtown near the shopping center near the bus station safe a lot of parks good schools very little crime Suburbs
Uncountable nouns
There aren’t any. There’s only a little. There are a couple. There are a few. There’s a lot.

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