√ Past Simple.
√ Ragular and Irragular Verbs.
√ Questions and Negatives.
√ Sport and Leisure
ago | əˈgəʊ | тому назад |
at | æt | В, у, за, на |
bus tour | bʌs tʊə | автобусный тур |
camping | ˈkæmpɪŋ | кемпинг |
castle | ˈkɑːsl | замок |
cathedral | kəˈθiːdrəl | кафедральный собор |
clean | kliːn | чистый |
coffee bar | ˈkɒfi bɑː | кафе-бар |
dance | dɑːns | танец |
date | deɪt | дата |
diner | ˈdaɪnə | обедающий |
enjoy | ɪnˈʤɔɪ | наслаждаться |
free | friː | свободно |
get | gɛt | получить |
horse riding | hɔːs ˈraɪdɪŋ | верховая езда |
ice-skating | aɪs-ˈskeɪtɪŋ | катание на коньках |
India | ˈɪndɪə | Индия |
interested | ˈɪntrɪstɪd | заинтересованный |
lake | leɪk | озеро |
last | lɑːst | последний |
late | leɪt | поздно |
leisure activity | ˈlɛʒər ækˈtɪvɪti | досуга |
listened | ˈlɪsnd | прислушивался |
lots | lɒts | много |
lucky | ˈlʌki | везучий |
market | ˈmɑːkɪt | рынок |
meal | miːl | еда |
milk | mɪlk | молоко |
much | mʌʧ | много |
museum | mju(ː)ˈzɪəm | музей |
once | wʌns | один раз |
orange juice | ˈɒrɪnʤ ʤuːs | апельсиновый сок |
pasta | ˈpæstə | макаронные изделия |
playing cards | ˈpleɪɪŋ kɑːdz | игральные карты |
Really? | ˈrɪəli? | В самом деле? |
relaxing | rɪˈlæksɪŋ | расслабляющий |
roast beef | rəʊst biːf | жареная говядина |
rugby | ˈrʌgbi | регби |
show | ʃəʊ | показать |
sightseeing | ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ | осмотр достопримечательностей |
sit | sɪt | сидеть |
skiing | ˈskiːɪŋ | горнолыжный спорт |
special | ˈspɛʃəl | особый |
square | skweə | квадрат |
start | stɑːt | начало |
sun | sʌn | солнце |
swimming pool | ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl | бассейн |
tour | tʊə | тур |
tourist | ˈtʊərɪst | турист |
tourist office | ˈtʊərɪst ˈɒfɪs | туристический офис |
Villa | ˈvɪlə | Вилла |
walk | wɔːk | ходить |
weekend | ˈwiːkˈɛnd | выходные |
windsurfing | ˈwɪndˌsɜːfɪŋ | виндсерфинг |
zoo | zu | зоопарк |
Tapescrip workbook.
Workbook keys.
T10.1 Angie’s weekend
Yesterday was Sunday, so I got up late, about 11.30. 1 had a big breakfast, orange juice, toast, eggs, and coffee. Then I went shopping, just to the supermarket, and I bought some tea, some milk, and the Sunday papers. Then I just stayed at home for the rest of the day. In the morning I cleaned my flat and in the afternoon I did some work on my computer for a bit, then in the evening I watched a film on TV.
I went to bed early, about 11.00.1 was tired.
I had a late night on Saturday.
T. 10.2 Regular verbs
/t/ cooked watched
/d/ played listened
/id / started wanted
T. 10.3
A = Angie, R = Rick
A Hi, Rick. Did you have a good weekend?
R Yes, I did, thanks.
A What did you do yesterday?
R Well, 1 got up early and I played tennis with some friends.
A You got up early on Sunday!
R Well, yes, it was such a lovely day.
A Where did you play tennis?
R In the park. We had lunch in the cate there.
A Oh, great! Did you go out in the evening?
R No, I didn't. I cooked a meal for my sister. A Mmm! What did you have?
R Roast beef. It was delicious! What about you Angie? Did you have a good weekend?
T.10.4 p73
T. 10.5
Angie’s weekend A = Angie, R = Rick
R What about you Angie? Did you have a good weekend?
A Oh yes, I did, very good.
R What did you do on Saturday?
A Well, on Saturday morning I went
shopping. Then on Saturday evening I went to a party. It was great!
R Who did you see at the party?
A Oh, one or two old friends.
R Did you go out on Sunday?
A Oh no, I didn’t. I didn’t go out because I was too tired. I stayed at home most of the day.
R Did you do anything on Sunday evening?
A No, I didn’t do much. I just watched a film on TV'. I didn't go to bed late. About 11.00.
T. 10.6 see p73
T. 10.7
Making conversation
1 I went shopping yesterday.
Really? What did you buy?
2 We went to that new Italian restaurant last night.
Mmm! What did you have?
3 We saw a lot of our friends in the coffee bar. Oh! Who did you see?
4 I played tennis at the weekend.
Oh, really? Where did you play?
5 The part)’ on Saturday was great!
Oh, good! What time did you leave?
T. 10.8
Making conversation
1 A I went shopping yesterday.
В Really? Where did you go?
A Oxford Street.
В Oh! What did you buy?
A Well, I wanted a new coat, and 1 went into Selfridges.
В Did you find one?
A Yes, I did. I found a beautiful black one.
It was only £50!
2 A Tom and I went to that new Italian
restaurant last night.
В Mmm! What did you have?
A Well, I had pasta and Tom had pizza.
В Did you enjoy it?
A Very much. And it wasn’t expensive.
3 A We saw a lot of our friends in the
coffee bar.
В Oh! Who did you see?
A Angie and Rick and some other friends from work.
В I don’t think I know them.
A They’re very nice.
4 A I played tennis at the weekend.
В Oh, really? Where did you play?
A In the park. It was lovely. It was so sunny. В What a great thing to do on a Sunday morning!
5 A The party on Saturday was great!
В Oh, good! What time did you leave?
A Three in the morning. The music was fantastic!
В Did you dance?
A Of course! All night!
Jack and Millie’s holiday
J= Jack, M = Millie
J Well, we usually go on holiday in summer...
M Yes, usually we go to Italy for our holidays, don’t we?
J But last year we did something different. We had a holiday in winter, and we went to Colorado, in America.
M Because we wanted to learn to ski, you see, and we wanted a change. In Italy we always stay in a villa ...
J ... but in Aspen, Colorado we stayed in a very nice hotel, and because we were in a hotel, we had all our meals in restaurants.
M And that’s very special for us. In Italy we cook at home in the villa. But in Colorado we went to a different restaurant every night!
J In Italy, because it’s summer and it’s hot, we go swimming in the swimming pool, and sit in the sun, and I play tennis sometimes...
M Jack loves his tennis, don’t you darling?
J I do, but of course last year in Colorado we learned to ski, so we went skiing every day. And Millie, you went ice-skating, didn’t you?
M We both went ice-skating!
J That’s right! It was great fun! In Italy in the evening, we usually play cards or read ...
M ... but last year in Colorado we went out every night, and we met lots of lovely people, didn’t we?
J We did. We had a really good time.
M And we have a good time in Italy, too, don’t we?
J Mmm, we’re very lucky.
T 10.10
1 Last year Jack and Millie didn’t go on holiday in summer. They went in winter.
2 They didn’t go to Italy, '[hey went to Colorado.
3 They stayed in a hotel. They didn’t stay in a villa.
4 They didn’t eat at home. They ate in restaurants.
5 They went skiing. They didn’t go swimming.<
T 10.11
1 A Hello. Can 1 help you?
В Yes. Can I have a map of the city, please? A Of course. Here you are.
В Can you show me where we are on the map?
A Yes. We’re here in Regent Street in the city centre.
2 С We want to go on a bus tour of the city. A That’s fine. The next bus leaves at 10.00.
It takes about an hour and a half.
С Where does the bus go from?
A It goes from Trafalgar Square, but you can get on and off when you want.
3 D 1 want to visit the British Museum. What time does it open?
A It opens at 10.00 in the morning and closes at 5.30 in the evening.
D How much is it to get in?
A It’s free!