√ Broken dream.
√ Сослагательное наклонение.
alignment | əˈlaɪnmənt | выравнивание |
alimentary tract | ˌælɪˈmɛntəri trækt | пищеварительный тракт |
annoying | əˈnɔɪɪŋ | раздражающий |
architect | ˈɑːkɪtɛkt | архитектор |
auditory | ˈɔːdɪtəri | слуховой |
bacteria | bækˈtɪərɪə | бактерии |
bank note | bæŋk nəʊt | денежная купюра |
bay | beɪ | бухта |
bearer | ˈbeərə | податель |
bookcase | ˈbʊkkeɪs | книжный шкаф |
cable | ˈkeɪbl | кабель |
calendar | ˈkælɪndə | календарь |
catchphrase | catchphrase | коронная фраза |
cent | sɛnt | цент |
chew | ʧuː | жевать |
circulation | ˌsɜːkjʊˈleɪʃən | циркуляция |
claim form | kleɪm fɔːm | бланк заявления |
cliff | klɪf | утес |
coincidence | kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns | совпадение |
collapse | kəˈlæps | коллапс |
criteria | kraɪˈtɪərɪə | критерии |
currency | ˈkʌrənsi | валюта |
data | ˈdeɪtə | данные |
data packets | ˈdeɪtə ˈpækɪts | пакеты данных |
denomination | dɪˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃən | наименование |
densely | ˈdɛnsli | плотно |
dependence | dɪˈpɛndəns | зависимость |
devise | dɪˈvaɪz | разрабатывать |
dishwasher | ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃə | посудомоечная машина |
doing the rounds | ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ ðə raʊndz | делает раундов |
dream home | driːm həʊm | дом мечты |
dream | driːm | мечта |
dynamic | daɪˈnæmɪk | динамический |
earthquake | ˈɜːθkweɪk | землетрясение |
earworm | earworm | хлопковой |
end point | ɛnd pɔɪnt | конечная точка |
excreted | ɛksˈkriːtɪd | выводится из организма |
fall in love | fɔːl ɪn lʌv | влюбиться |
flatpack | flatpack | в разобранном виде |
flexible | ˈflɛksəbl | гибкий |
fluently | ˈflu(ː)əntli | бегло |
follicle mite | ˈfɒlɪkl maɪt | фолликула клеща |
functional | ˈfʌŋkʃənl | функциональная |
genius | ˈʤiːnjəs | гений |
globe | ˈgləʊb | земной шар |
grin | grɪn | оскал |
groans | grəʊnz | стоны |
hairbands | hairbands | лента для волос |
harmful | ˈhɑːmfʊl | вредный |
harmless | ˈhɑːmlɪs | безвредный |
harmlessly | ˈhɑːmlɪsli | не причиняя вреда |
helpline | helpline | телефон доверия |
host | həʊst | хозяин |
hypothetical | ˌhaɪpəʊˈθɛtɪkəl | гипотетический |
in the wake of (something) | ɪn ðə weɪk ɒv (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) | на волне (что-то) |
inhabit | ɪnˈhæbɪt | обитать |
instructions | ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz | инструкции |
invade | ɪnˈveɪd | вторгаться |
leap year | liːp jɪə | високосный год |
lifecycle | lifecycle | жизненный цикл |
loops | luːps | петли |
mail server | meɪl ˈsɜːvə | почтовый сервер |
meme | miːm | мем |
mindboggling | 'maɪndbɒglɪŋ | невероятный, потрясающий, удивительный, ошеломляющий |
moans | məʊnz | стоны |
monks | mʌŋks | монахи |
multiplies | ˈmʌltɪplaɪz | умножает |
munch | mʌnʧ | жевать |
natural disaster | ˈnæʧrəl dɪˈzɑːstə | природная катастрофа |
nightmares | ˈnaɪtmeəz | кошмары |
nuclear attack | ˈnjuːklɪər əˈtæk | ядерная атака |
offline | ˌɒfˈlaɪn | не в сети |
organisms | ˈɔːgənɪzmz | микроорганизмы |
origin | ˈɒrɪʤɪn | происхождения |
painstakingly | ˈpeɪnzˌteɪkɪŋli | тщательно |
parasites | ˈpærəsaɪts | паразиты |
pathways | ˈpɑːθweɪz | путей |
patterns | ˈpætənz | узоры |
pets | pɛts | домашние питомцы |
populated | ˈpɒpjʊleɪtɪd | населенный |
printing press | ˈprɪntɪŋ prɛs | печатный станок |
puzzle over | ˈpʌzl ˈəʊvə | ломать голову |
redesign | ˌriːdɪˈzaɪn | переконструировать |
regret | rɪˈgrɛt | сожалеть |
resource | rɪˈsɔːs | ресурс |
retained | rɪˈteɪnd | сохраняется |
revolutions | ˌrɛvəˈluːʃənz | обороты |
robust | rəʊˈbʌst | крепкий |
satellites | ˈsætəlaɪts | спутники |
scraps | skræps | обрывков |
shaking | ˈʃeɪkɪŋ | сотрясение |
skin cells | skɪn sɛlz | клетки кожи |
soundscape | soundscape | саундскейп |
space | speɪs | пространство |
span | spæn | пролет |
species | ˈspiːʃiːz | вид |
square centimeter | skweə ˈsɛntɪˌmiːtə | квадратный сантиметр |
strokes | strəʊks | инсульты |
superpowers | ˈsjuːpəˌpaʊəz | супердержавы |
susceptible | səˈsɛptəbl | восприимчивый |
symphonies | ˈsɪmfəniz | симфоний |
tedious | ˈtiːdjəs | утомительный |
tolerate | ˈtɒləreɪt | терпеть |
torn | tɔːn | порванный |
transcribed | trænsˈkraɪbd | расшифрованы |
unresponsive | ˌʌnrɪsˈpɒnsɪv | не реагирует |
washing machine | ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn | стиральная машина |
wonder | ˈwʌndə | задаваться вопросом |

Work Book.

T 11.1
1 It’s raining again. I wish it wasn’t.
2 I’m not going out tonight. I wish I was.
3 There’s nothing good on TV. I wish there was.
4 I don’t like my job. I wish I did.
5 My boyfriend and I split up last week. I wish we hadn’t.
6 I know he won’t call me. I wish he would.
7 I feel really depressed. I wish I didn’t.
8 I can’t talk to anyone about it. I wish I could.
T 11.2
A Look, I know I shouldn’t have parked here but I was only gone two minutes.
В I’ve already written the ticket.
A Surely you could cancel it if you wanted? It was literally one minute.
В One minute, two minutes. You can’t park here, it’s as simple as that.
A But I just had to dash into the chemist to collect a prescription for my sick grandmother. Supposing you cancelled it just this once?
В I don’t care what you were doing. I can’t cancel a ticket - it’s more than my job’s worth. You’ve got two weeks to pay.
No, I can’t possibly go out tonight. I shouldn’t have gone out last night.
В Come on - we had a great time. It was one helluva party!
A I know it was.
В So, when’s your exam?
A Tomorrow, nine o’clock. If only I hadn’t left all my revision ’til the last minute.
В I wouldn’t worry if I were you. You know you always do OK.
A There's always a first time.
В Good luck anyway.
A If only we could just fly off to that island.
В That would be fantastic. I’d sit on a beach and read all day.
A I’d just sleep forever. I can’t remember a full night’s sleep.
В Yeah. Sometimes I wish I’d never had kids. I mean, not really, but ...
A I know what you mean. No - you can’t have an ice cream. I said NO!
A Brilliant shot Charlie! Well-done!
В Don’t you wish you still played football Dad?
A Me? No. I was never any good. But you could have been a brilliant player if you’d wanted.
В Nah! I wasn’t as good as Charlie. Aaah - oh nearly! YES!
A Yeah, he’ll go far.
A Oh boy! What would you give to drive one of those?!
В Which one would you choose if you had the money?
A That’s one big ‘if’! But... mmm ... er ... if I won the lottery, I’d buy the Aston Martin.
В I wouldn’t - I’d go for the Ferrari.
A In your dreams.
T 11.3 See p88
T 11.4
1 A Would it be OK if I left a bit early today? I have a dental appointment.
В No problem. Just tell Janet to cover for you.
2 A How’s it going?
В OK. If all goes well, er we should be finished by Friday. Er, we’ve just got to put the finishing touches to the doors and windows.
3 A If you knew what I know, you’d never go out with him again.
В You’re just jealous.
4 A Could I have a word with you if you’ve got a minute?
В Yeah, of course but I’m in a bit of a rush.
A Er, it’s about that pay rise I was promised.
5 A Aren’t you helping Jackie organize her wedding?
В I am. It’s a nightmare. If anything went wrong, I’d never forgive myself.
6 A Win? What do you mean? If you ask me, they don’t stand a chance.
В Don’t you think so? They’ve been playing much better recently.
A Come on. They haven’t won a match for months.
7 A We arrived on the Tuesday and ...
В It was a Thursday not a Tuesday if I remember rightly.
A Oh Tuesday, Thursday - the day doesn’t matter. I’ll just never forget the blue of the water and the white of the sand.
8 A Well, if the worst comes to the worst, we can always postpone it for a day or two.
В I’d rather not. I’ve just got a bit of a headache. The sea air will do me good.
A OK, if you’re sure.
9 A You haven’t made much progress, if any at all.
В What d’you mean? I’ve written five hundred words.
A Yeah, but you have to write ten thousand.
10 A I don’t think much of Nancy’s new boyfriend. He’s really cold and arrogant.
В Actually, I don’t think he’s cold or arrogant. If anything, he’s a bit shy.
A Shy?! Huh! You wouldn’t say that if you’d seen him at Ned’s party!
T 11.5 See p89
T 11.6
In any relationship you have to be prepared to give and take. You can’t have your own way all the time.
I didn’t buy much at the shops. Just a few odds and ends for the kids. Socks for Ben and hairbands for Jane.
I don’t want to hear any ifs or buts. Just finish the job as soon as you can.
It’s difficult to explain the ins and outs of the rules of cricket. It’s so complicated.
‘What have you got me for my birthday?’ ‘You’ll have to wait and see.’
‘Oh, no! The Burtons are coming for lunch! I hate their kids!’
‘I’m sorry but you’ll just have to grin and bear it. It’s only for an hour or so.’
OK, you can have it for ?90. That’s my final offer, take it or leave it.
Britain has lots of faults, of course, but by and large, it’s a pleasant place to live.
T 11.7 See pi64
T 11.8
Presenter: Hello and welcome to ‘Science for Life’, your weekly update on what’s happening in the world of science. On today’s programme, we start with dreams, but not the age-old question of what they mean, but how we can influence them, and perhaps make them sweeter. Our tech reporter, Grace Miller, investigates.
Reporter: The world of dreams has fascinated people for centuries. We now know that most of us dream several times a night, and of course some remember their dreams more clearly than others. But what if we could influence what we dream about and make them happier and always enjoyable? Is this ‘science fact’ or ‘science fiction’? Well, it could become fact, thanks to a new app called Dream:ON. Dream:ON is the brainchild of the British psychologist, Richard Wiseman. It has already been downloaded by thousands of volunteers eager to find out if they can create the perfect dream.
So how does it work? Well, before going to sleep, you select from the app the type of dream you would like to have. Then you place your phone next to your head on the pillow. This is so that the app can monitor your sleep pattern.
It monitors your movements until it senses that you are lying still. This indicates that you’re in a period of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when dreaming is most likely to occur. It then quietly plays something called a ‘soundscape’. This is a personalized series of sounds designed to help create your desired dream. It can be anything at all from birds singing and waves lapping on the shore, to city noises or the voices of celebrities. While the soundscape is playing, the app continues to monitor your movements and when the dream ends, it wakes you up with a gentle alarm and asks you to write a short description of your dream. The descriptions of the dreams are stored in a database called ‘Dream Bank’ to allow Professor Wiseman to assess the effectiveness of the app and continue his research. The app also allows you to tag the friends who appeared in your dreams via Facebook and Twitter.
This all might be your dream come true, or your worst nightmare, but there is a serious side to it. A national sleep survey found that 21% of respondents had trouble sleeping and 15% suffered from unpleasant dreams. Professor Wiseman said, ‘Getting a good night’s sleep and having pleasant dreams boosts people’s productivity, and is essential for their psychological and physical wellbeing. Despite this, we know very little about how to influence dreams. This experiment aims to change that.’ From some of the comments on Twitter, it looks like there have been mixed results, as you might expect. I haven’t tried Dream:ON myself yet, but it’s free to download so I might just give it a go tonight.
Presenter: Well, it’s thanks and sweet dreams to our reporter, Grace. We’ll try and get an update on that research later in the year. Now moving away from dreams ...
T 11.9
Well., I tried it for a few nights last week, but it didn’t seem to make much difference. Everything was more or less the same as before. To be honest, I’m quite a deep sleeper and I - I don’t have many nightmares. I guess I’m lucky, but I don’t tend to remember my dreams very clearly either.
What can I say other than, ‘It worked!’? Maybe it was just a coincidence, so I guess I’ll have to wait and see if it has any influence on my dreams in the future. The one that worked best was the ‘Ocean View’ soundscape. I had this really vivid dream about swimming in beautiful clear water, really deep into the ocean but without any breathing equipment. It was such a nice feeling when I woke up.
I tried it but it didn’t work because my battery ran out! I should have kept my phone on its charger all night. But to be honest, I’m not sure I’d bother trying it again. A friend recommended it, but she’s really into dream analysis and all that. You know,
I don’t think there’s an app good enough out there to give me my perfect dream!
Hmm, not sure about that. An app to control your dreams sounds a bit weird. I wish developers would focus on software that really is useful. Like a map that has the correct streets in the correct place! Thousands of apps and I still have to ask for directions! It’s time they stopped making silly software.
What an amazing idea! I’ve suffered from disrupted sleep and nightmares for ages. I wish I’d heard about this app before. I’ll certainly give it a go. Anything that can help redirect my dreams is worth a try. I have a recurring nightmare of being chased through a dark wood. I always wake up just before I’m caught, but I’m left feeling stressed and exhausted.
A dream control app? What a bunch of nonsense! All you need for a good night’s sleep is peace and quiet, so turn your phone off! So many people are surrounded by technology 24/7, it’s no wonder they can’t unwind. Don’t get me wrong, mobile technology is a useful tool, but you shouldn’t let it rule every part of your life.
T 11.10
1 A I could kick myself. As soon as I’d handed it in, I remembered what the answer was.
В Oh, I hate it when that happens! But do you think you’ve still passed?
2 A Oh, I don’t believe it! I’ve spent all morning trying to send this, and all I get is ‘Ooops! Your message wasn’t sent. Try again later’.
В What a pain! Have you tried ringing the computer helpline?
3 A These instructions don’t make any sense to me at all. If you can follow them, you’re a genius.
В Don’t ask me! This flatpack stuff is a nightmare! I had exactly the same trouble trying to put up a bedside table.
4 A It’s not fair. I’d been looking forward to watching it all day and then the phone goes and rings!
В Typical! And who was it? Anyone interesting?
5 A How many times do I have to tell you? Take them off before you come into the house!
В Give me a break! I was in a hurry. Anyway, they’re only a bit muddy.
6 A This has gone beyond a joke. You promised you’d deliver it by Tuesday at the latest. Now you’re saying next month!
В I’m awfully sorry, sir. I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s out of my hands.
7 A I went away to think about it, and of course, when I went back it had been sold. I wish I’d just bought it there and then.
В Oh, it’s such a shame. It would have gone so well with your white jeans.
8 A What a waste of time! Ten minutes listening to music and ‘All our lines are busy. Thank you for waiting’.
В I know, it drives me mad. But worse still is that you never get to speak to a real person anyway!
3 A What are the people in your class like?
В They’re great. Every person in my class is really friendly. We all get on really well together.
4 A I’ve just sent my nephew ? 10 for his birthday.
В Well, I have five nieces, I gave ? 10 to each one for Christmas. Cost me a fortune.
A I only have the one nephew at the moment. Thank goodness.
5 A Did you know Bob’s training to be a vet and he doesn’t even like animals?
В I’d have thought that a love of animals was vital for a vet.
A Me too. I think it’s cos he wanted to be a doctor but he failed the exams.
6 A Isn’t your mother Scottish?
В In fact both my parents are Scottish. My father was born in Glasgow but he moved to London when he was eighteen.
7 A What do you think the most important thing in life is?
В I think love is everything. If you can find true love you’ll be happy forever.
8 A I bet you’ve told loads of girls that you love them.
В This time it’s different. The love I have for you is forever. I’ve never felt like this before.
9 A It’s very kind of you to offer but I can’t take your car. You might want to use it this afternoon.
В Look, I have two cars. Borrow either one, I don’t mind. I probably won’t be using either anyway.
10 A There was quite a crowd at your birthday party, wasn’t there?
В Yeah, it was great to see everyone and I think they all had a good time.