√ When was she born.
√ Who were they.
√ Past Simple.
√ Who were they.
√ Past Simple.
art | ɑːt | Изобразительное искусство |
Austria | ˈɒstrɪə | Австрия |
back | bæk | назад |
birthday | ˈbɜːθdeɪ | день рождения |
born | bɔːn | Родился |
Canadian | kəˈneɪdjən | канадский |
charity shop | ˈʧærɪti ʃɒp | благотворительный магазин |
colourful | ˈkʌləfʊl | красочный |
dear | dɪə | Уважаемые |
do | duː | делать |
eldest | ˈɛldɪst | самый старший |
expert | ˈɛkspɜːt | эксперт |
famous | ˈfeɪməs | известный |
film | fɪlm | фильм |
film company | fɪlm ˈkʌmpəni | Кинокомпания |
fingerprint | ˈfɪŋgəprɪnt | отпечаток пальца |
for sale | fɔː seɪl | продается |
gallery | ˈgæləri | галерея |
go | gəʊ | идти |
good time | gʊd taɪm | хорошее время |
grandfather | ˈgrændˌfɑːðə | Дед |
grandmother | ˈgrænˌmʌðə | бабушка |
happy birthday | ˈhæpi ˈbɜːθdeɪ | с днем рождения |
horrible | ˈhɒrəbl | какой ужас |
housework | ˈhaʊswɜːk | домашние дела |
Irish | ˈaɪərɪʃ | ирландский |
last year | lɑːst jɪə | в прошлом году |
make | meɪk | делать |
mess | mɛs | беспорядок |
most | məʊst | большинство |
musician | mju(ː)ˈzɪʃən | музыкант |
next year | nɛkst jɪə | Следующий год |
older | ˈəʊldə | старшая |
Pakistan | ˈpækɪsˌtæn | Пакистан |
pay | peɪ | платить |
politician | ˌpɒlɪˈtɪʃən | политик |
princess | prɪnˈsɛs | принцесса |
racing driver | ˈreɪsɪŋ ˈdraɪvə | автогонщик |
real | rɪəl | реальный |
rich | rɪʧ | богатые |
Saudi Arabia | ˈsɔːdi əˈreɪbɪə | Саудовская Аравия |
scientist | ˈsaɪəntɪst | ученый |
see | siː | видеть |
singer | ˈsɪŋə | певец |
south | saʊθ | юг |
still | stɪl | все еще |
story | ˈstɔːri | история |
thousand | ˈθaʊzənd | тысяча |
TV company | ˌtiːˈviː ˈkʌmpəni | телекомпания |
uncle | ˈʌŋkl | дядя |
writer | ˈraɪtə | писатель |
year | jɪə | год |
yesterday | ˈjɛstədeɪ | вчера |
Months of the year | mʌnθs ɒv ðə jɪə | Месяцы года |
January | ˈʤænjʊəri | январь |
February | ˈfɛbrʊəri | февраль |
March | mɑːʧ | Март |
April | ˈeɪprəl | апрель |
May | meɪ | май |
June | ʤuːn | июнь |
July | ʤu(ː)ˈlaɪ | июль |
August | ˈɔːgəst | август |
September | sɛpˈtɛmbə | сентябрь |
October | ɒkˈtəʊbə | октября |
November | nəʊˈvɛmbə | ноябрь |
December | dɪˈsɛmbə | Декабрь |
Ordinal numbers | ˈɔːdɪnl ˈnʌmbəz | Порядковые номера |
first | fɜːst | первый |
second | ˈsɛkənd | второй |
third | θɜːd | в третьих |
fourth | fɔːθ | четвертый |
fifth | fɪfθ | пятый |
sixth | sɪksθ | шестой |
seventh | ˈsɛvnθ | седьмой |
eighth | eɪtθ | восьмой |
ninth | naɪnθ | девятый |
tenth | tɛnθ | десятый |
eleventh | ɪˈlɛvnθ | одиннадцатый |
twelfth | twɛlfθ | двенадцатый |
thirteenth | ˈθɜːˈtiːnθ | тринадцатый |
fourteenth | ˈfɔːˈtiːnθ | четырнадцатый |
fifteenth | ˈfˈɪftiːnθ | пятнадцатый |
sixteenth | ˈsɪksˈtiːnθ | шестнадцатый |
seventeenth | ˈsɛvnˈtiːnθ | семнадцатый |
eighteenth | ˌeɪˈtiːnθ | восемнадцатый |
nineteenth | ˈnaɪnˈtiːŋθ | девятнадцатый |
twentieth | ˈtwɛntɪəθ | двадцатый |
thirtieth | ˈθɜːtɪəθ | тридцатый |

Work Book.

Keys to WB

Script to SB.
T. 9.1 Years
1 nineteen ninety-six
2 nineteen sixteen
3 two thousand and two
4 seventeen ninety-nine
5 eighteen forty
6 two thousand and five
T 9.2 see p64T
T 9.3 Jane Austen
lane Austen, the English writer, was born in 1775, in Hampshire, in the south of England.
Luciano Pavarotti
Luciano Pavarotti, the Italian opera singer, was born in 1935, in Modena, in the north of Italy.
T 9.4 see p64
T 9.5 see p65
T 9.6 Magalie Droniard
My name’s Magalie. It’s a French name, but I’m not French. I’m English. I was born in 1994.
I have two brothers and a sister. My eldest brother’s a doctor. His name’s Tristan, and he was born in 1985. My sister is also older than me. Her name’s Cecilia and she’s a teacher, and she was born in 1988. And my little brother is Matt, and he was born in 1996. He’s still a student. My father is French. His name’s Andre, he’s from Marseille, and he was born in, I think ...1958. My mother is English, her name’s Ella, she’s from Manchester, and she was born in, er ... 1961. My grandmother, who is my mother’s mother, is called Edith. Isn’t that a lovely name? She was born in Bristol in ... I’m not sure, but I think about 1935.
T 9.7 When were they born?
1 Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford- upon-Avon, England.
2 Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756.
3 Diana Spencer was born in Sandringham, England, in 1961.
4 Andy Warhol was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh, in the United States.
5 Michael Jackson was born in 1958 in Indiana, in the United States.
7 Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926 in Los Angeles, in the United States.
8 Ayrton Senna was born in 1960 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
T 9.8 see p66
T 9.9 see p67
T 9.10
1 A Ayrton Senna was an actor.
В No, he wasn’t! He was a racing driver!
2 A Jane Austen was a princess.
В No, she wasn’t! She was a writer!
3 A Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson
were Italian.
В No, they weren’t! They were American!
4 A Mozart was a scientist.
В No, he wasn’t! He was a musician!
5 A Luciano Pavarotti and Michael Jackson
were politicians.
В No, they weren’t! They were singers!
6 A Benazir Bhutto was a writer.
В No, she wasn’t! She was a politician!
T 9.11
go went
come came have had be was
make made see saw
buy bought
say said
find found
T 9.12
Who is Jackson Pollock?
Teri Horton, a 60-year-old lady from Los Angeles, went shopping in San Bernardino, a town in California, USA. She was in a charity shop when she saw' a colourful, modern painting. She bought it for $5.
An art teacher saw the painting and said it was by the American artist, Jackson Pollock. ‘Who is Jackson Pollock?’ said Teri. She had no idea that he was a very famous modern painter. Many art experts came to her house to see the painting. Some said that it wasn’t a ‘Pollock’, but one expert, Peter Paul Bir6, found Pollock’s fingerprint on the back. Biro said, ‘This is a real Pollock painting’.
A rich businessman was happy to pay $9 million for it, but Teri said: ‘No! I want $50 million’
In 2007, a Canadian TV company made a film about Teri and the painting. It is now for sale in an art gallery in Toronto. Price: S50 million!
T 9.13
1 Yesterday I met my mother at one o’clock and we had lunch in a restaurant.
2 I hate doing housework but last Sunday 1 did a lot because my house was a mess.
3 Yesterday was a lovely day so I went for a walk in the park.
4 Usually I walk but yesterday I went to work by bus.
5 On Saturday night I went to a great party. I had a really good time.
6 I did a lot of exercise yesterday. I w'ent to the gym.
7 The party wasn’t very good so we went home early.
T 9.14 Months of the year
January February March April May
June July August September October
November December
T 9.15
T 9.16
T 9.17
the first of January the third of March the seventh of April the twentieth of May the second of June the twelfth of August the fifteenth of November the thirty-first of December
T 9.18 Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Sarah! Happy Birthday to you!
Hip hip! Hooray!