√ Pronunciation.
√ Requests and offers
a little bit | ə ˈlɪtl bɪt | немного |
accident | ˈæksɪdənt | авария |
act | ækt | акт |
afraid | əˈfreɪd | боюсь |
airport | ˈeəpɔːt | аэропорт |
also | ˈɔːlsəʊ | также |
anywhere | ˈɛnɪweə | в любом месте |
architect | ˈɑːkɪtɛkt | архитектор |
Argentina | ˌɑːʤənˈtiːnə | Аргентина |
arm | ɑːm | рука |
athlete | ˈæθliːt | спортсмен |
barbecue | ˈbɑːbɪkjuː | барбекю |
beef | biːf | говядина |
better | ˈbɛtə | лучше |
bill | bɪl | законопроект, счет |
blog | blɒg | блог |
boring | ˈbɔːrɪŋ | скучный, расточка |
button | ˈbʌtn | кнопка |
cake | keɪk | кекс |
can | kæn | Можно |
chat | ʧæt | чат |
chess | ʧɛs | шахматы |
communicate | kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt | общаться |
computer games | kəmˈpjuːtə geɪmz | компьютерные игры |
continue | kənˈtɪnju(ː) | продолжать |
dangerous | ˈdeɪnʤrəs | опасно |
defense | dɪˈfɛns | защита |
department | dɪˈpɑːtmənt | отдел |
draw | drɔː | привлечь |
endless | ˈɛndlɪs | бесконечный |
everything | ˈɛvrɪθɪŋ | все |
farmer | ˈfɑːmə | фермер |
film star | fɪlm stɑː | кинозвезды |
fluently | ˈflu(ː)əntli | бегло |
fly | flaɪ | летать |
football player | ˈfʊtbɔːl ˈpleɪə | футбольный игрок |
geography | ʤɪˈɒgrəfi | география |
glass | glɑːs | стакан |
grandma | ˈgrænmɑː | бабушка |
green | griːn | зеленый |
guitar | gɪˈtɑː | гитара |
help | hɛlp | помочь |
history | ˈhɪstəri | история |
horse | hɔːs | лошадь |
hour | ˈaʊə | час |
hurt | hɜːt | причинить боль |
interpreter | ɪnˈtɜːprɪtə | переводчик |
jumbo jet | ˈʤʌmbəʊ ʤɛt | гигантский аэробус |
kind | kaɪnd | своего рода |
lift | lɪft | лифт |
lost | lɒst | потерял |
message | ˈmɛsɪʤ | сообщение |
metres | ˈmiːtəz | метры |
millions | ˈmɪljənz | миллионы |
miss | mɪs | Мисс |
mostly | ˈməʊstli | в основном |
motor racing | ˈməʊtə ˈreɪsɪŋ | мотогонки |
musical instrument | ˈmjuːzɪkəl ˈɪnstrʊmənt | музыкальный инструмент |
network | ˈnɛtwɜːk | сеть |
news | njuːz | новости |
offer | ˈɒfə | предлагает |
passport | ˈpɑːspɔːt | заграничный паспорт |
pilot | ˈpaɪlət | пилот |
planes | pleɪnz | самолеты |
pop group | pɒp gruːp | поп группа |
possible | ˈpɒsəbl | возможное |
problem | ˈprɒbləm | проблема |
push | pʊʃ | от себя |
radio | ˈreɪdɪəʊ | радио |
really well | ˈrɪəli wɛl | очень хорошо |
request | rɪˈkwɛst | запрос |
ride | raɪd | поездка |
safe | seɪf | безопасно |
science | ˈsaɪəns | наука |
scientist | ˈsaɪəntɪst | ученый |
send | sɛnd | отправить |
share | ʃeə | делиться с кем-то, доля |
slowly | ˈsləʊli | медленно |
something | ˈsʌmθɪŋ | что нибудь |
swim | swɪm | плавать |
tall | tɔːl | высокий |
the Net | ðə nɛt | сеть |
ticket | ˈtɪkɪt | билет |
ticket machine | ˈtɪkɪt məˈʃiːn | автомат по продаже билетов |
tra'ctor | tra'ctor | трактор |
try | traɪ | пытаться |
turn off | tɜːn ɒf | выключить |
use | juːz | использование |
water | ˈwɔːtə | вода, поливать |
What’s the matter? | wɒts ðə ˈmætə? | В чем дело? |
worldwide | ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd | мировой |
young | jʌŋ | молодой |
Work book.
Answer Keys to Workbook.
Tapescript to Workbook.
1 Marcus is an interpreter. He can speak French and German fluently.
2 Laura is an architect. She can draw well.
3 Justin is a pilot. He can fly 747 jumbo jets.
4 George is a farmer. He can drive a tractor.
5 Lola is an athlete. She can run very fast.
6 Oliver is a schoolboy. He can use a computer really well.
7 Margaret is Oliver’s grandmother. She can make fantastic cakes.
T.11.2, T.11.3 see p81
Of course I can!
D = Dominique, О = Oliver
D Can you use a computer, Oliver?
О Yes, of course I can. All my friends can.
I use a computer at home in my bedroom and we use computers at school all the time.
D That’s great. What other things can you do?
О Well, I can run fast, very fast, and I can draw a bit. I can draw really good cars but I can’t drive them of course! I can draw good planes, too. When I’m big I want to be a pilot and fly 747s.
D Excellent. Now, I know you can speak French.
О Yes, I can. I can speak French fluently because my dad’s French. We sometimes speak French at home.
D Can you speak any other languages?
0 No, I can’t. I can’t speak German or Spanish, just French - and English of course! And I can cook! I can make cakes. My grandma makes fantastic cakes and I sometimes help her. Yesterday we made a big chocolate cake!
T.11.5 Pronunciation
1 I can ski quite well.
2 She can’t speak German at all.
3 He can speak English fluently.
4 Why can’t you come to my party?
5 We can’t understand our teacher.
6 They can read music.
7 Can I have an ice-cream, please?
8 Can cats swim? ‘
T.11.6 Jenni Spitzer
I live in the city of Tucuman. I teach English.
1 can speak Spanish fluently and German a little bit.
I love it here. Saturday night is dancing night and I go dancing with friends. A lot of my friends can play the guitar really well. I can’t play a musical instrument but I can dance very well. I love the music. On Sundays I often
go riding here. I can ride quite well now. Or sometimes 1 watch friends playing golf. I can’t play golf but I like watching it. Sunday is also the day for ‘asado’ or barbecues. We always cook beef, I can’t cook at all but I want to learn. It’s a great life here, everyone is really friendly.
T.11.7 Requests and offers
1 A Can I help you?
В Yes, please. I want to buy this postcard.
2 A Can you tell me the time, please?
В It’s about three thirty.
3 A Can you come to my party?
В Sorry. I can’t. It’s my grandma’s birthday on Saturday.
4 A Can I have a glass of water, please?
В Yes, of course. Here you are.
5 A Can you speak more slowly, please?
В I’m sorry. Is this better? Can you
understand me now?
Can I give you a lift?
Oh, yes please! That’s so kind of you!
T.11.8 see p84
T.11.9 What do you do on the Internet?
1 Charlotte, age 14
I use the Internet a lot. Every day, I think.
It helps me with my homework. 1 google for information or I use Wikipedia. It helps me with everything, history, geography, science, English - er everything. Yesterday I got a lot information about lane Austen.
2 Lauren, age 20
I go on Facebook a lot, sometimes three or four times a day. It’s a great way to hear all your friends’ news and see all their photographs. Yesterday I posted all the photos from my party last weekend. You can see them if you want.
3 Santiago, age 23
I play the guitar and I can find lots of songs on the Internet. Yesterday I got the words and music for Cant buy me love, you know, by the Beatles. I can play it now. I use the Internet mosdy in the evenings, when I have time.
4Alan Krum, age 47
Well, my surname, -er my family name is Krum and I want to write about my family, so I use the Internet to find out about my family’s history. There are special websites for this. Also, I can chat to people with the same name from all over the world, Canada, Germany, Argentina. It’s really interesting.
I usually use it on Sundays because I have more time then.
5 Max, age 10
I play games a lot. And I go on websites for my favourite pop groups and football players.
I want to be on the computer all the time, but my mum says I can’t. She says I can only use it after school for an hour, and then I stop.
6 Edna, age 71
I go shopping on the Internet. Every Friday I
go to my son’s house and I use his computer. It’s fantastic - the supermarket brings all my shopping to my home. I want a computer now. I want to send emails to my friends. Most of my friends have computers.
T.11.10 Adjectives and nouns
1 A A Ferrari is a fantastic car. It’s so fast.
В Yeah, I know, but it’s also so expensive.
2 A How tall is your brother?
В He’s very tall, 1.9 metres. I’m only 1.7 metres.
3 A I think motor racing is a really dangerous sport.
В I know it’s dangerous but it’s exciting too. That’s why I love it!
4 A Can I have a fresh orange juice, please?
В I’m afraid we don’t have fresh.
A OK. Just a glass of water then.
5 A New York is a very cosmopolitan city. I love it.
В Me too. I can’t believe I’m here.
6 A Charlie Chaplin made some very funny films, don’t you think?
В No. I don’t like his films. I think they’re really boring.
7 A We can’t go for a walk, it’s too cold and wet
В Yes, we can. Look it’s sunny again! Come on!
T.11.11 Everyday problems
1 A Excuse me! Can you help me? I’m lost.
В Where do you want to go?
A Grand Central Station.
В Turn left onto Park Avenue. It’s straight on. You can’t miss it.
2 A Oh, no!
В What’s the matter?
A There’s something wrong with my computer. I can’t get on the Internet, so I can’t send my emails.
В Turn everything off and try again. That sometimes works.
3 A Excuse me! This ticket machine doesn’t work.
В Did you push the green button?
A Oh! No, I didn’t.
В Ah, well. Here’s your ticket.
A Thank you very much.
4 A Come on! It’s time to go to the airport.
В But I can’t find my passport! I can’t find it anywhere!
A You put it in your bag.
В Did I? Oh, yes. Here it is! Phew!
5 A Are you all right?
В Yes, I think so.
A Does your arm hurt?
В It hurts a bit, but I think it’s OK.
6 A I’m so sorry I’m late.
В It’s OK. The film starts in 15 minutes.
A I missed the bus.
В I told you, it doesn’t matter. Come on! Let s go.