В этом уроке познакомимся с новой лексикой по теме путешествие на самолете, поездом, машиной, кораблем, пешком, тексты диалоги, грамматика, тренировочные упражнения на восприятие устной речи на слух и фразовые глаголы.
1. Are you afraid of flying?
2. Which kind of transport do you believe is the safest and which most dangerous?
3. Have you ever had an experience while travelling? What happened?
4. What are disadvantages and advantages of travelling alone?
5. What kind of transport do you think is the most uncomfortable, the cheapest, the slowest, the most interesting when travelling alone and with your friends?
to book the flight - заказывать билеты на рейс: Have you booked the flight yet?
reservations desk - стол резервирования
ticket — билет
passenger list — список пассажиров
to check in — регистрироваться I have already checked in.
luggage — багаж
miss the flight — опоздать на рейс
to get on the plane— входить в самолет
take-off— взлет
to fasten seat belts — пристегивать привязные ремни
crew [kru:] — экипаж
to land — приземляться
pilot — летчик, пилот
runway — взлетно-посадочная полоса
suitcase — чемодан
Travelling by Air
1. customs hall-таможенный зал
2. customs officer-офицер таможенной службы
3. passport-паспорт
4. boarding card-посадочный талон
5. captain-командир
6. air hostess-бортпроводница
7. air steward-бортпроводник
8. (air)plane (airliner)-самолет
9. fuselage [ˈfjuːzɪlɑːʒ]-фюзеляж
10. wing-крыло
11. jet engine-реактивный двигатель
12. (tail-)fin-хвостовой киль
13. glider-планер
14. helicopter-вертолет
15. light aircraft-легкий самолет
16. propeller-пропеллер
17. runway-взлетная полоса
18. control tower-аэродромно-диспетчерский пункт
19. hangar [ˈhæŋə]-ангар
20. flight-полет
21. non-stop flight-беспосадочный перелёт
22. visibility-видимость
23. altitude [ˈæltɪtjuːd]-высота
24. gather speed- набирать скорость
25. cruising speed- крейсерская скорость
26. taxi (v) - выруливать (на взлетной полосе)
27. take off-взлетать, взлет
28. land/make a landing-совершить посадку
29. forced landing-вынужденная посадка
30. fair (cross, head) winds-попутный (боковой, встречный) ветер
31. rock (v.)- качаться (взад и вперед)
32. hit an air-pocket-попасть в воздушную яму
34. loop spin-петля
35. wingover-штопор, вираж
36. aircrash-авиакатастрофа
37. hijack (a plane) ['ˈhaɪʤæk]-угнать (самолет)
38. seat-belt (safety belt)-привязные ремни
A Departure
This is the usual sequence of activities when you get to the airport.
First you go to the check-in desk where they weigh your luggage. Usually you are permitted 20 kilos, but if your bags weigh more,
you may have to pay excess baggage (= you pay extra). The airline representative checks your ticket and gives you a boarding card for the plane with your seat number on it.
Then you go through passport control where an official checks [NOT controls] your passport, and into the departure lounge. Here, you can also buy things in the duty-free, e.g. perfume, alcohol and cigarettes. About half an hour or forty minutes before take-off, you are told to go to a gate number, e.g. gate 14, where you wait before you get on the plane. When you board (= get on) the plane, you find your seat. If you have hand luggage, you can put it under your seat or in the overhead locker above your seat.
The plane then taxis (= moves slowly) towards the runway, and when it has permission to take off, it accelerates along the runway and takes off.
Note: The verb to taxi is generally only used in this context.
В The flight
You may want or need to understand certain announcements; these come from the captain (= the pilot) or from an air steward or stewardess / cabin crew / flight attendants (= people who look after the passengers):
Please fasten your seat belt and put your seat in the upright position.
We are now cruising (= flying comfortably) at an altitude (= height) of 10,000 metres. May we remind passengers (= ask passengers to remember) that there is no smoking until you are inside the terminal building (= where passengers arrive and depart).
The cabin crew (= air stewards) are now coming round with landing cards. (These are cards you sometimes have to fill in when you enter certain countries.)
С Arrival
When the plane lands (= arrives on the ground), you have to wait for it to stop / come to a halt. When the doors are open, you get off the plane and walk through the terminal building and go to the baggage reclaim where you collect your luggage. You then pass through customs (green = nothing to declare; red = goods to declare; blue = European Union citizens). If you are lucky, you can then get a bus, taxi or train to the centre of town without waiting too long. You can also hire a car (= rent a car) at most airports.
Note: In British English you normally hire something for a short period, e.g. hire a room for a party, and rent something for a long period, e.g. a flat; for a car, you can use both words.
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Complete the words or phrases below using words.
off control free card baggage in lounge luggage reclaim locker
1 boarding.................. 6 duty..............................
2 baggage................... 7 overhead ..................
3 excess........................ 8 take-............................
4 passport ................ 9 departure...................
5 hand ........................ 10 check-........................
What do you call:
- The place where you go when you arrive at the airport with your luggage?
- The card they give you with the seat number on it?
- The money you have to pay if your luggage is very heavy?
- The place where you sit and have a drink when you are waiting for your flight to be called?
- The bags you carry onto the plane with you?
- The place above your head where you can put your hand luggage?
- The part of the airport where the plane accelerates and takes off?
- The people who look after you on the plane?
- The part of the airport you walk through when you arrive or depart?
10 The place where you collect your luggage after you land?
Complete this part of a letter about an unpleasant flight.
Pear Tom!
I've just arrived in Rome but I'm stiII recovering from a really terrible flight.
We (1)________two hours late because of bad weather, and then over the
channel we hit more- bad weather. The (2)_____________ announced that we had to
(3)__________ our seat belts, which was a bit worrying, and for half an hour we
(4)__________ through a terrible storm. It was still raining, and very windy when we
(5)__________ in Rome and I was really glad to (6)______________the plane and got into
the airport building.
"Fortunately things have improved since then but I really hope the return (7)_______ a lot better.
Think about the whole experience of flying (from check-in to the time you leave the airport at your destination) and answer these questions. If possible, discuss your answers with someone else.
- What is the most interesting part, and what is the most boring part?
- Where do you often have delays, and why?
- Is there any part that frightens or worries you?
- What do you usually do during most flights?
- Do you always eat the food they give you?
- Is there one thing which would improve flying and make the experience more interesting?
Travelling by Air
I knew it was going to be a bad day when, on the way to the airport, the taxi driver told me he was lost.
I had booked my flight over the telephone, so when we finally arrived, I had to rush to the reservations desk to pay for my ticket. The woman at the desk told me that my name was not on the passenger list. It took fifteen minutes for her to realise that she had spelled my name incorrectly. She gave me my ticket and told me I'd better check in my luggage quickly or I'd miss my flight.
I was the last person to get on the plane. I found my seat and discovered that I was sitting next to a four-year-old boy who had a cold. I sat down and wondered if anything else could go wrong.
I hate flying, especially take-off, but the plane took off and everything seemed to be all right. Then, a few minutes later, there was a funny noise and everything started to shake. I looked out of the window and-oh my God-there was smoke coming out of the wing. All I could think was, "The engine is on fire. We're going to crash. I'm too young to die".
Almost immediately, the captain spoke to us in a very calm voice, "Ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We are having a slight technical problem with one of our engines. There is absolutely no need to panic. We will have to return to the airport. Please remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened."
Well you can imagine how frightened I was, but the crew was fantastic. The flight attendants were really calm and told us not to worry. One of them told me to relax and said that everything would be all right.
A few minutes later, we were coming in to land. The pilot made a perfect landing on the runway. It was over. We were safe.
That day, I decided not to fly again. I caught another taxi and went home. But as I closed the front door, I looked down at my case. Somehow I had picked up the wrong suitcase.
Make 10 questions. Make up your own text, based on your own experience:
Путешествие самолетом.
Я чувствовал, что это будет плохой день. По дороге в аэропорт таксист сказал мне, что он заблудился. Я заказал билет заранее по телефону, и, когда мы приехали, мне нужно было быстро оплатить его в предварительной кассе. Женщина за стойкой сказала, что моего имени нет в списке пассажиров. Мне понадобилось пятнадцать минут, чтобы выяснить, что она неправильно написала мое имя. Она дала мне билет и сказала, что мне лучше поторопиться с проверкой багажа, иначе я рискую опоздать на самолет.
Я зашел в самолет последним.
Я нашел свое место и обнаружил, что буду сидеть напротив четырехлетнего ребенка, который был болен. Я сел размышляя о том, что еще могло пойти не так.
Я не люблю летать, особенно не выношу взлет, однако самолет оторвался от земли, и, казалось, все шло нормально. Затем, через несколько минут, раздали забавный звук, и все стало трястись. Я посмотрел в иллюминатор, и, о ужас; от крыла шел дым. Все, о чем я мог тогда думать: «Двигатель горит. Мы разобьемся. Я умру».
Почти сразу же капитан спокойным голосом сказал: «Леди и джентльмены! Говорит капитан. У нас возникли небольшие технические неполадки с одним из двигателей. Сохраняйте спокойствие. Нам придется вернуться в аэропорт. Пристегните ремни безопасности и оставайтесь на местах».
Two Weeks in Another Town
by Irvin Shaw
It was a cold gray day without wind. By nightfall it would rain. There was the spasmodic engine whine of unseen planes. The plane from New York had been delayed and the echoing voice had announced in French and English over the public-address system that the flight for Rome had been put back by a half-hour.
The usual gloom of airports, that mixture of haste and apprehension which has become the atmosphere of travel because nobody waits comfortably for the take-off of an airplane, was intensified by the weather. The neon light made everyone look poor and unwell. There was feeling that if each traveller had the chance to choose again, he would can his passage and go by boat or train or automobile.
In a corner of the restaurant a man and a woman waited, drinking coffee. Then the voice in French and English announced that the passengers were asked to pass through Customs; the plane for Rome, flight No. 804, was ready and was loading. The man hurried past the Customs and out on to tf wet tarmac toward the waiting plane, As the plane taxied off toward the starting point on the runway, the man saw his wife and children, outside the restaurant now, waving, then settled back in his seat, relieved, The plane gathered speed or the take-off.
Ex.12. Comprehension questions.
1. What was the weather like?
2. What is the typical atmosphere of travel?
3. What did neon light make everyone look like?
4. Why did one have a feeling that each traveller would gladly cancel his flight?
5. What did the voice in French announce?
6. Who was in the restaurant, waiting for the plane?
7. What did the man feel when he settled in his seat?
Ex. 13. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases:
1) двигатель, 2) опаздывать, 3) система оповещения, 4) сдать билеты аннулировать полет,
5) взлетное поле, 6) прибытие, 7) объявлять (по радио), 8) пройти таможенный досмотр, 9) выруливать, 10) взлетная полоса, 11) набирать скорость,
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Ex14. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.
The voice announced ... French and English that the plane had been delayed. 2) The information will be announced ... the public-address system.
The flight... New York had been put…half an hour. 4) Everybody was waiting comfortably ... the take-off. 5) He looked as if he could cancel his flight and go boat or train. 6) The passengers were instructed to pass Customs. 7) The man hurried ... the Customs. The waiting plane, 8) His e and children were standing... the restaurant now, waving, and then he settled his seat.
Ex. 15. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B.
1. fasten the belts а. видимость
2. air crash b. высота
3, altitude с. пристегнуть ремни
4 tag d беспосадочный перелёг
5. landing е. авиакатастрофа
6. hit an air-pocket f. попасть & воздушную яму
1. visibility g. воздушные потоки
8. nonstop flight h. посадка (приземление)
9. air currents i. бирка
1 2 3 4 5 Б 7 8 9
Ex.16. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own.
1) put the plane into a steep climb; 2) get airsick; 3) gain height; 4) intense alarm;5) hit an air-pocket; 6) concrete runway; 7) according to statistics; 8) air crashes; 9) blind flying; 10) pilot's cabin; 11) air hostess (stewardess); 12) touch the ground; 13) safe flight.
Ex. 17. Match the words which have something in common:
landing, scales, flight, take off, delay, overweight, luggage, plane, stewardess, additional charge, weather, airsickness seat belts, suit case,
Ex. 18. Give a word or a phrase for the following definition.
1. Get on/into a plane;
2. Reach a place/the end of a journey;
3. area of land for an aircraft to take off from;
4. height (above sea level);
5. fall on the ground suddenly, violently and noisily.
Ex. 19. Give the synonyms for:
1. airfield 4. seat belt
2. aircraft 5. airhostess
3. by air 6. inquiry office
Ex.20. Translate the words in brackets. Render the story in English.
All on Board?
All of us who (путешествовать на самолете) probably find reasons t complain about (воздушные линии), but it is less common for airlines to complaint about us! At 2.35 p.m. (рейс 767) was ready to leave for Ibiza and nearly all passengers were (на борту). At 6.10 p.m. the plane was still on (взлет, полоса). Two passengers hadn’t boarded. If people (зарегистрироваться) but don't board all the luggage must be unloaded. All the passengers had (сойти самолета) and all of them identified their (багаж). At the end there were two pieces of luggage left. Just then, both missing passengers appeared. “We went to the bar and we had something to drink and a sandwich,” they explained. We had been sitting in the bar for hours! The captain scolded the men severely and the other passengers were very angry with them.
Requesting Travel Information
Ex.21. Read the dialogues and say what information was requested.
Model-1. time of the first morning plane to Frankfurt.
2. ______________________
3 ______________________
4 ______________________
5 ______________________
6 ______________________
Traveller: Could you tell me, please, the time of the first morning plane to Frankfurt?
Girl: Yes. The first plane leaves at 8.15.
Traveller: Thanks. And can you tell me when it arrives so that I can let my secretary know.
Girl: It arrives at 10.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast is bad.
Traveller: I see. Do you happen to know the time of the last plane this evening then?
Girl; Well, there’s one at 11.15 but it’s fully booked, I’m afraid.
Traveller. Oh, well, I wonder if you’d let me know at my hotel if there's a cancellation on that flight, I’d be very grateful.
Girl: Yes, of course I’ll do that for you. What’s your number?
Traveller: 3596. Thank you. Now could you tell me how I can get to Leicester Square, please?
Ex. 22. Translate the Russian parts of the sentences.
Can/could you tell me Do you happen to know I wonder if you'd let me know
когда улетает первый самолет в Париж? отели 8 Бирмингеме дешевле, чем в Лондоне?
есть ли места на рейс в 2.30? сколько стоит билет I класса на Эдинбург?
повысила ли компания цены на билеты? нужно ли мне делать пересадку в Манчестере?
из какого аэропорта улетает самолет? есть ли рейс 8 воскресенье? задержится ли этот рейс из-за тумана?
Ex. 23. Make up stories for the following situations.
- You've just arrived from Moscow. The flight has been your first journey by air and you are still feeling very excited about it. Now you are describing the flight to your parents (or friends).
- You had come to the airport to meet an old friend arriving from distant city and found that his plane had been delayed. Say what you to pass the time until your friend’s plane arrived.
- A porter has taken your luggage and disappeared and you don’t remember what he looks like. Five minutes before the train is due to lea he is still missing.
- You have a friend who has never travelled on board a ship and he wants to know what it is like. Describe a crossing when the sea is rough.
- You are going through the Customs and the Customs officer has found, in your case some prohibited articles.
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Ex. 24. listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:
Why is Norman's mother fussing?
What things go to the suit case the last moment? What is a label?
Where did Norman put his passport?
Who is meeting Norman at the airport?
When is Norman coming back?
Ex. 25. Think about the clothes you would pack:
- for one week holiday in Spain;
- for two weeks’ business trip in London in spring;
- for a skiing holiday in Sweden.
- make a list of the clothes you had in your suitcase.
<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/3OfmohdsU2U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Ex26. Listen to a dialogue:
Ground hostess: Your boarding card, please.
John: Just a minute. Oh, here it is, in my pocket.
Ground hostess: Thank you. Please look after it. You’ll need it again on the aircraft. Now, will you please join those passengers queueing over there? '
John: Why, what’s wrong?
Ground hostess: Oh, nothing jo worry about. It’s just our normal security check, it won't take more than a few minutes.
John: Oh, very well then.
Security officer: May I see your hand luggage, please?
John: Yes, but do be careful. I have a vase there.
Security officer: It’ll be all right. Now, will you walk between these two posts, please?
John: What is all this?
Security officer: It's a detection device that shows us if anyone is carrying any metal.
John: Interesting. What was that bell?
Security officer: Have you got anything in your right pocket?
John: Yes, my bunch of keys.
Security officer: May I have them, please? Now just walk through again
John: No bell. It was the keys that made it ring, then?
Grammar World
Script iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/OGovdkASQPQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Amanda: Hi Tim, just ringing to see if you’ve got the details of the hockey team’s trip for next month.
Tim: Hi Amanda. Yes, I went to the travel agency this morning. I’ve got the details right here in front of me.
Amanda: Oh, great Well, why don’t you tell me all about it and I’ll pass on the information to the rest of the team.
Tim: Good, well, first of all we’re flying to Scotland. Well have to get up really early because our flight leaves at six thirty in the morning. We’re playing four matches there, which I know sounds like a lot but we’ll also have three days free. So, we’re going to hire a bus and then drive through the mountains and we’ll probably stay in some sort of mountain lodge there.
Amanda: Sounds wonderful. I hope the weather’s good.
Tim: Me too, but it’ll probably rain every day.
Amanda: Still, not to worry - I'm sure we’ll enjoy it whatever the weather. Where to after that?
Tim: From there we fly to Greece. We were
supposed to be playing five matches there but two have been cancelled, so it’s only three now. Still, that means there’s a bit of free time to do some tourist things as well, as we now have four days free altogether.
Amanda: Great What about accommodation over there?
Tim: Well, it’s more luxurious than last year’s
camping trip, so I think everyone will be happy with it. This time we’re staying in a small hotel near the centre of Athens for a few days, and then we’re going to get a boat to a couple of the islands, although we haven’t decided which ones yet.
Amanda: I’m sure we’ll have good weather there,
anyway, so lots of time for sunbathing on the beach.
Tim: Yes, I think it’ll be extremely hot there.
Amanda: You’re right - we’ll probably end up wishing
we were back in Scotland! Well, we’re certainly going to have a varied trip.
Tim: Yes. In Scotland we’re probably going to do lots of walking and in Greece we’re going to be lying on the beach. I imagine we’ll even get a bit of a tan.
Amanda: I think it’s going to be a great trip!
Tim: Ha! Just don’t forget to concentrate on your game! Oh, and one more thing, don’t forget that the manager is having a party just after we get back to celebrate the team’s great results last season, and the best player on the tour will get a special trophy.
Amanda: Wow! Don’t worry, I’ll let everyone know.
Listen and complete the table below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer.
Now listen again and write A if Tim makes this statement В if Amanda makes this statement С if both Tim and Amanda make this statement
1. We’re travelling to Scotland by plane........ ...........
2. We’ll have fun even if the weather is bad.....................
3. The team will be pleased with the accommodation in Athens............
4. The two countries are going to provide very different experiences....
5. The team manager is holding a party on our return.....................
Look at the statements in Exercise 3 and answer these questions.
1. Which tense is used in statements 1 and 5?............................
2. Which structure is used in statements 2 and 3 to refer to the future?
3. Which structure is used in statement 4 to refer to the future?...........
4. Which statements talk about a fixed arrangement?...........................
5. Which statements are predictions?............................
A: Context listening
I. hockey, Scotland and Greece
II. 1) Scotland, 2) Four(4), 3) three(3), 4) mountain lodge, 5) Greece, 6) three(3), 7) four(4), 8) a small hotel, 9) islands
III. 1-A, 2-B, 3-A,4-C, 5-A
IV. 1. Present Continuous, 2. Will, 3. going to, 4. sentences 1 and 5, 5. sentences 2-4
1. Present Continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about plans or definite arrangements for the future:
We’re staying in a small hotel, (we have made the arrangements)
Notice that time expressions are used or understood from the context in order to show that we are talking about the future (and not the present):
The manager is having a partу just after we get back, (time expression given)
We're playing four matches there, (future time expression understood)
2. Will
will + verb
will not (won't) + verb will... + verb?
We use will
♦ to make predictions, usually based on our opinions or our past experience:
I think it'll be extremely hot there.
♦ to talk about future events we haven’t arranged yet:
We'll probably stay in some sort of mountain lodge there.
♦ to talk about future events or facts that are not personal:
The best player on the tour will get a special trophy.
The prime minister will open the debate in parliament tomorrow.
♦ to talk about something we decide to do at the time of speaking:
Tell me all about it and I'll pass on the information to the rest of the team.
We often use mil to make offers, promises or suggestions:
Don't worry, I'll let everyone know,(a promise)Going to
3. Going to
am/is/are + going to + verb We're going to hire a bus. am/is/are not + going to + verb I le’s not going to hire a Ьиs. am/is/are... + going to + verb? Are they going to hire a hits?
Going to often means the same as the present continuous and will.
We use going to
♦ to talk about events in the future we have already thought about and intend to do:
We're going to hire a bus.(we intend to go, but we haven’t made the arrangements yet)
We're going to get a boat to a couple of the islands.
♦ to make predictions when there is present evidence:
Well, we're certainly going to have a varied trip.(I am judging this from what I know about the plans)
Going to and will can follow words like think, doubt, expect, believe, probably, certainly, definitely, be sure to show that it is an opinion about the future:
I think it’s going to be a great trip.
I’m sure we'll enjoy it whatever the weather.
It’ll probably rain every day.
We can often choose different future forms to talk about the same future situation. It depends on the speaker’s ideas about the situation:
The manager is having a party when we get back, (definite arrangement) (Present Continuous)
We’re going to hire a bus and then drive through the mountains, (less definite arrangement - we haven’t booked the bus yet)
I'm sure we’ll enjoy it. (prediction based on my guess)
We're going to have a very varied trip! (prediction based on what I know about the weather)
Often there is very little difference between going to and will for predictions.
Grammar extra: Making predictions using words other than will
In formal writing we often use expressions other than will to predict the future (e.g. be likely to, be predicted to, be estimated to, be certain to):
The population is likely to increase to 22 million in 2011.
The average annual rainfall is predicted to be ten per cent lower than today’s figures.
Let's practice.
Fill in the gaps in the second half of this model answer with phrases from the box. Thanks to modem technology; there have been enormous changes in the workplace over the past 100 years.
What are the most significant changes that have occurred and what changes do you foresee in the next 100 years?
are going to feel will result
will have are likely to occur
are likely to lead to will be
is likely to become will find
will develop are are going to happen
will continue are predicted to work
So, now let us consider the changes that 1 are likely to occur in the next 100 years. Unfortunately
I believe that not all changes 2.........for the better For example, in the future more and
more people 3.......from home and so they 4...........more isolated from their
colleagues. On the other hand they 5..........(certainly) greater freedom to choose their
working hours.
A further possible change is that handwriting 6..........obsolete. We are already so used to
using a keyboard that today's children are losing the ability to spell without the aid of a word
Without a doubt even greater changes 7..........in technology used in the workplace. Computers 8..........(undoubted!;) to grow even more powerful
and this 9..........(probably) in an even faster pace of life than we have now. let us hope that our employers 10..........a way to reduce the stress on workers this fast pace can bring.
I also think these improvements in technology 11..........even more globalisation that now and companies 12..........very strong international links.
Underline the most suitable form of the verbs.
Dear Paul and Claire
We’re having a wonderful time here In France thе weather is beautiful and we've got lots of plans for how to spend the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow 1 we're going out / we will go out on a glass-bottomed boat to, look at the wonderful sea, life, and then on Wednesday we think 2 we're taking / well take a tour of the old town. Ollie's aunt lives quite close, so 3 we're visiting / were going to visit her too if we have time.
The hotel is lovely and lively and has lots of good night life. Tonight 4 they're holding / they'll hold an international evening, with lots of food from different countries.
As you know, we’re here with our friends, John and Wendy, but 5 they aren’t staying / they won’t stay as long as us, so 6 were probably doing / we’ll probably do the really 'touristy’ things with them, and be lazy in our second week. You can hire small sailing boats for the day, so we think
7 we were doing / were going to do that next week, and 8 we’re also going to try / we’re also trying to have time to do some shopping!
I hope you are ready for your big trip. 9 You’re Loving / You’ll love Australia. In fact 10 you’re going to probably end up / you’ll probably end up staying there much longer than you’ve planned.
Have a great time, and 11 were going to see / we’ll see you when you get back.
Love Kath and Ollie.
Fill in the gaps with the present continuous or will-future form of the verbs in brackets.
Kirsty: Hi Elaine. It’s Kirsty, here.
Elaine: Hello, how are you?
Kirsty: Fine. Listen, I know this is very short notice but are you doing (1 do) anything tonight?
Elaine: Nothing why?
Kirsty: Well I..........(2 take) my class to the theatre, but one of them can’t go.
Would you like to come?
Elaine: I’d love to. What’s the play about?
Kirsty: Oh, I..........(3 tell) you all about that a little later. I..........(4 pick)
you up at 6.30 - is that okay?
Elaine: Yes, OK. Or how about meeting a bit earlier? We could have a coffee beforehand.
Kirsty: Well, I..........(5 see) the school principal at four, but I suppose I could
come after that. My meeting..........(6 probably/finish) at about 5.30. Is that okay?
Elaine: Yes, of course. What time does the play actually start?
Kirsty: At 7.30, although we..........(7 need) to be there before as
I..........(8 meet) my students at the theatre at seven. Afterwards they..........(9 probably/want) to talk about the play for a little while. But I
hope that..........(10 not/go on) for too long. There..........(11 be) plenty of time for us to discuss it at tomorrow’s lesson.
Elaine: That’s fine. I..........(12 see) you at 5.30!
P Write sentences about yourself.
1 Write two intentions about your future.
2 Write three plans or arrangements for your future.
3 Predict three things that you think will happen to the workplace in the future.
1 2 will be 3 are predicted to work 4 are going to feel 5. will certainly have 6. is likely to become 7. are going to happen 8 will undoubtedly continue
9 will probably result 10 will find 11 are likely to lead to 12 will develop (B2 and B3, Grammar extra)
2 we’ll take 3 we’re going to visit 4 they’re holding
they aren't staying 6 we’ll probably do 7 we’re going to do
we’re also going to try 9 You’ll love 10 you’ll probably end up 11 we’ll see (B1-B3)
2 ’m taking 3 'll tell 4 'll pick 5 ’m seeing 6. will probably finish 7 'll need 8 ’m meeting
9. 'll probably want 10 won’t go on 11 will be 12 ‘ll see (B1 and B2)
Answers will vary. Suggestions: 1 I'm going to visit my grandmother. (I will visit my grandmother at the weekend sounds like a promise rather than a planned visit.)
'm travelling to America next week.
I think we will stop using fax machines, ( B1-B3)
In/at/on (place) (3)
A. In bed/at home etc.
We say that somebody is in bed/in hospital/in prison:
* Mark isn't up yet. He's still in bed.
* Kay's mother is in hospital.
We say that somebody is at home/at work/at school/at university/at college:
* I'll be at work until 5.30 but I'll be at home all evening.
* Julia is studying chemistry at university.
Also at sea (= on a voyage). Compare at sea and in the sea:
* It was a long voyage. We were at sea for 30 days.
* I love swimming in the sea.
B. At a party/at a concert etc.
We say that somebody is at an event (at a party/at a conference etc.):
* Were there many people at the party/at the meeting?
* I saw Jack at a football match/at a concert last Saturday.
C. In and at for buildings
You can often use in or at with buildings. For example, you can eat in a restaurant or at a restaurant.
We usually say at when we say where an event takes place (for example, a concert, a film, a party, a meeting, a sports event):
* We went to a concert at the Royal Festival Hall.
* The meeting took place at the company's headquarters.
* The film I want to see is showing at the Odeon (cinema).
We say at the station/at the airport:
* Don't meet me at the station. I can get a taxi.
We say at somebody's house:
* I was at Judy's house last night. or I was at Judy's last night.
Also: at the doctor's, at the hairdresser's etc.
We use in when we are thinking about the building itself:
* The rooms in Judy's house are very small. (not 'at Judy's house')
* I enjoyed the film but it was very cold in the cinema. (not 'at the cinema')
D. In and at for towns etc.
We normally use in with cities, towns and villages:
* Tom's parents live in Nottingham. (not 'at Nottingham')
* The Louvre is a famous art museum in Paris. (not 'at Paris')
But you can use at or in when you think of the place as a point or station on a journey:
* Do you know if this train stops at (or in) Nottingham? (=at Nottingham station)
* We stopped at (or in) a small village on the way to London.
E. On a bus/in a car etc.
We usually say on a bus/on a train/on a plane/on a ship but in a car/in a taxi:
* The bus was very full. There were too many people on it.
* George arrived in a taxi.
We say on a bicycle/on a motorcycle/on a horse:
* Mary passed me on her bicycle.
For by bus/by car/by bicycle etc.,
Ex.1 Complete the sentences about the pictures. Use in, at or on with the words below the pictures.
(the airport) (a train) (a conference) (hospital) (the hairdresser) (her bicycle),(New York) (the National Theatre)
1. You can hire a car _at the airport._
2. Dave is ---.
3. Tessa is ---.
4. Martinis ---.
5. Judy is ---.
6. I saw Mary ---.
7. We spent a few days ---.
8. We saw a play ---.
Ex.2 Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + one of the following:
sea hospital bed the station the cinema the plane school prison the airport the Sports Centre
1. My train arrives at 11.30. Can you meet me _at the station?_
2. I didn't feel very well when I woke up, so I stayed ---.
3. I think I'd like to see a film. What's on --- this week?
4. Some people are --- for crimes that they did not commit.
5. 'What does your sister do? Has she got a job?' 'No, she's still ---.
6. I play basketball --- on Friday evenings.
7. A friend of mine was injured in an accident a few days ago. She's still ---.
8. Our flight was delayed. We had to wait --- for four hours.
9. I enjoyed the flight but the food --- wasn't very nice.
10. Bill works on ships. He is away --- most of the time.
Ex.3 Complete these sentences with in, at or on.
1. I didn't see you --- the party on Saturday. Where were you?
2. It was a very slow train. It stopped --- every station.
3. I don't know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it --- the bus.
4. Shall we travel --- your car or mine?
5. The exhibition --- the Museum of Modern Art finished on Saturday.
6. We stayed a very nice hotel when we were --- Amsterdam.
7. There were fifty rooms --- the hotel.
8. Tom is ill. He wasn't --- work today. He was --- home --- bed.
9. I wasn't in when you phoned. I was --- my sister's house.
10. It's always too hot --- my sister's house. The heating is always on too high.
11. I haven't seen Kate for some time. I last saw her --- Dave's wedding.
12. Paul lives --- London. He's a student --- London University.
Phrasal verbs:
You are going to hear five people talking about money. First, discuss with
your partner what you think they will say. Next, listen and make notes. Then compare your notes with your partner.
1 Self-made woman
2 Rich woman
3 Bankrupt businessman
4 Unemployed person
5 Middle-aged regular saver
Match the multi-word verbs in A with the definitions in B. If necessary, listen to the interview again, or look at Tapescript 5a.
1 to set out to do something
2 to put something down to something
3 to come into something
4 to live off someone/something
5 to pay something off
6 to keep up with someone/ something
7 to fall back on someone/something
8 to get by (on something)
9 to put something by
a. to save something so you can use it later
b. to depend on someone/ something as a source of income
c. to manage to survive (on something) despite difficulties
d. to inherit something (especially money)
e. to consider something to be the result of something else
f. to begin with the intention of achieving something
g. to return to someone/something for support, when other things have failed
h. to progress or rise at the same rate as someone/something else
i. to repay a debt
iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/1Fe2c8OKpO8?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Tapescript 5a
1 A self-made woman
1come from a very poor background. My parents never had any money so we literally lived from hand to mouth. That’s probably why f set out to become rich before I was thirty. I found a job in a company, and when I’d saved up enough money I started up my own business. What do I put my success down to? Hard work. You have to work hard for what you want in this life.
A rich woman
I’m fortunate because I came into a lot of money when my aunt died and left me everything. I invested the money and now I live off the interest. I suppose I’m what you would call well-off - but money isn’t everything. Sometimes it creates more problems than it solves.
A bankrupt businessman
At one time I was extremely well-off, but then came the stock market crash and I lost everything. I had no money to pay off my debts and I was declared bankrupt. What did learn from this experience? Firstly, money doesn't grow on trees, and secondly, when you lose everything you find out who your real friends are - they're the ones who stay with you when you come down in the world.
Unemployed person
The last job I had was so badly paid that I couldn't make ends meet on my salary, and as a result I was always getting into debt. Everything was becoming more expensive all the time but my salary stayed the same, so I couldn’t keep up with the cost of living. My bank account was in the red and I had no savings to fall back on. And then I lost my job. Now things are really hard and I have to get by on less than £50 a week. I know they say money can’t buy happiness, but I’d rather be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy.
A middle-aged regular saver
Some people spend money like water, but not me -1 believe in saving up for a rainy day. I put by a little money every week. You see, you have to think about the future when you're my age. When you're young you don’t need money but when you're old. you can't live without it.
Listen to the sentences on the tape. Use the prompts you hear to make sentences with the same meaning.
He intended to win a gold medal, (set out to)
He set out to win a gold medal.
1 Rewrite the following sentences so that they have similar meaning, using the multi-word verbs from this unit. Make any changes necessary to the structure of the sentences.
a. Many pensioners have to survive on very little money.
b. He calculated it would take him three years to clear all his debts.
c. She accumulated a great deal of money by saving a little every week.
d. His uncle died and left him a fortune.
e. She decided she wanted to start her own business.
f. If I ever get into financial difficulties, I know I can always rely on my brother for help.
g. She supports herself with the money she gets from selling her books.
h. She thought she was a success because she had been lucky.
i. The cost of living is going up all the time, but my salary isn’t.
2 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences below without letting your partner see what you have written. Then take turns trying to guess what the other person has written.
a. If I came into a lot of money, I’d...
b. One thing I have set out to do, and have achieved, is...
c. If I earned a salary which didn’t keep up with inflation, I’d...
d. I could get by on very little money provided that...
e. I put the increase in crime down to...
Idiomatic expressions
3 Look at Tapescript 5 a on page 79 and find the idiomatic expressions which mean the following:
a. to have hardly enough money or food to live on
b. money is not easily obtained (a saying)
c. to become less rich and have a lower social status
d. to live reasonably well without getting into debt
e. to spend money freely as if it were in endless supply
f. a time when you might need money
4 Work in pairs. Choose one of the situations below. One of you play the role of interviewer.
Then change situations and roles. Use the multi-word verbs and
expressions from the box.
live from hand to mouth
get by on something
be in the red
put something down to something
come into something
fall back on something
pay something off
set out to do something
live off something
money doesn’t grow on trees
Situation 1
You used to have a very poorly paid job, but then you inherited a great deal of money.
Describe how your life has changed and what you have decided to do
with the money.
Situation 2
You are a self-made man/woman.
Describe your poor background, your decision to become rich, your attitude towards money, and how you explain your success.
How multi-word verbs work
5 The following sentences contain Type 4 multi-word verbs from units 1-5. Fill in the missing second particle.
1 The company has decided to go ahead..........the new building project.
2 I don’t feel up..........seeing anyone tonight.
3 The police are going to crack down..........illegal gambling.
4 We must face up..........our responsibilities.
5 She went back..........her word not to tell anybody.
6 The speech didn’t live up..........our expectations.
7 During the interview she came across..........efficient and decisive.
8 They got away..........using bad language.
9 Inflation is rising so fast we cannot keep up..........the cost of living.
10 He fell back..........his savings when he lost his job.
What is the opposite of :
a. to be in the red?
b. to come/go down in the world?
- My uncle is so mean with money that he refuses to let his children go to school.
- Why?
- Because they have to pay attention!
Speaking and Writing Look at the picture story below with your partner. Practise telling it with the multi-word verbs and expressions from the box. Then
write the story.
live from hand to mouth
make ends meet
set out to do something
put his success down to
be well off
go up in the world
spend money like water
put something by for a rainy day
live off something
be in the red
come down in the world
fall back on someone/something
pay something off
to get by on something
Tapescript 5b
Listen to the sentences. Then say the sentences again, using the multi-word verb prompts. The first one has been done for you.
I've repaid all my debts.
(pay off)
I've paid off my debts.
I save a little money every week.
(put by)
I put by a little money every week.
He inherited a fortune when his father died.
(come into)
He came into a fortune when his father died.
She survives on a very small income.
(get by on)
She gets by on a very small income.
She gets all her money from her parents.
(live off)
She lives off her parents.
My salary isn't rising as fast as inflation.
(keep up with)
My salary isn't keeping up with inflation.
We thought her bad behaviour was the result of stress.
(put something down to)
We put her bad behaviour down to stress.
I know I can always ask my parents for help if I'm ever in trouble.
(fall back on)
know 1 can always fall back on my parents if I'm ever in trouble. She intended to become the best tennis player in the world. (set out to)
She set out to become the best tennis player in the world.
Keys to Unit 5 Money! Money! Money!
Checking understanding
If. 2 e. 3d. 4 b. 5 i. 6 h. 7 g. 8 c. 9 a.
Language note: to live off someone can sometimes have a
negative connotation, e.g. He lives off his parents
suggests he is unreasonably dependent on them for his
a. Many pensioners have to get by on very little money. He calculated it would take him three years to pay off all his debts. She accumulated a great deal of money by putting by a little every week. His uncle died and he came into a fortune. She set out to start her own business. If I ever get into financial difficulties, I know I can always fall back on my brother for help.
g. She lives off the money she gets from selling her books. She put her success down to luck. My salary isn't keeping up with the cost of living. Possible answers ...I'd invest it and live off the interest. ...to learn to play the piano well. ...I'd look for another job. ...I didn't have to support other people. ...the increase in unemployment. Idiomatic expressions
a. to live from hand to mouth money doesn't grow on trees to come/go down in the world to make ends meet to spend money like water a rainy day How multi-word verbs work
1 with 2 to 3 on 4 to 5 on 6 to 7 as with 9 with 10 on What’s the answer?
to be in the black to come/go up in the world
1.2. Определенный артикль (The Definite Article)
Определенный артикль the употребляется с нарицательными существительными, стоящими как в единственном, так и во множественном числе, в следующих случаях:
1. Когда лицо или предмет, уже названный ранее, снова упоминается в беседе или тексте, или говорящим понятно о каком предмете или явлении идет речь.
An old doctor lived in a small town. The doctor was known to everybody in the town as a very kind man.
В одном маленьком городе жил когда-то старый доктор. Доктор был известен всем в городе как очень добрый человек.
We went to the cinema yesterday. Мы вчера ходили в кино.
Was the film good?
Фильм был хороший? (подразумевается тот конкретный фильм, который накануне смотрел один из собеседников).
2. Когда из ситуации или контекста ясно, какое именно лицо или предмет имеется в виду:
the door дверь
the ceiling потолок
the floor пол
the carpet ковер
the light свет и т.д.
(когда речь идет о комнате)
the roof крыша
the garden сад
the kitchen кухня
the bathroom ванная комната и т.д.
(когда речь идет о доме)
the centre центр
the station станция
the airport аэропорт
the town hall ратуша (когда речь идет о городе)
I opened the door and went out.
Я открыл дверь и вышел.
I live very far from the centre.
Я живу очень далеко от центра (в городе может быть только один центр).
Paris is the capital of France.
Париж - столица Франции (во Франции только одна столица). What is the name of this town?
Как называется этот город? (у города только одно название)
Can you tell me the time, please?
Вы можете мне сказать, который час? (время сейчас)
3. The police полиция, the fire brigade пожарная команда, the navy ВМФ, the army армия всегда употребляются с определенным артиклем the.
My brother is in the army. Мой брат служит в армии.
The police stopped me because I was driving too fast.
Полиция остановила меня, так как я ехал очень быстро.
1. Explain the functions of the articles or their absence with the
italicized nouns:
1.He gave me a message for you.
2. The road past the church was quiet.
3. “Is it true?” “Oh, no. It’s pure imagination.”
4. Only the poet or the saint can water an asphalt pavement in the confident anticipation that lilies will reward his labour.
5. I was quick to weave fantasies with my mother, to build houses and furnish them, and give her motor cars and furs.
6. All available chairs were occupied, and at least a hundred people were standing.
7. He closed his eyes. A peculiar weariness came over him.
8. Just about everybody in the town is chasing the dollar so hard that they only have time to breathe on Sundays.
9. I call it a very mediocre play.
10. I liked pleasure and good things.
11. My mother died in May. From the cemetery, my father and I returned to the empty house.
12. He wanted to hide the embarrassment he felt at making this speech.
13. With a frankness which brought colour to her cheeks he said, “I suppose you mean me.”
14. She looked in her handbag for an envelope.
15. He thinks it’s pure nerves and he’s given me pills. You’d better hope that the pills do some good.
16. Peter was alone at home, enjoying the solitude and the freedom of the empty house.
17. You’ve never bought a car yet, have you?
18. My mother liked to wait until it was quite dark before we lit the gas and drew the blinds.
19. I don’t know how to talk to children.
20. We sat round the table in the kitchen. There was cold meat, cheese, a bowl of tinned pears, jam-tarts, and a jug of cream.
2l. She put down the cup and got up.
22 .There was not a cloud in the sky.
23. The big table was covered with texts and notebooks.
Материалы использованы из учебного пособия,Л.П. Христорожденственская Английский язык практический курс "Intermediate" Минск, "Попресс", 1998г. R. Merphy, English Grammar in Use, second edition, Cambrige University Press 1994 Martin Hewings "Advanced Grammar in Use", Cambridge University Press 1999 Diana Hopkins, Pauline Cullen, Cambridge, Grammar for IELTS 2007, Graham Workman, Making Headway, "Phrasal Verbs and Idioms", Advanced, Oxford University Press, 1955;