√ Новая лексика: dreadful, fireworks, gather.
√ Упражнения на тренировку новой лексики.
√ Тексты на понимание устной речи на слух.
√ Тренировка монологической речи.
√ Грамматика: Неопределенный артикль, Past Simple/Past Continuous упражнения,
предлоги места in, on, at.
√ Phrasal verbs.
gather [ˈgæðə] v собирать; to gather one’s things (tools) собрать свои вещи (инструменты)
2) собираться, скопляться; A crowd gathered. Собралась толпа.
3) рвать ( цветы). Собирать (ягоды и т.п.), снимать, собирать! (урожаи); gather a rich (poor) crop of smth. собрать хороший (плохой) урожай чего-либо.
4) делать вывод, приходить к заключению; I gather she is ill. Надо думать, что она заболела. I gather he is abroad. Он, по-видимому, за грaницей
5) To gather forehead - морщить лоб: Don’t gather your forehead.
6) To gather head - созревать о нарыве
7) To gather oneself up – Собраться с силами. Взять себя в руки. Pull myself together
8) gather one’s breath - перевести дух. Let’s stop to gather my breath: syn. Catch my breath
9) to gather one’s wits. Собраться с мыслями. Syn. I can't get your thoughts together
lad [‘læd] п мальчик, юноша, парень
orchard [ˈɔːʧəd] фруктовый сад
foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃən] п фундамент, основание, основа; to lay the foundations of smth. заложить фундамент чего-л.; положить начало чему-л.
positive [ˈpɒzətɪv] 1. несомненный, определенный, совершенно ясный;
positive proof несомненное доказательство
2. уверенней ( в чем-либо.), убежденный в правильности (чего-л.); Are you sure? - Yes, I am positive. Вы уверены? Да, абсолютно,
3. положительный утвердительный; positive reaction to a suggestion положительная реакция на предложение.
anxious [ˈæŋkʃəs) беспокоящийся, тревожащийся, волнующийся, опасающийся
to be (to feel) anxious about smb’s health (future) беспокоиться (тревожиться) о чьем-л. здоровье (будущем)
sawmill [ˈsɔːmɪl] п лесопильный завод, лесопилка
chop [ʧɒp] v 1. рубить (топором); to chop wood колоть дрова.
2. рубить (сечкой и т.п.); крошить; нарезать, шинковать
fair [feə] а честный, справедливый, законный; by fair means честным путем; It was a fair fight. Бой велся честным путем. (бокс)
palm [pa:m] п пальма, пальмовое дерево
Ex. I. Translate:
1. It's a dreadful misunderstanding.
2. A big crowd gathered at the square to crack fireworks on every Christmas day.
3. Have you gathered a rich crop of apples?
4. He gathers she is at home.
5. Can you see that lad in the orchard?
6. Can you help to lay foundation of my house?
7. Have you got a positive proof to what you are saying?
8. She shows a positive reaction to his appearance.
9. Helen is gathered to be a positive sort of person.
10. Why do you always gather your forehead every time you are asked for help?
11. My sister is passing her exam. Before entering the classroom she's gathered her breath and herself up.
12. I can't gather my thoughts.
13. He is anxious about her son's future.
14. Do you work at a sawmill plant?
15. Would you like me to chop wood?
16. Have you chopped the onion?
17. Our government has chopped the cost of education.
18. You have to chop away these branches.
19. He is a fair man.
20. I like fair and square people.
21. They make their living by fair means.
22. I'll get this job by fair or foul.
23. Our firm has got a fair fame.
24. Let's do it we have a fair chance of success.
Ex. II. Rephrase.
1. It's awful misapprehension.
2. A big mob has gathered at the gate of the park.
3. Have you had a rich harvest this year.
4. A young boy is standing at the cinema.
5. I think he is a good boy.
6. I consider she is ill.
7. I can help you to lay the basement of your house.
8. She has got a true evidence, that she is saying the truth.
9. Nick gathers her to be self-assured.
10. Why do you always wrinkle the fore-head when you think?
11. He took a breath and enter the office.
12. We pulled ourself togather and went to the forest alone.
13. Look! What are you writing, concentrate on it.
14. I like to spend summer days in fruit garden.
15. I worry about her health.
16. What are you hacking. I'm hacking the wood.
17. Our costs have been cut down.
18. Can you hew the branches.
19. The government has reduced the budget.
20. He is an honest man.
21. They make heir living honestly.
22. We have a good reputation.
23. I'll have this job at all costs.
Keys: misunderstanding, crowd, crop, lad, gather, gather, foundation, positive, evidence, gather, gather, anxious, chop, chop, fair, fairly
Ex. III Read and translate.
Victor is a generous, kind and fair man. He was a customs officer, the efficient one.
Once there was an incident during his shift. A man tried to go through the border. He appeared to be an adventurous person. He did it every day. The precious metal is often suggested smuggling. He has got a daughter. Her name is Val. She took after her father. Val is in her well side of twenty five. Her friends and Val like to go to the local cafe to have some coffee. Once Val overheard a talk between two men.
The name of her father attracted her. She crept on tiptoe and listened to the talk. She learnt that her father was taken in custody for smuggling precious metal. Someone put a gold ring in his pocket secretly. It’s reported to have been stolen. Her father was found guilty by mistake. When he was going through the customs he was told to show the contents of his pockets and they found the ring. The customs officer took him into the room of his boss where he swore that the ring was not his. The officer offered him to catch the man who had put the ring into the pocket. Val's father hesitated and agreed.
'Reword for 'Virtue '
My friend, Herbert, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote a long list of the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the things Herbert loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that he was very embarrassed. When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!
A. Ask questions on the text. Retell the text.
A Private Conversation
Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting but I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end I could not bear it. I turned round again. “I can’t hear a word!” I said angrily. “It’s none of your business,” the young man said rudely. “This is a private conversation!”
A. Ask questions on the text. Retell the text.
Too Late
The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!
A. Ask and answer questions on the text.
Retell the text.
An Expedience on the Tube
A woman is talking about her experience on the tube.
I was travelling from Hamburg to London. In fact it was on my way from Heathrow. I was very tired and I was looking forward to getting home. As I was walking along the platform I saw two men walk up behind a young woman. She was carrying her handbag over her shoulder. It was open. I was carrying two suitcases, but I walked quickly and came up behind the two men. As one of them took the purse out of the handbag, I told him to put it back. He dropped it immediately, turned and ran.
A. Ask questions on the text. Retell the text.
An Adventure
It was a typical summer afternoon; the sun was beating down; the cars were creeping slowly round the comer of the park. Five or six children were playing in the stream by the fountain, jumping in and out of the water, their laughter mixing with the noise of the traffic. The entire world was wearing shorts or T-shirts, or bathing costumes; yet Walter Harrison, sitting on a park bench in his overcoat, was feeling cold and lonely. “When will it all end?” he thought, as he watched the children splashing and laughing. After a few minutes, he got up and walked through the park gates. His adventure was about to begin...
He stopped just before putting his key in the front door. Something was happening in the back garden... Quietly, he crept around the side of the house and looked through the gate. Two men were standing at the back of the house, holding a ladder. A third man was at the top of the ladder and a fourth inside the house: he was passing furniture through the window to his partner, who then gave it to his friends below. All four were working quietly and efficiently and the pile of furniture in the garden was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. Walter could not believe his eyes: the strangers were emptying his entire flat, and they were behaving as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He coughed loudly and then said, “Excuse me!” — and the man at the top of the ladder dropped his portable TV onto the concrete below.
A. Ask and answer questions on the text. Retell the text.
An Accident
Mrs Cross is an old lady who lives in a village in the country outside Bristol. As she is a widow she lives alone.
Last week she had an accident. It was raining and she was walking to the village store. She slipped on the wet road, fell down and broke her hip. By chance, a local farmer was passing on his tractor. He went back to his farm and telephoned for an ambulance.
James was a student at Oxford University, where he was studying law. Like many students he did not have much money because his grant was only just enough to live on. Last year, during the autumn term, he decided to go to Manchester to visit some friends for the weekend, but he could not afford a train ticket, and even the coach was too expensive, so he had to hitchhike. He caught a bus to the beginning of the motorway and waited. It was a cold, windy November day and while he was waiting he got soaked to the skin. After waiting two hours he finally got a lift from a lorry driver, who was in fact going all the way to Manchester. James felt extremely relieved. The lorry driver seemed a friendly fellow of around 35, reasonably well-dressed and he and James talked a lot. Suddenly, as they were driving along the motorway, a police car raced past them and made them stop. They were taken to the police station because the police suspected that the lorry was carrying stolen goods. A detective interrogated James for two hours, and he even had to spend the night in a cell. He was eventually released the next day. Apparently, the lorry was carrying stolen television sets. James swore that he would never hitchhike again.
A. Ask and answer questions on the text. Retell the text.
H. Write about a memorable journey that you have made.
A Wonderful Holiday
Sandra Castle spent her holiday in Italy and had a wonderful time.
Friend: Hello. You look well. Where have you been?
Sandra: I’ve just come back from Italy.
Friend: Oh. Did you have a good time?
Sandra: Yes. Wonderful.
Friend: Where did you go exactly?
Sandra: Rimini.
Friend: Did you go on a package holiday?
Sandra: Yes, I did. It was very cheap.
Friend: Did you stay in a hotel?
Sandra: Yes, I did.
Friend: And how long were you there?
Sandra: A fortnight.
Friend: Did you go alone?
Sandra: No, I went with my boyfriend.
Friend: And what was the weather like?
Sandra: It was fantastic. It was really hot every day.
Friend: What did you do most days?
Sandra: We went swimming and lay on the beach.
Friend: And what did you do in the evenings?
Sandra: Some nights we went to a bar or a disco and other nights we just stayed in the hotel.
Friend: Did you go on excursions?
Sandra: No, we didn’t,
Friend: Oh. Look at the time. I must rush. See you.
Sandra: Bye.
A. Read the conversation. Ask each other questions about Sandra’s holiday.
Grammar section:
Use the article;
14. Неопределенный артикль входит в ряд устойчивых сочетания:
a few --- несколько
a great deal of --- много
a great number of --- большое число чего-то
a little --- немного
a lot of --- много
as a result of --- в результате
as a rule --- как правило
at a distance --- на расстояния
at a glance --- с одного взгляд
for a while --- на некоторое время
in a low (loud) voice --- тихим (громким) голосом
in a mess --- в беспорядке
in a while --- через какое-то время
It is a pleasure --- С удовольствием.
It is a shame! --- Жаль!
It’s a pity --- Жаль.
it’s a waste ( of time, money) --- напрасно потраченное (время, деньги)
to be at a loss --- быть в растерянности
to be in a hurry --- спешке (спешить)
to be on a diet --- быть на диете
to do a favour --- сделать одолжение
to give smb. a hand --- протянуть руку помощи
to go for a swim --- пойти по плавить
to go for a walk --- пойти погулять
to have a cold --- быть простуженным
to have a good time --- хорошо провести время
to have a look --- взглянуть
to have a smoke --- покурить
to tell a lie --- солгать
What a shame! --- Как жаль!
Fill in the gaps in this model answer with verbs from the box in the past simple.
Thanks to modern technology, there have been enormous changes in the workplace over the past 100 years.
What are the most significant changes that have occurred and what changes do you foresee in the next 100 years?
allow be be be invent increase lay mean own receive replace ride take walk
The pace of change in the world of technology is amazing. It 1.......(not) long ago that the postal service 2 ....................... our only way to communicate over any distance. It 3............................days and sometimes weeks to receive letters from within the same country. As a result the news in the letters 4_____________________already oaf of date when people 5.........................them. In the workplace, this
6............................that business was mostly conducted locally, over relatively short distances.
When Alexander Graham Bell 7...........................the telephone in 1876 it 8............................. the
foundation for the communication systems we have today. The telephone 9 ............................two
people to communicate instantly across a great distance. Eventually computers 10...........................
typewriters and dramatically 11...........................the speed of our daily work life. Nowadays the Internet is an essential part of every business
However, it is not just communications that have changed. Only 50 years ago most people 12........................... (not) a can Fteople 13______________________to work or 14.............................bicycle Changes in travel as well as the increased speed of communications have led to the global business world that we have today.
Fill in the gaps with the past simple. or past continuous. form of the verbs in brackets.
In which gaps could you use used to?
1 I..............had.............(have) a wonderful biology teacher, Mrs Hughes. She 2....................................
(make) us excited about the subject because she was so interested herself. 1 remember
one lesson in particular; we 3....................................(study) different types of plants, and Mrs
Hughes 4....................................(describe) the different parts of the flower. She 5....................................
(pick up) a purple flower, I can’t remember exactly what it was, and then suddenly we
6....................................(notice) that she 7....................................(cry)' ! She 8....................................(apologise)
and 9....................................(say) that sometimes nature was so beautiful it just made her cry! We
10....................................(not/know) what to do at first, but it certainly 11....................................(make)
us think. Something similar 12....................................(happen) while she 13....................................(show) us how to work the microscope. She 14....................................(examine) a slide of some plant tissue and she 15....................................(smile) all over her face. She suddenly
16....................................(get) all excited and 17....................................(say), ‘Isn’t it wonderful?’ Some
students 18....................................(laugh) at her when she 19....................................(not/look) but I
didn’t. Somehow her enthusiasm 20....................................(inspire) me, and 21..I..................................
(start) to like biology.
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use would or used to where possible.
A teacher and student are talking about local customs.
Teacher: What sort of things 1 (you/do) as a child?
Yoko: Oh, when I was a child growing up in Japan there were many customs that we
2...........................................(follow). For example, I remember we 3...........................................
(move) house when I was seven and we 4...........................................(visit) our new
neighbours with gifts. At that time the tradition was that people 5
...........................................(give) gifts of Japanese noodles, but it is different now and
people tend to give things like soap or towels or nothing at all.
Teacher: 6...........................................(have) one tradition that you particularly remember?
Yoko: Yes, one tradition that I 7...........................................(really/like) was in the spring when
the cherry blossoms were out. As a family we 8...........................................(go) into the
countryside and we 9...........................................(spend) the day eating, drinking and
singing. One year my father 10...........................................(take) a lovely photo of me
and my sisters and I still keep that picture on my wall today.
Teacher: And 11...........................................(you/have to) do anything you didn’t like?
Yoko: Yes. I remember how we 12...........................................(have to) clean the house
thoroughly. This ceremony is called Osorio and my sisters and I
13...........................................(not/look forward to) it very much!
1. 2 was 3 took 4 was 5 received 6 meant 7 invented
8 laid 9 allowed 10 replaced 11 increased 12 did not own 13 walked 14 rode ( B1 and Appendix 1)
2 2 made 3 were studying 4 was describing 5 picked up
6 noticed 7 was crying 8 apologised 9 said 10 didn’t know 11 made 12 happened 13 was showing
14 was examining 15 was smiling 16 got 17 said 18 laughed 19 wasn’t looking 20 inspired 21 started (; B1 and B2)
Used to is possible in 1 and 2: used to have and used to make
3 2 would/used to follow 3 moved 4 visited
5 would/used to give 6 Did you use to have (would is not used with state verbs or in questions) 7 really used to like/used to really like (would is not used with state verbs)
8 used to/would go 9 used to/would spend 10 took
11 did you use to have to (would is not used in questions)
12 used to have to (would is not used with state verbs)
13 didn’t use to look forward to (would is not generally used with negatives) (- B1 and B3)
4 3 used to go 4 ✓, 5 noticed 6✓, 7 realised
8 is snowing 9 skidded 10 ✓, 11 phoned 12 ✓ (background scene) 13 stopped (event) 14 ✓ 15 came 16 ✓ U B1-B3)
Prepositions in, at, on + place.
A. In
Study these examples:
in a room,
in a building,
in a box,
in a garden,
in a town/city,
in a country
* There's no one in the room/in the building/in the garden.
* What have you got in your hand/in your mouth?
* When we were in Italy, we spent a few days in Venice. (not 'at Venice')
* I have a friend who lives in a small village in the mountains.
* Look at those people swimming in the pool/in the sea/in the river.
B. At
Study these examples:
at the bus stop,
at the door,
at the window,
at the top (of the page),
at the bottom (of the page),
at the end of the street
* Who is that man standing at the bus stop/at the door/at the window?
* Turn left at the traffic lights/at the church/at the roundabout.
* Write your name at the top/at the bottom of the page.
* Angela's house is the white one at the end of the street.
* When you leave the hotel, please leave your key at reception.
C. On
Study these examples:
on the ceiling,
on the wall,
on the door,
on the table,
on her nose,
on the floor,
on a page
* I sat on the floor/on the ground on the grass/on a chair/on the beach.
* There's a dirty mark on the wall on the ceiling/on your nose/on your shirt.
* Have you seen the notice on the notice board/on the door?
* You'll find details of TV programmes on page seven (of the newspaper).
D. Compare in and at:
* There were a lot of people in the shop. It was very crowded.
but Go along this road, then turn left at the shop. (somebody giving directions) Compare in and on:
* There is some water in the bottle.
but There is a label on the bottle.
Compare at and on:
* There is somebody at the door. Shall I go and see who it is?
but There is a notice on the door. It says 'Do not disturb'.
122.1 Answer the questions about the pictures. Use in, at or on with the words below
(bottle), (traffic lights), (arm), (door), (Paris), (wall), (top/ bottom /stairs), (gate), (end/queue), (beach)
1. Where's the label? _On the bottle._
2. Where is the car waiting? ---.
3. Where's the fly? ---.
b. Where's the key? ---.
5. Where's the Eiffel Tower?. ---.
6. Where are the shelves? ---.
b. And the cat? ---.
b. Where's the bird? ---.
9. Where's Tom standing? ---.
10. Where are the children playing?. ---.
122.2 Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + one of the following:
the window your coffee the mountains that tree my guitar the river the island the next garage
1. Look at those people swimming _in the river._
2. One of the strings --- is broken.
3. There's something wrong with the car. We'd better stop ---.
4. Would you like sugar ---?
5. The leaves --- are a beautiful colour.
6. Last year we had a wonderful skiing holiday ---.
7. There's nobody living --- It's uninhabited.
8. He spends most of the day sitting --- and looking outside.
122.3 Complete the sentences with in, at or on.
1. Write your name _at_ the top of the page.
2. I like that picture hanging --- the wall the kitchen.
3. There was an accident --- the crossroads this morning.
4. I wasn't sure whether I had come to the right office. There was no name --- the door.
5. --- the end of the street there is a path leading to the river.
6. You'll find the sports results --- the back page of the newspaper.
7. I wouldn't like an office job. I couldn't spend the whole day sitting --- a desk.
8. My brother lives --- a small village . the south-west of England.
9. The man the police are looking for has a scar --- his right cheek.
10. The headquarters of the company are --- Milan.
11. Nicola was wearing a silver ring --- her little finger.
2 At the traffic lights.
3 On his arm. or On the man's arm.
b. In the door.
6 On the wall.
b. At the bottom (of the stairs).
b. On the gate.
9 At the end of the queue.
10 On the beach.
2 on my guitar
3 at the next garage
5 on that tree
7 on the island
8 at the window
2 on the wall in the kitchen
3 at 4 on
5 At 6 on
7 at
9 on
Phrasal verbs
Match the multi-word verbs in A with the definitions in B. If necessary, listen to the interview again or look at Tapescript 3a on page 78.
A | B |
1 to bring something out | a) to succeed, to be successful (e.g. an attempt, plan or idea) |
2 to make of someone/something | b) to have an impression of someone/something |
3 to go on | c) to reach an expected standard |
4 to come off | d) to discourage someone from liking someone/something |
5 to turn out to be someone/ something |
e) to communicate or convey something clearly |
6 to put someone off someone/ something |
f) to be understood clearly (e.g. a message or idea) |
7 to live up to something | g) to publish or introduce something onto the market |
8 to come across | h) to be discovered to be someone/ something (eventually) |
9 to put something across | i) to happen |
Ex. 1 Listen to the sentences on the tape. Use the prompts you hear to make sentences with the same meaning.
What did you think of that film on TV last night? (make of)
What did you make of that film on TV last night
Unit 3
Tapescript 3a
P: Presenter J: Julia
P Hello, and welcome to Arts Review. In today’s
programme we’ll be talking about Sheila Gold's latest novel, One Hot Summer, the new production of The Tempest at the National Theatre, and the new John Allen film. Here to discuss them with me is Julia Webb.
J Hello.
P First, the writer Sheila Gold. She’s just brought out her latest novel, One Hot Summer. It's about a young girl who goes to spend the summer with her uncle and later discovers his true identity. What did you make of it, Julia?
J I thought it was quite an enjoyable book in places, but the storyline was very complicated, so it wasn’t a complete success.
P Yes, it took me a long time to work out precisely what was going on. What did you make of the ending?
J I thought the so-called ‘surprise’ ending didn’t work - it just didn’t come off. The fact that her uncle turns out to be her real father wasn’t a surprise at all.
P So this wasn't a story that made you want to go and read more of her novels.
J No, I’m afraid it wasn’t. In fact, it put me off reading any more of her work.
P So let’s move on to Joanne Passman's new production of The Tempest. It’s had excellent write-ups in the press. What were your impressions? Did it live up to your expectations?
J Yes, it certainly did. I was expecting something special, but this was more than that - it was superb! I thought the sense of mystery and magic came across very powerfully.
P I agree completely. I think it’s by far her best production and I’m sure it will be a huge success.
J Yes, it’s definitely a production not to be missed.
P And finally, let’s talk about John Allen’s new film. Suburban Blues.
J Mm ... I found it amusing at times, but dark and melancholy at others, so it wasn’t at all clear what message he was trying to put across.
P Yes, it’s had very mixed reviews.
J I thought the music and the photography were out of this world, but as for the storyline, well, I couldn’t make head or tail of it. And the hero's behaviour at the end was completely out of character.
P Yes, I had mixed feelings about it, too. And there. I'm afraid, we'll have to leave you till next week.
Tape script 3b
Listen to the sentences. Then say the sentences again, using the multi-word verb prompts. The first one has been done for you.
1 I didn’t understand what was happening.
(go on)
I didn't understand what was going on.
2 She's very good at conveying her ideas.
(put across)
She's very good at putting across her ideas.
3 The plan for saving the company was excellent, but it didn't succeed.
(come off)
The plan for saving the company was excellent, but it didn 't come off.
4 They’re going to publish a new edition of her poems.
(bring out)
They're going to bring out a new edition of her poems.
5 The reviews discouraged me from reading the book.
(put off)
The reviews put me off reading the book.
6 The play wasn’t as good as I thought it would be.
(live up to)
The play didn't live up to my expectations.
7 The message of the play was understood very clearly.
(come across)
The message of the play came across very clearly.
8 What was your impression of him?
(make of)
What did you make of him?
9 In the end they discovered he was the murderer.
(turn out)
In the end he turned- out to be the murderer. OR In the end it turned out that he was the murderer.
1 Rewrite the sentences below, using multi-word verbs from this unit. Make any necessary changes to the structure of the sentences.
a. Susan Shaw published a slim volume of poetry last year.
b. Our attempt to climb the mountain in winter didn’t succeed.
c. Her behaviour was so strange that I didn’t know what to think of her.
d. The author conveyed her ideas in very simple language.
e. I couldn’t understand what was happening at the beginning of the film.
f. I thought the message of the play wasn’t very clear.
g. The newspaper reviews discouraged people from seeing the play.
h. I expected the music to be wonderful, but it wasn’t very good.
i. At the end of the film we discover that the hero is an American spy.
2 Work with a partner. Discuss whether the following sentences are correct or not, and why.
a. The film came off.
b. Her attempt to break the world record didn’t come off.
c. His message didn’t come across very clearly.
d. The book came across very clearly.
e. I made of it a strange film.
f. What do you make of capital punishment?
g. What do you make of this article on capital punishment?
Idiomatic expressions
3 What do you think the following expressions in italics mean?
a. The stage production was absolutely fantastic. It was out of this world.
b. He was portrayed as a really gentle person in the film, so I thought it was completely out of character for him to shoot his best friend.
c. I had mixed feelings about it. I loved the photography, but the acting was dreadful.
d. Don’t ask me what the film was about because I couldn’t make head or tail of it.
Work in pairs. One of you is a theatre critic, the other is the editor of an arts magazine. Read the notes for your role, and spend some time thinking about what you will say. Then act out the conversation with your partner.
Theatre Critic
You are the theatre critic of Swinging, a lively arts magazine. You saw the musical Heaven and After and made some notes while watching. Your editor is telephoning you to find out what you thought of the production.
Heaven and after
- I thought It was going to be good, but this is really disappointing.
- I didn't understand what was happening a lot of the time
- the scenery wasn't anything special
- the idea of using space-age costumes doesn't work
- I like some things ( e.g. the music), but dislike others (e.g. the star singer is awful)
- what is the director trying to say??
- the ending is incomprehensible!
How multi-words verbs work
Some multi-word verbs can be made into nouns by combining the infinitive of the verb stem with the particle.
For example, the verb to write something up means to produce a written report on something, usually from notes.
Therefore if someone writes a review about a play or a film in a newspaper, it is called a write-up.
Note that the stress is usually on the first part of the word and it is often hyphenated ('write-up).
Complete the sentences below with nouns formed from the multi-word verbs in italics.
a. He wrote up an excellent review of the film in The Times.
The film had an excellent_in The Times.
b. All the tickets for the show are sold out.
The show is a_.
c. The play is about the way in which their marriage gradually breaks up.
The play is about the gradual_of their marriage.
d. The film is about three men who break out of prison.
The film is about a prison_.
e. She used to be a famous singer, and now she wants to come back and be famous again.
She is trying to make a__.
What is the difference between:
a. to put something across and to come across?
b. to put something off and to put someone off doing something?
Speaking Think of a film, play or book you have seen or read recently. Tell your partner what it was about, and what you thought of it.
Writing Write a review for Swinging magazine of a book, a play or a film. Say what it was about, what ideas the writer or director was trying to put across, and what you thought of it, using multi-word verbs and expressions from this unit.
What’s the answer?
A young composer had written two pieces of music and he asked the great Rossini to listen to both of them and say which one he preferred. The young man began to play the first piece, but after a short time Rossini interrupted. 'You need not play any more,' he said, 7 prefer the other one.'
Unit 3 Arts review
One Hot Summer
Positive points: quite enjoyable in places.
Negative points: storyline was complicated, so it took a long time to work out what was going on: surprise ending didn't work, it didn’t come off: not a surprise when uncle turns out to be the real father: the book put her off reading any more of her work.
The Tempest
Positive points: had excellent write-ups in the press: it was superb: sense of mystery and magic came across very powerfully; Joanne Passman’s best production by far: sure it will be a huge success.
Suburban Blues
Positive points: amusing at times; the music and photography were out of this world.
Negative points: dark and melancholy at times; not clear what message John Allen was trying to put across;
it’s had mixed reviews in the press; storyline was
impossible to understand — couldn't make head or tail of
it; hero’s behaviour at the end was out of character.
Checking understanding
1 g. 2 b. 3 i. 4 a. 5 h. 6 d. 7 c. 8 f. 9 e. Practice
1 a. Susan Shaw brought out a slim volume of poetry last
b. Our attempt to climb the mountain in winter didn't come off.
c. Her behaviour was so strange that I didn't know what to make of her.
d. The author put across her ideas in very simple language.
e. I couldn't understand what was going on at the beginning of the film.
f. I thought the message of the play didn’t come across very clearly.
g. The newspaper reviews put people off seeing the play.
h. I expected the music to be wonderful, but it didn't live up to my expectations.
i. At the end of the film it turns out that the hero is an American spy/the hero turns out to be an American spy.
2 a. Incorrect. To come off is used to talk about the
success of a specific idea, plan or attempt.
b. Correct.
c. Correct.
d. Incorrect. To come across is used to talk about the communication of an idea or message, not about a whole book.
e. Incorrect. To make of something is usually used as a question (e.g. What do you make of it?) or in a negative statement (e.g. I didn’t know what to make of it).
f. Incorrect. You don’t form an impression of capital punishment.
g. Correct.
Idiomatic expressions
3 a. out of this world = fantastic, marvellous
b. out of character = something not typical of a person’s usual behaviour
c. to have mixed feelings about something = to have both negative and positive feelings about something
d. I can’t make head or tail or it (informal expression) = I can’t understand it at all
How multi-word verbs work
5 a. The film had an excellent write-up in The Times.
b. The show is a sell-out.
c. The play is about the gradual break-up of their marriage.
d. The film is about a prison break-out.
e. She is trying to make a comeback.
What’s the answer?
1 A writer or director puts across ideas, but the ideas come across to the reader or audience. To put something across is Type 2, separable and transitive.
To come across is Type 1. intransitive and inseparable.
2 To put something off = to postpone something (Type 2), but to put someone off doing something = to discourage someone from doing something.
Unit 4 Going by appearances
Материалы использованы из учебного пособия,Л.П. Христорожденственская Английский язык практический курс "Intermediate" Минск, "Попресс", 1998г.
R. Murphy, English Grammar in Use, second edition, Cambridge University Press 1994
Martin Hewings "Advanced Grammar in Use", Cambridge University Press 1999
Diana Hopkins, Pauline Cullen, Cambridge, Grammar for IELTS 2007,
А. К. Точилина, Л.Л. Кажемская "Тренажер 2 по Английскому Языку Углубленный Курс Подготовки" Минск, "ТерраСистем" 2012