L. 18. That's what I like to do

Курсы изучения разговорного английского языка

about əˈbaʊt около
awful ˈɔːfʊl ужасный
beautiful ˈbjuːtəfʊl красивая
building ˈbɪldɪŋ здание
centre ˈsentə центр
cities ˈsɪtɪz города
countries ˈkʌntrɪz страны
doctor ˈdɒktə врач
fantastic fænˈtæstɪk фантастика
find faɪnd найти
from frɒm из
hear hɪə слышать
her hɜː ее
his hɪz его
hospital ˈhɒspɪtl больница
how old haʊ əʊld Сколько лет
look at lʊk ət посмотри на
map mæp карта
married ˈmærɪd в браке
on holiday ɒn ˈhɒlədɪ на выходных
people ˈpiːpl люди
really good ˈrɪəlɪ gʊd действительно хорошо
school skuːl школа
these   ðiːz эти
too tuː слишком
weather  ˈweðə Погода
where? weə где?
world wɜːld Мир
Countries ˈkʌntrɪz страны
Australia ɒˈstreɪlɪə Австралия
Brazil ˈbræzɪl Бразилия
Canada ˈkænədə Канада
China ˈʧaɪnə Китай
Egypt ˈiːʤɪpt Египет
England ˈɪŋglənd Англия
France frɑːns Франция
Hungary ˈhʌŋgərɪ Венгрия
Italy ˈɪtəli Италия
Japan ʤəˈpæn Япония
Russia ˈrʌʃə Россия
Spain speɪn Испания
the United States ðə ˈjʊˈnaɪtɪd steɪts Соединенные Штаты

Read and listen to the text.

'Hello! My name's Colin Brodie. I come from
Dundee in Scotland, but now I live and work in
London. I have a very small flat near the centre.
I live there with two friends. I'm a waiter and
I'm also a drama student. I work part-time in an
Italian restaurant. I eat Italian food and I drink
Italian and French wine. I don't drink beer.
I don't like it. I speak two languages - Spanish
and French, but I don't speak Italian. And I don't
play sports. I want to be an actor:

2 Listen to the conversation with Colin.
Complete his answers.
Questions Colin's answers
1 Where do you come from'   I come from Scotland, from Dundee.
2 Do you live in Dundee?     No, I don't . I ___ and ___ in London .
3 Do you live with friends? Yes, I do . I ___ with two friends.
4 Where do you work? I ___ in an Italian restaurant.
5 Do you like Italian food? Yes, I ___. I ___ it a lot.
6 Do you drink Italian wine? Yes, I ___. I ___ wine but I drink beer. I ___ like it.
7 Do you like your job? No, I ___. I ___ want to be ___ ___.
8 Do you speak Italian? No, I ___ . I ___ Spanish and French but I ___ speak Italian.

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