Cinema in Your Life. Lesson 2

Наречие. Упражнение на very, too, quite, extremely


Занятие 1



1. If I were asked to cite a single reason, for your pre­eminence, I would point to your creation of a special world.

If you could have shot this in colour, would you have?
I would certainly give you the number of my room if I had one.
I wouldn't have gone, if I hadn't made up my mind.

2. When I was a child, I suffered from an almost complete lack of words.

The headmaster showed a considerable lack of cooperation with the governing body.
The plants died for lack of water. His lack of wit was quite evident.

3. Was it only the accident of the puppet theatre that sent you the way of theatre rather than of books?

It was a foolish rather than a malicious remark.

He relied on his wit rather than his knowledge.

She is ignorant rather than stupid.

4. Do you direct it in your head? — In a way.

Did the play impress you? — In a way.
The work was well done in a way.
He is clever in a way.

5. What I need is to come in contact with others.

What the child needs is punishment.
What the fellow needs is self-respect.
What I need is advice.

6. My impulse has nothing to do with intellect or symbolism.

It has nothing to do with the original plan.
My decision has nothing to do with your explanation.
The answer has nothing to do with the question.

1. Complete the following sentences using the Speech Patterns:


1. It was ... a witty remark. 2. The officer is stubborn ... . 3. The family suffered for .... 4. If I were invited to the concert .... 5. ... is courage. 6. The article ... art. 7. She is known for ... . 8. ... to go and see for yourself. 9. She is an experienced secretary ... . 10. Your re­mark ... with the problem under discussion. 11. She should be in­terested ... . 12. He spoke ungraciously ... . 13. She is poor and al­ways feels ... . 14. If Pete had many friends ... . 15. ... is discretion. 16. ... with Adam's arrival. 17. I liked Maurice ... until I got to know him. 18. The children were noisy .... 19. ... I would say he was right.


2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Speech Patterns:

1. He is not concerned with their accommodation. 2. I think the room was not so cold, it was very damp. 3. The girl said she liked hiking, though she disliked certain things. 4. I can't accept her ex­planation, but at least I can understand it. 5. I wish you hadn't made an appointment with the lady, but I am not in your place. 6. The girl wasn't plain. She was clumsy. 7. I have no dealings with the papers. 8. He showed that he was unable to find words with which to express his thanks. 9. I think the group requires some extra help. 10. He is a boring person. I don't find him amusing. 11. She has no relationship with the Browns. 12. Everybody knows that she has little wisdom. 13. She requires a good rest. 14. The good-natured March girls managed to lead interesting lives de­spite the family's reduced circumstances. 15. "Tell me all about it, Jo. I must know everything."

3. Translate the following sentences into English:


1. Он скорее мудрый человек, нежели хитрый. 2. Безусловно, ваши предложения по-своему значимы, но они не затрагивают глу­бины процесса. 3. Его речь характеризуется недостатком такта. 4. Если не будет удушающей жары, мы отправимся в путешествие уже завтра утром. 5. Отсутствие сплетен — вот, что вам необходимо. 6. Ко мне это не имеет никакого отношения. 7. Мы согласны, что это скорее допустимое решение проблемы, а не разумный выход из по­ложения. 8. Этот художник по-своему талантлив, но мне его картины не нравятся. 9. Недостаток времени не позволил молодому ученому завершить эксперимент. 10. Ваши замечания не затрагивают суще­ства ее работы. 11. Спокойный, надежный человек для руководства отделом— вот, что им нужно. 12. Если бы ты не положила столько соли в воду, огурцы бы не горчили. 13. Я бы охарактеризовала его скорее как опытного педагога, а не как талантливого учителя. 14. За­труднительное материальное положение в семье не помешало ей по­дучить высшее образование.


A.Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern.

4.Make up a dialogue using the Speech Patterns and act it out.

Vocabulary Notes

1. point n 1) the sharp end., tip, as the point of a pin (needle, knife, stick, pen, pencil, weapon, tool, etc.); 2) a small dot or a full stop, as 4.6 (four point six); 3) the essential thing, part, the most important thing in a speech, story, action, etc., e. g. The point is that it is no ordinary case. 1 don't see your point. You've missed the whole point, to the point relevant to the subject, as to come (to stick, to be) to the point, g. I wish he would come to the point. to speak (to stick, to keep, to be) to the point, e. g. Your answer is not to the point, ant. to be off the point, с g . Your answer is off the point, to make a point of doing smth. to regard smth. as essential, e. g. He made a point of reading English every day. 4) a single item; to agree (or disagree) on some points, e. g. We disagreed on several points. 5) special quality, as one's weak (strong) point, e. g. Singing is not his strong point. 6) purpose, use, e. g. What's your point in coming? There is no (not much) point in doing I hat. His remarks lack point. 7) a precise or particular moment, as a turning point in one's life, e. g. At this point in his reflections he paused. When it came to the point (when the moment for action came), he refused to help, to be on the point of doing smth. to be about to do smth., e. g. He was on the point of leaving. 8) a stage or degree, as the boiling (freezing, melting) point; 9) a unit measuring gain or loss, r. g. He scored 23 points. 10) a position from which something is viewed, as a point of view, e. g. My point of view is different.

point vt/i 1) to call attention to, e. g. He pointed to a large building. 2) to point out. to show, e. g. The teacher pointed out several mistakes in I ho composition (to the student).

pointless adj without aim or purpose, meaningless, as pointless questions, remarks.

2.dream n 1) thoughts or images passing through the mind during sleep, as to have bad dreams, to awake from a dream, e. g. I had a funny dream last night. 2) something imagined, e. g. She had dreams of being an actress".

dream vi 1) to imagine, fancy, e. g. Don't waste time dreaming. I never dreamt of suspecting him. 2) to have dreams, see in a dream, r. g. He often dreams. Stop dreaming and get on with your work.

dreamy adj given to reverie, fanciful, vague, as dreamy eyes, e. g. John lay listening to the dreamy music.

dreamer n one who dreams; one who has impractical or romantic ideas or plans.

3. mixvt/i 1) to make or prepare by putting together, e. g. Mix I he eggs with milk before you fry them. Oil and water will not mix. 2) to mix up to confuse, e. g. Don't mix up these two words. She mixes up I hose two sounds. 3) to be mixed up in smth. to be involved in smth., e.g . I won't be mixed up in this affair.

mixer n 1) a kitchen utensil or an electric appliance having one or more beaters and used in mixing, beating, blending, etc. foodstuffs. 2) one who associates with others in society, e. g. He is a good mixer.

mixed adj 1) consisting of different things of the same general kind, as a mixed school, mixed feelings, e. g. We were a mixed company.

2) confused, as to get mixed, e. g. Everything has got mixed in my head. You are getting mixed.

4. suspicion n a feeling of doubt or distrust, as to arouse suspicion,, e. g. His manner aroused suspicion, above suspicion, e. g. He is above suspicion, on suspicion, e. g. He was arrested on suspicion of murder. under suspicion, e. g. He is under suspicion.

suspicious adj 1) causing suspicion, e. g. A suspicious-looking man was seen in the street. 2) feeling or showing suspicion, to be (to get, to feel) suspicious of smb. about smth. e. g. The people were at first suspicious of the newcomer.

suspect vt 1) to believe in the possible or probable guilt of smb.; to suspect smb. of smth., e. g. He was suspected of theft. 2) to think likely, to suppose, e. g. I suspected that she was insincere.

5. conscious adj 1) feeling, realizing, as to be conscious of one's mistakes, guilt, faults, danger, smb.'s presence, a pain, etc.; syn. aware; ant. unconscious, unaware; 2) having the power to know that one can think and feel, e. g. Man is a conscious being. He spoke with conscious superiority. 3) (predic.) having possession of one's senses, e. g. The old man was conscious to the last. ant. unconscious, e. g. She lay unconscious until the doctor gave her an injection, self-conscious too keenly aware of one's own manners and appearance, e. g. She is too self-conscious to feel at ease among strangers.

consciousness n the state of being conscious; to lose consciousness to faint, e. g. The blow caused him to lose consciousness, to recover (regain) consciousness to come to, e. g. He did not recover (regain) consciousness until two hours after the accident.

6. interfere vi 1) to meddle, as to interfere in a matter (in an argument, in one's affairs); 2) to hinder, to bother, as to interfere with one's independence, e. g. Don't interfere with me. Something always interferes. I hope I'm not interfering?

interfering adj meddling, trying to get involved in other people's affairs or to give them advice, as interfering people.

interference n interfering, e. g. He hated interference.

7. constant adj 1) going on all the time; frequently recurring, as constant complaints, e. g. He suffered from constant sleeplessness. 2) firm, faithful, unchanging, as a constant friend, e. g. He has been constant in his devotion to scientific studies, syn. permanent; ant. temporary.

constantly adv continuously, frequently, e. g. His name is constantly mentioned in the gossip column.

8. resist vt 1) to oppose, to use force against in order to prevent the advance (of), as to resist the enemy (attack, authority, police), e. g. The man was killed resisting arrest. 2) to try not to yield to, to keep oneself back from, as resist temptation, e. g. He could resist no longer. She can't resist chocolates (to resist is often used in the negative). He couldn't resist her suggestion (will, charm, fascination), one cannot resist doing smth. one cannot keep from doing smth., e. g. She couldn't resist making jokes about his boldness.

resistance n 1) power of resisting, as to break down the enemy's resistance, to make (offer) no (little) resistance; 2) opposing force, as wrinkle-resistance fabric, e. g. An aircraft has to overcome the resistance of the air. She baked the pie in a heat-resistant dish. the line of least resistance direction in which a force meets least opposition, e. g. At the beginning of his career Andrew Manson never followed the line of least resistance.

irresistible adj too strong, convincing, delightful, etc. to be resisted, us irresistible desires (temptation, fascination), e. g. On this hot day the lea was irresistible.

9. reflect vt/i 1) to throw back (light, heat or sound); to give back an image, e. g. The mirror reflected her face. 2) to cause, to be ascribed to, e.g. His behavior reflects his upbringing. His success reflects credit on his trainer. 3) to think back, to ponder, to meditate, to consider fully, e.g. The old man reflected on his past. I must reflect upon what answer in make.

reflection 1) the act of reflecting, as the reflection of light; ,') profound thinking or consideration, e. g. He was lost in reflection, on reflection after consideration, e. g. On reflection he agreed with our plan. 11 an opinion arrived at after consideration, e. g. We are waiting to hear his reflections on the book's merits.

10. admire vt to look at with pleasure (satisfaction, respect or wonder), us to admire smb.'s presence of mind (smb. for his courage); to admire ,i picture (a statue, etc.).

admirable ['ædmerebl] adj very good indeed, e. g. I think it would be .in admirable opportunity.

admiration n wonder excited by beauty or excellence, as to have (to Admiration for smb., to win (to arouse) smb.'s admiration.


Word Combinations and Phrases

to suffer from

as a result

to have great difficulty with

to resemble smb./smth.

to be smb.’cup of tea

contact with smb.

to raise a problem

to have impact on smb.

to make oneself clear

to react to smth.

to influence smb., to have an in­fluence on smb.

to (in) some degree

to succeed in smth.

5.Make up and practise a short situation using the word combinations and phrases .
6.Make up and act out a dialogue using the word combinations and phrases.


By Ch. Samuels

Interviewing Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman — a famous Swedish film director, writer and theatre pro­ducer was born in 1918. His psychological films are well known all over the world. Crisis (1945), Smiles of Summer Night (1956), Seventh Seal (1957), Wild Strawberries (1958), The Silence (1963), Autumn Sonata (1978) are only a few films made by him. I.Bergman himself wrote the scripts for most of his films and won awards for many of them. In the focus of his attention people's fates are put. The people usu­ally have a lot of problems. Bergman focuses attention on the fate of individuals, mi their problems and their search for life's meaning. Many of his characters are isolated people who suffer from the harsh realities of the cruel world in which they live. It is difficult to understand the majority of Bergman's films since the distinction between reality and the world of the imagination is blurred.
Samuels: Mr. Bergman, I'd like to start with a rather general question: If I were asked to cite a single reason for your pre-emi­nence among film directors, I would point to your creation of a spe­rm I world. You are, in fact, very much like a writer. Why didn't you become one?

Bergman: When I was a child, I suffered from an almost com­plete lack of words. My education was very rigid; my father was a priest. As a result, I lived in a private world of my own dreams. I played with my puppet theatre.

S.: And —

В.: Excuse me. I had very few contacts with reality or channels to it. I was afraid of my father, my mother, my elder brother — eve­rything. Playing with this puppet theatre and a projection device

I had was my only form of self-expression. I had great difficulty with fiction and reality; as a small child I mixed them up so much that my family always said I was a liar.

S.: I want to interrupt you for just a moment. This description of your childhood resembles one classic description of the genesis of a writer. Was it only the accident of the puppet theatre that sent you the way of theatre rather than of books?

В.: No. When I began writing I liked it very much. But I never felt that writing was my cup of tea. And I always lacked words; it has always been very difficult for me to find the word I want. I have always felt suspicious both of what I say and what others say to me. I always feel something has been left out. When I read a book, I read very slowly. It takes me a lot of time to read a play.

S.: Do you direct it in your head"?

В.: In a way. I have to translate the words into speeches, flesh and blood. I have an enormous need for contact with an audience, with other people. For me, words are not satisfying.

S.: With a book, the reader is elsewhere.

В.: When you read, words have to pass through your conscious mind to reach your emotions and your soul. In film and theatre, things go directly to the emotions. What I need is to come in con­tact with others.

S.: I see that, but it raises a problem I'm sure you've often dis­cussed. Your films have emotional impact, but since they are also the most intellectually difficult of contemporary films, isn't there sometimes a contradiction between the two effects? How do you react when I say that while I watched "The Rite", my feelings were interfered with by my baffled effort at comprehension?

В.: Your approach is wrong. I never asked you to understand, I ask only that you feel.

S.: And the film asks me to understand. The film continuously makes us wonder what the spectacle means.

В.: But that's you.

S.: It's not the film?

В.: No. "The Rite" merely expresses my resentment against the critics, audience, and government, with which I was in constant battle while I ran the theatre. A year after my resignation from the post, I sat down and wrote the script in five days. The picture is just a game.

S.: To puzzle the audience?

В.: Exactly. I liked writing it very much and even more making it. We had a lot of fun while we were shooting. My purpose was I just to amuse myself and the audience. Do you understand what I mean?

S.: I understand, but certain members of the audience can't re­sist pointing out that Bergman is sending messages, he thinks, but what are they and why?

В.: You must realize — this is very important! — I never ask people to understand what I have made. Stravinsky once said, "I have never understood a piece of music in my life. I always only feel."

S.: But Stravinsky was a composer. By its nature, music is non-discursive; we don't have to understand it. Films, plays, poems, novels all make propositions or observations, embody ideas or be­liefs, and we go to these forms

В.: But you must understand that your view is distorted. You be­long to a small minority that tries to understand. I never try to un­derstand. Music, films, plays always work directly on the emotions.

S.: I must disagree. I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear —

В.: I must tell you before we go on to more complicated things: I make my pictures for use! They are made to put me in contact with other human beings. My impulse has nothing to do with intel­lect or symbolism: it has only to do with dreams and longing, with hope and desire, with passion.

S.: Does it bother you when critics interpret you through these Hems?

В.: Not at all. And let me tell you, I learn more from critics who honestly criticize my pictures than from those who are devout. And I hey influence me. They help me change things. You know that actors often change a film, for better or worse.

S.: May I ask you how "The Touch" differs from the one you intended?

В.: I intended to paint a portrait of an ordinary woman, for whom everything around was a reflection. Bibi Anderson is a close friend of mine -— a lovely and extremely talented actress. She is totally-oriented towards reality, always needing motives for what she does. I admire her and love her. But she changed the film. What Bibi Anderson did made the film more comprehensible for ordinary people and more immediately powerful. I agreed with all her changes.

S.: You use music less and less in your films. Why?

В.: Because I think that film itself is music, and I can't put music in music.

S.: If you could have shot all your films in colour, would you have?

В.: No. Because it is more fascinating to shoot in black and white and force people to imagine the colours.

S.: Do you work in colour now — to any degree — because you feel that the audience demands it?

B.: No. I like it. At the beginning, it was painful, but now I like it.

S.: Why do you use so much dialogue in your films?

В.: Because human communication occurs through words. I tried once to eliminate language, in "The Silence", and I feel that picture is excessive.

S.: It's too abstract.

S.: Some people have criticized your films for being too theatri­cal — particularly — the early ones. How do you answer this charge?

В.: I am a director —

S.: But aren't the two forms different?

В.: Completely. In my earlier pictures, it was very difficult for me to go from directing in the theatre to directing films. I had al­ways felt technically crippled — insecure with the crew, the camer­as, the sound equipment — everything. Sometimes a film succeed­ed, but I never got what I wanted to get. But in "Summer Interlude", I suddenly felt that I knew my profession.

S.: Do you have any idea why?

B.: I don't know, but for heaven's sake a day must always come along when finally one succeeds in understanding his profession! I'm so impressed by young directors now who know how to make a film from the first moment.

S.: But they have nothing to say. (Bergman laughs.)

7. Retell Text a) in indirect speech; b) as if you were I.Bergman or Ch. Samuels.

8. Give a summary of Text Two.

9. Put twenty questions to the text.


10. Note down from Text the sentences containing the word combina­tions and phrases and translate them into Russian.


11. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases.

1. She gave the impression that she was deciding to change her course of action and to get in touch with Miss Tant. 2. Nobody could consider Ogden Street very attractive but her words always had a powerful effect upon me. 3. Jo opened her lips to say some­thing rude, but checked herself to a certain extent. 4. At last he at­tained a desired end. 5. Her only reply to this absurd protest was a little peal of laughter. 6. He vigorously uttered his point of view: "My dear young lady, I don't believe you can read a map." 7. He has constant headaches. 8. Major Dunker doesn't think that poetry interests or suits him. 9. His reaction to Walter's remark was very amusing. 10. Professor Dulwick's lectures always produce a great impression upon his audience. 11. The object has a resemblance to a lopsided vase. 12. Mrs. Oakroyd says she has some trouble with her children. 13. Louisa always acted as Nelly wanted, the latter had great power over her. 14. Hard workers always have success. 15.The effect of his speech on the audience was quite unexpected.
16. Perhaps curiosity might have conquered resentment to a cer­tain extent. 17. He replied simply but with great dignity and his an­swer left no doubt about his decision. 18. A committee is to be set. up to investigate the effect of television on children. 19. The group accomplished their purpose.

12.Translate the following sentences into English using the word combina­tions and phrases:

1. Эта студентка чрезвычайно застенчива. Ей, возможно, будет трудно наладить контакт с группой. 2, В некотором отношении ее объяснениям можно верить. 3. Он преуспел в жизни. 4. Джо всегда оказывал на нее большое влияние. 5. Ковры пострадали от сырости. 6. Ваш рассказ напоминает сюжет фильма, который я не так давно видел. 7. Большое скопление ядерного оружия в современном мире поднимает чрезвычайно важную проблему его скорейшего уничтожения. 8. Переход средней школы к одиннадцатилетнему обязатель­ному образованию ставит разнообразные задачи перед учителями. ') В результате их обсуждения мистер Мэйсон получит всю необхо­димую информацию. 10. У режиссера были серьезные трудности попой труппой. 11. Как ты относишься к классической музыке? — им не в моем вкусе. Я больше люблю джаз. 12. Ученые надеются, что в ХХI веке жители Земли смогут вступить в контакт с иными цивилизациями. 13. Обилие рек и озер имеет большое влияние на образование микроклимата местности. 14. Мистер Мэнсвес с достоинством отреагировал на замечание своего брата. 15. Он высказался достаточно ясно. 16. Его группа занимается изучением воздействия этого вещества на жизнь микроорганизмов. 17. Эти овощи по форме напоминают груши. Что это ?

13.Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words word combinations in bold type:

A. 1. They had no sooner sat down to table, that he went straight to the point. 2. Myra watched us both tensely, but I knew that how­ever hard she listened, she was bound to miss the point. 3. I have made a point of travelling with a large sack filled to the brim with I I looks to suit every possible occasion and every mood. 4. "There is no point in carrying your troubles home with you. You're sup­posed to leave them in the office," said Tom. 5. What one would do theoretically is not always what one will do when it comes to the point. 6. I woke up to find the hands of my clock pointing to eight o'clock. 7. There are some dreams, known to most people, in which every action slows down, and each movement takes place as though the dreamer's feet were stuck in treacle. 8. The ship was to be built at last. The dream was to be realized. 9. Strickland lived in a dream and reality meant nothing to him. 10. Dressed in white, with her golden hair streaming over her shoulders she looked a perfect dream. 11. A dreamy look came into the mother's eyes. 12. Last night I dreamed I went to Manderley again. 13. I am not sure however that the news inspires me with feelings of unmixed de­light. 14. I realized with mixed feelings that an important part of her happiness consisted in looking after me. 15. He must have got mixed up in something in Chicago. 16. Through a mixture of good luck and good management I had done well in the Bar examina­tions. 17. Did you get appointments mixed or something? 18. She never seemed to mix with other children. 19. There was a smell of petrol from the Bayswater Road, mixed with the smell of spring. 20. The day he first drifted into their crowded busy rooms, they all suspected him of being a spy. 21. I am now pretty sure that my first suspicion is justified. 22. The door was unlocked from inside and the face of George appeared, peering out suspiciously. 23.1 suspected at once that his unfortunate brother had been caus­ing trouble again. 24. In that remote village people were suspi­cious of strangers. 25. Dick in an unconscious gesture, ran his hand over his hair and ajusted the scarf. 26. Both she and Jane were rather conscious of their ages and conscious of having put their first youth behind them. 27. For the first time she was con­scious of a second self, whose existence she had not suspected. 28. She was never at a loss for something to say, never conscious of groping around for a topic. 29. There was no noise, no effort, no „consciousness in anything he did; but in everything an indescrib­able lightness, which was so graceful.

B. 1. You ought to know me well enough by now to know that I would never let sentiment interfere with business. 2. Evidently his little adventure had not interfered with either his spirits or his ap­petite. 3. Old Thomas had never interfered to the smallest degree in the affairs of others. 4. Don't you realize that any interference at this stage can be extremely dangerous? 5. The constant chatter of the children prevented him from working. 6. His health was seri­ously affected and he suffered from constant sleeplessness. 7. The crops are high, they need constant care and the work is hard. 8. For centuries the atom resisted all attempts to discover the se­cret of its structure. 9. My heart still resisted what my head was telling me. 10. They caught him by the wrist and led him; he went without resistance. 11. It was years since any woman had spoken to him in that way; Mr. Honey was irresistibly reminded of his dead wife. 12. This is only a short story but the author's outlook is re­flected in it. 13. Alan's lamplit figure was reflected clearly in the window beside his desk. 14. Sea voyages promote reflection. 15. At this point in his reflections he arrived at Riskin Street. 16. He had gone to Switzerland to admire the landscape. 17. As he sat at tea with the family all his admiration for the charm and prettiness of the girl filled him afresh. 18. "Cecily lives at my place in the country under the charge of her admirable governess," said Jack. 19. I admired tremendously the way he defended us. 20. His self-control aroused my helpless admiration. 21.1 think you've caught the tune admirably.

14.Find in Text the English equivalents for:

привести хотя бы одну причину; исключительное положение сре­ди режиссеров; соприкосновение с действительностью; кинопроек­тор; рождение писателя; мне всегда не хватало слов; огромная по­требность иметь контакт с аудиторией; обида на критиков; руководить театром; музыка не исходит из веления разума; вы все воспринимаете в искаженном свете; в фильме слишком много изоб­ражения; ощущать техническую несостоятельность.

15. Explain what is meant by:

1. I had very few contacts with reality or channels to it. 2. I never left that writing was my cup of tea. 3. Always I feel something has been left out. 4. My feelings were interfered with my baffled effort at comprehension. 5. I ran the theatre. 6. Bergman is sending mes­sages, he thinks, but what are they and why? 7. Music is nondiscursive. 8. She is totally oriented towards reality. 9. I feel that picture is excessive. 10. Some people have criticized your films for being too theatrical. 11. I had always felt technically crippled ... . 12. I sud­denly felt that I knew my profession.


16.Answer the following questions and do the given tasks:

1. What do you know about I.Bergman? Have you seen any of his films? Would you agree with Ch.Samuels that I.Bergman has created a special world in them? Are they different from the films the general public is used to? 2. What, in Bergman's opinion, pre­vented him from becoming a writer? Do you think film directors' and writers' activities have something in common? If your answer is "yes" — what is it? If "no" — explain why. 3. How does the di­rector explain the fact that '.'words for him are not satisfying!" ? Can you accept such an explanation? Give your reasons. 4. Would you agree with I.Bergman that films and books have quite, different im­pacts upon the audience? Justify your point of view. 5. Do you think every film should have a certain message, convey various ideas to the audience or just rouse our feelings? Would you agree with the director that the audience should "only feel" without un­derstanding what is happening on the screen? 6. Comment upon Stravinsky's words: "I never understood a piece of music in my life, I always only feel." Do you think the impact of films and music on the audience is comparable? 7. Would you agree with I.Bergman that Ch.Samuels's comprehension of films is distorted and that music, films, plays always work directly on the emotions? 8. I.Bergman's films are considered the most intellectually difficult contemporary films. Can you explain why? 9. During the interview Bergman says that what he needs is to come in contact with others. Do you think the director has achieved this contact in his films? 10. What do you think of the director's aim to create films "just to amuse himself" and the audience? Do you think such films should be made? Why? 11. What is I.Bergman's reaction to criticism? Can critics influence cinema production? directors? 12. I. Bergman thinks that actors can change a film for better or worse. Can you explain in what way? 13. Why does the director use less and less music in his films? Does his explanation sound convincing? What is the place of music in cinema production as you see it? 14. Would you agree with the director's opinion that shooting in black and white is preferable. Do you think that colour films produce a more powerful effect upon the audience? Justify your point of view. 15. What, in your opinion, is the role of dialogue in a film? Should camera-work or dialogues predominate in films? Does it depend upon the genre? 16. Why do you think I.Bergman felt technically insecure when he began his job as a film director? 17. Do you think that experience and skill are of great importance in the field of act­ing? directing? other professions? Do you think it natural for a person to have doubts as to his own proficiency, skill or do you think people usually know what to do and how to do it from the first moment? 18. Do you really think that a day comes to each per­son when he suddenly feels that he knows his profession? Explain what usually helps people to achieve this.

17. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

A. 1. I don't quite understand what you mean. 2. I've made it a rule to get up early every day, and I'm none the worse for it. 3. There seems no reason for prolonging this interview. 4. He's just about to go, you'd better speak to him right now. 5. He called our attention to the statue on which lay patches of snow. 6. He couldn't live without his work, it would make life meaningless. 7. Don't waste time imagining impossible things. 8. She wouldn't even think of doing such a thing. 9. He is quite' an impractical person and lives in a world of fantasy. 10. What ideas did you have during sleep last night? 11. Don't get involved in the affair. 12. We can sometimes combine business with pleasure. 13. He does not get on well with other people. 14. Of course, I've confused the two songs. 15. It was odd, what a variety of motives I had. 16. As for him I have no doubt of his innocence. 17. Every eye was turned upon Bosin-ncy; all waited with a strange distrustful look for his answer. 18. Still a feeling of doubt and distrust was in the air, and there was much talk. 19. I know I've done wrong. 20. The blow caused him to faint. 21. He is too keenly aware of his drawback. 22. Emil was aware of a new emptiness in his life.

B. 1. Don't busy yourself with this, Frank, this is my affair entirely. 2. There's something hindering the telephone connection. 3. Maxim always tries to take an active but unwelcome part in my activity. 4. Her unceasing nagging irritated Robert. 5. He is my faithful friend. 6. I didn't yield to an impulse to move back. 7. The movement against occupying forces was getting stronger. 8. After thinking about it carefully, I found it necessary to warn her. 9. The pavements were damp and they threw back the yellow light. 10. He rоused himself unwillingly from his thoughts upon the past experi­ences and rose to his feet. 11. Rudolf yielded to the temptation without feeling mean about it afterwards. 12. She is a woman long accustomed to respect and flattery. 13. "Doesn't she look glori­ous?" said a young man at the ball-room door, with deep wonder excited by the girl's beauty.

 18. Explain or comment on the following sentences:


A. 1. That's hardly the point at the moment. 2. You're tired out or you'd see the point at once. 3. You've missed the whole point of the story. 4. His comments are always to the point. 5. Does he make a point of always pretending not to notice me? 6. Try and see it from her point of view. 7. But with all her education, learning was never Kate's strong point, she got on perfectly well without it. 8. There wasn't any point in arguing, so I gave in. 9. We saw that Robert had reached the breaking-point. 10. When it came to the point, he proved to be unreliable. 11. I'll point out a turn when one is required. 12. It's pointless to worry about it now. 13. Goring stared after him, tempted to catch him. 14. I myself might have painted the portrait. The forlorn dark eyes gazed steadily back at me, sharing, or at least understanding, as it seemed, my foolish boyish dreams. 15. It all happened dreamily as though it were hap­pening to someone else. 16. Even Paul, she thought, only existed now as someone she had dreamed about. 17. Space travel used to be just a dream. 18. Her feelings were a mixture of joy and anxiety. 19. At the unexpected question everything got mixed up in my head. 20. If anything happens, mind that he isn't mixed up in that. 21. I still had mixed feelings about seeing her. 22. He was a good mixer and soon made friends with everybody. 23. I have a strong suspicion that when I'm not with you, you don't give me much thought. 24. It was only then that I suspected him of teasing me. 25. As the door closed behind him, he looked round him with fierce, startled eyes, like one who suspects a trap at every turn. 26. She went on talking quite unconscious that she had said the wrong thing. 27. He's well aware of what is going on at the office. 28. She's aware of her shortcomings and that makes her self-con­scious.

B. 1. I know Bella well enough to know that she wouldn't put up with any interference with her liberty of action. 2. If people inter­fere with you it's because you like it. 3. Our well-meant inter­ference was really rather a pity. 4. He was tired of his wife's con­stant complaints. 5. I am indignant with her for her constant ab­sence. 6. He was too tired to resist the pain. 7. As soon as Finn suggested this idea it seemed to all of us an irresistible one. 8. A good advertisement should not arouse resistance in the public. 9. She felt an irresistible urge to go and order a new dress. 10. On reflection she felt sure that you have done the right thing. 11. But then, I reflected, he may have been perfectly sincere. 12. The sun was setting red behind the pine trees, the evening sky reflected it­self in the pools. 13. I must reflect upon what answer to give. 14. A moment's reflection made him realize that she was right. 15. "That's fine," he mumbled in admiration. 16. And I dare say I'll make him an admirable wife as wives go. 17. I admire your ease in answering such a question.

19. Give English equivalents for the following phrases:


упустить самое главное; говорить по существу; быть склонным принять предложение; фантазер; страшный сон; видеть во сне; меч-гать стать художником; быть замешанным в каком-л. деле; общитель­ный человек; спутать адреса; смешать муку с сахаром; по подозре­нию; подозревать в воровстве; вне подозрения; подозрительный человек; прийти в сознание; вмешиваться в чужие дела; мешать работе; постоянная работа; постоянный успех; постоянные головные боли; (линия наименьшего сопротивления; не поддаться искушению; неотразимое очарование; отразить нападение; поразмыслив; восхи­тительная няня; восхищаться мудрым доктором; чувствовать восхищение перед актерами

20.Translate the following sentences into English:


А. 1. Извините меня, но я не могу уделить вам много времени. Пе­реходите, пожалуйста, сразу к сути дела. 2. Том вздохнул с облегче­нием. «Никак не думал, что мы придем к соглашению по всем пунк­там», — сказал он. 3. Боюсь, что мало смысла чинить эти старые туфли, они от этого лучше не станут. 4. Когда дошло до дела, Руфь и пальцем не пошевелила, чтобы помочь нам. 5. Мне бы хотелось указать вам на некоторые слабые места в вашей статье. 6. Сон был таким необычным, что я проснулся. 7. Мне снилось, что я снова в деревне. В. Я Вчера опять видел вас во сне. 9. Мне бы никогда и в голову не пришло задавать такие вопросы при посторонних. 10. Она весь день ходила как во сне. 11. Я слушала его рассказ об экспедиции со смешанным чувством страха и восхищения. 12. Почему вы всегда путаете их фамилии? Они же совсем непохожи. 13. Возьмите масло, яйца , муку и цукаты и хорошенько перемешайте все это. 14. Сначала нужно развести крахмал в холодной воде, а потом уже добавлять кипя-1пк. 15. По-моему, преимущества школ совместного обучения мальчиков и девочек совершенно очевидны. 16. У них хорошая квартира, ми первое, что бросается в глаза, это смешение двух совершенно различных вкусов. 17. Разве у тебя есть какие-либо основания подозревать меня во лжи? 18. Когда Клайда арестовали по подозрению и убийстве, он все еще надеялся, что сумеет скрыть свое страшное преступление. 19. Вахтер уверял, что он не видел никаких подозрительных субъектов. 20. Грей знал, что пройдут месяцы, прежде чем возникнут какие-либо подозрения. 21. Может быть, он и хороший специалист, но, право же, его манера говорить с сознанием соб­ственного превосходства крайне неприятна. 22. Не чувствуя навис­шей над ними опасности, геологи продолжали свой трудный путь. 23. Мальчик немного заикается; из-за этого он очень застенчив и не решается произнести ни слова в присутствии посторонних. 24. Док­тор наклонился над лежащим без сознания больным. Через некото­рое время больной пришел в себя, открыл глаза и спросил: «Где я?» 25. Врач сказал, что у нее нет ничего серьезного, должно быть, она потеряла сознание из-за духоты.

В. 1. Мы не должны допускать, чтобы развлечения мешали работе. 2. У меня было сильное желание сказать ей, чтобы она не вмешива­лась в мои дела. 3. К сожалению, твоя старшая сестра всегда вмеши­вается в наши споры. 4. Я поеду в деревню завтра, если мне ничто не помешает. 5. Это нарушает мои планы. 6. Я полагаю, что ты покуша­ешься на мою независимость. 7. Непрерывная болтовня детей раз­дражала старушку. 8. Как я устала от твоих постоянных жалоб. 9. Че­ловеку очень важно, чтобы рядом был верный друг. 10. Отряд отразил атаку, но еще не добился превосходства над противником. 11. Враг уже не мог оказывать сопротивление. 12. Современные са­молеты легко преодолевают сопротивление воздуха. 13. Боль была такой сильной, что больной не мог удержаться, чтобы не закричать. 14. Я бы очень посоветовала вам сделать над собой усилие и не подда­ваться ее влиянию. 15. Эндрю почувствовал очень сильное желание расхохотаться. 16. Кто бы мог устоять против такого искушения! 17. Должна признаться, что в пении этой женщины есть какое-то неотразимое очарование. 18. Яркие огни реклам отражались в тем­ной воде реки. 19. Размышляя о приключении прошлой ночи, Фред­ди восхищался своим другом, который проявил такое присутствие духа. 20. Всем стало неловко, когда мальчик вмешался в разговор. 21. Он считает, что это помешает его карьере. 22. К сожалению, я не мог дать вам ее постоянный адрес. 23. Туристы стояли перед старин­ным собором, восхищаясь красотой его куполов. 24. Нельзя не вос­хищаться людьми, которые добиваются своей цели, несмотря на трудности. 25. Я не сомневаюсь, что из Марии выйдет превосходная жена и любящая мать.

21.Review the Essential Vocabulary and use it in answering the following questions:


1. What do we say if soldiers can repel an attack? 2. What do we say of a person who can't keep himself from watching television from noon to night? 3. What should you do if you have blue and yellow paints but need a green one? 4. What do we call a person who has impractical or romantic ideas or plans? 5. How can we refer to a school attended by girls and boys? 6. How would you char­acterize a person's behaviour if he is always getting involved in I lungs which are no concern of his?. 7. What do we call a person who feels at ease in any company and associates with others in so­ciety? 8. What do people usually feel if the beauty of a picture made them gaze at it? 9. What would you say if a girl can't keep herself from eating chocolates? 10. What is another way of saying "to be involved in an unpleasant affair"? 11. What do we say if a person confuses two songs? 12. If everybody yields to a lady's charm what would you say about her? 13. What do you call a per­son who is prepared to worship you? 14. What should you do with I he ingredients to prepare a salad? 15. What do we say of a person who regularly visits the library? 16. What do we expect of a person before he gives us his answer? 17. What would you say of a person if you believe in his possible guilt? 18. What is another way of say­ing "to call attention to"? 19. How would you characterize a person who is keenly aware of his own manners and appearance?

22. Choose the most suitable ending for each sentence. Note that some of the phrasal verb have a different meaning to the one given in the Explanation section.

a)I can’t put up with …………….

A) you if you should come to London.

B) people who smoke all the time.

C)the plates onto the top shelf. 

b) The chairperson of the committee then called on Tony………………..

A) but his line was engaged.

B)to make a speech in reply.
C) so that his voice could be heard above the crowd.

c) Mary has been chosen to stand for…………..

A) the bad behaviour of her colleagues.

B) herself in future.
C) Parliament in the next election.

d) After my holidays it takes me a few days to catch up with ………

A) the people running in front of me.

B) all the news I’ve missed.
C) a really bad cold.

e) Small children soon grow out of …………..

A) their shoes.

B) all the good food they eat.
C) the habits they have when they get older.

f) I’ve decided to go in for ……………

A) eating fruit for breakfast.

B) a few days rest in the country.
C) a photography competition in Photographer’s Weekly.

g) I’m afraid that our plans to open a new factory have run into ………….

A) some old friends.

B) a tree by the side of the road.
C) a few unexpected difficulties.

h) We find that this type of tyre makes for ……………

A) safer driving in wet weather.

B) the first place it can stop.
C) all smaller typer of cars.

i) I saw my old friend John last week. I couldn’t get over ………….

A) my cold before I saw him, though.

B) near enough to talk to him though.
C) how young he looked.

j) Here people are only worried about keeping up with ………….

A) others who are faster.

B) late – night television programmes.

C) the Joneses.

Используемый материал: Аракин В. Д. Практический курс английского языка, 3 курс, Москва "Владос", 2006

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