Урок 7. HWB. My Favourites.

Курсы изучения разговорного английского языка

√ I love it.
√ This is my best.
√ Present Simple.

adore əˈdɔː  обожать
amazing əˈmeɪzɪŋ  удивительно
anything ˈɛnɪθɪŋ что-нибудь
aspirin ˈæspərɪn  аспирин
baby ˈbeɪbi  детка
because bɪˈkɒz  потому как
bedrooms ˈbɛdru(ː)mz  спальни
best bɛst Лучший
black blæk  черный
boss bɒs  босс
cafe ˈkæfeɪ  кафе
card kɑːd  карта
carrots ˈkærəts  морковь
catch kæʧ  поймать
cat kæt  Кот
changing rooms ˈʧeɪnʤɪŋ ruːmz  примерочные
cheap ʧiːp  дешево
chemist ˈkɛmɪst химик
Chile ˈʧɪliː  Чили
chips ʧɪps  чипсы
clothes kləʊðz  одежда
coat kəʊt  Пальто
cold kəʊld холодно
comfortable ˈkʌmfətəbl удобный
credit card ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːd  кредитная карта
Czech Republic ʧɛk rɪˈpʌblɪk  Чешская Республика
degrees dɪˈgriːz  степени
designer dɪˈzaɪnə  дизайнер
divorced dɪˈvɔːst  разведенный
door dɔː  дверь
easy ˈiːzi  легко
every ˈɛvri  каждый
expensive ɪksˈpɛnsɪv  дорогая
fashion house ˈfæʃən haʊs  дом моды
fast fɑːst  быстро
favourite ˈfeɪvərɪt  любимый
film director fɪlm dɪˈrɛktə  режиссер фильма
fog fɒg  туман
free time friː taɪm  свободное время
Frenchman ˈfrɛnʧmən француз
friendly ˈfrɛndli  дружелюбный
hat hæt  шапка
hate heɪt  ненавидеть
homework ˈhəʊmˌwɜːk  домашнее задание
hot hɒt  горячий
how many? haʊ ˈmɛni? сколько?
international ˌɪntə(ː)ˈnæʃənl Международный
jacket ˈʤækɪt  куртка
jumper ˈʤʌmpə  джемпер
kids kɪdz  Дети
large lɑːʤ  большой
latte ˈlæteɪ  латте
learn lɜːn  учить
look lʊk  смотреть
machine məˈʃiːn машина
meet miːt  встретить
mobile phones ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊnz  мобильные телефоны
model ˈmɒdl  модель
money ˈmʌni  Деньги
months mʌnθs  месяцы
MP3 player ɛm-piː3 ˈpleɪə Мп3-плеер
neighbours ˈneɪbəz соседи
newspaper ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə  газета
no problem nəʊ ˈprɒbləm без проблем
October ɒkˈtəʊbə октябрь
old əʊld  старый
over there ˈəʊvə ðeə  там
packet ˈpækɪt  пакет
parcel ˈpɑːsl  поссылка
Pardon? ˈpɑːdn? Простите?
photographer fəˈtɒgrəfə фотограф
PIN pɪn Булавка, ШТЫРЬ
place pleɪs  место
pop music pɒp ˈmjuːzɪk  поп-музыка
post pəʊst  после
Post Office pəʊst ˈɒfɪs  Почта
postcard ˈpəʊstkɑːd  открытка
present ˈprɛznt настоящее время
programme ˈprəʊgræm  программа
railway station ˈreɪlweɪ ˈsteɪʃən  железнодорожная станция
rain reɪn дождь
red rɛd  красный
return ticket rɪˈtɜːn ˈtɪkɪt  обратный билет
sad sæd  грустный
salad ˈsæləd  салат
scales skeɪlz  Весы
seafood ˈsiːfuːd  морепродукты
shampoo ʃæmˈpuː  шампунь
shoes ʃuːz  обувь
shops ʃɒps  магазины
shows ʃəʊz  шоу
Singapore ˌsɪŋgəˈpɔː Сингапур
single ticket ˈsɪŋgl ˈtɪkɪt  билет в один конец
song sɒŋ  песня
stamp stæmp  печать
Swedish ˈswiːdɪʃ  шведский
take away teɪk əˈweɪ  увезти
teach tiːʧ учат
that ðæt  что
toothpaste ˈtuːθpeɪst  зубная паста
town taʊn  город
train treɪn  поезд
try on traɪ ɒn  попробуй
T-shirt ˈtiːʃɜːt  Футболка
understand ˌʌndəˈstænd понимать
very much ˈvɛri mʌʧ очень
website ˈwɛbˌsaɪt Веб-сайт
wet wɛt  влажный
white waɪt белый
who? huː? кто?
why? waɪ? Зачем?
wonderful ˈwʌndəfʊl  замечательно
wrong rɒŋ  неправильно
yellow ˈjɛləʊ желтый

















1 Where do you live?
I live in France, in Paris.
2 Who are you married to?
Julien Caribe. He’s French.
3 What does your husband do?
He’s a photographer.
4 When are you in Sydney again?
Next October.
5 Who are the kids in the photos?
My daughters Freya and Frida, and my son Pierre Louis.
6 How old are they?
They’re six, four, and ten months old.
7 Why do your daughters have Swedish names?
Because their father is Swedish.
8 How many shows do you do every year-? About eight.
9 Why do you work so hard?
Because I love my work.
10 What do you do in your free time?
I go out with my family.

Gina is a fashion model. Paris is her favourite city. She loves it there. Next October she’s in Sydney for a fashion show. She is now married to a Frenchman. They have a baby son. Friday is their favourite day.

This and that
1 A This is my favourite family photo.
В Ah, yes. You all look very happy!
2 С Who’s that?
D The guy in the hat? That’s the boss!
3 E What’s that?
F It’s my new MP3 player.
E Wow! It’s great!
4 G How much is this?
H £9.50.
G I’ll have it, please.
5 I How much is that?
J It’s £500.
I 1 love it. It’s fantastic!
6 К Is this your phone?
L Yes, it is. Thanks.
7 M I like that coat.
N The blue one?
M No, the red one!
8 О I like this wine.
P Where’s it from?
О Chile. It’s delicious.
9 Q This is for you.
R A present? For me? Why?
Q Because I love you!

I like them!
1 Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I love it.
2 Do you like dogs?
No, I hate them.
3 Do you like me?
Of course I like you!
4 Does your teacher teach you French?
No, she leaches us English.
5 Do you like your teacher?
We like her very much.

Questions and answers
1 How do you come to school?
By bus.
2 What do you have for breakfast?
Toast and coffee.
3 Who’s your favourite band?
I don’t have a favourite. I like a lot.
4 Where does your father work?
In an office in the centre of town.
5 Why do you want to learn English? Because it’s an international language.
6 How much money do you have on you? Not a lot. About £2,
7 What time do lessons start at your school? They start at nine o’clock
8 How many languages does your teacher speak?

I like them!
1 Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I love it.
2 Do you like dogs?
No, I hate them.
3 Do you like me?
Of course I like you!
4 Does your teacher teach you French?
No, she leaches us English.
5 Do you like your teacher?
We like her very much.
Questions and answers
I How do you come to school?
By bus.
2 What do you have for breakfast?
Toast and coffee.
3 Who’s your favourite band?
I don’t have a favourite. I like a lot.
4 Where does your father work?
In an office in the centre of town.
5 Why do you want to learn English? Because it’s an international language.
6 How much money do you have on you? Not a lot. About £2,
7 What time do lessons start at your school? They start at nine o’clock
8 How many languages does your teacher speak?

1 Can I have a return ticket to Oxford, please.
2 I like this jumper. Can I try it on?
3 I want to post these letters to the Czech Republic, please.
4 Can I have a coffee, please?
5 Some aspirin, please.
T 7.10
1= Iveta
1 In a railway station
I Can I have a return ticket to Oxford, please?
A Sure.
I How much is that?
A Twenty-two pounds fifty, please.
I Can 1 pay by credit card?
A No problem. Put your card in the machine. And enter your PIN number, please.
2 In a clothes shop
I Hello. Can I try on this jumper, please?
В Of course. The changing rooms are over there.
3 In a post office
I Can I post these letters to the Czech Republic, please?
С Sure, Put them on the scales. That’s £1.68. I Thank you. How much is a stamp for a postcard to the United States?
С Sixty-two p.
I Can I have three, please?
4 In a cafe
D Yes, please]
I Can 1 have a coffee, please? A latte.
D Large or small?
I Small please. To take away.
D Sure. Anything to eat?
I No, thank you. Just a coffee.
D Thanks a lot.
5 In a chemist’s
F, Next, please!
I Hello. Can I have some aspirin, please?
E Twelve or twenty-four ?
I Pardon?
E Do you want a packet of twelve aspirin or twenty-four?
I Oh, twelve’s fine, thanks.

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