√ What do you want?
√ I'd like.
√ Some, any
√ Birthday wishes.
√ I'd like.
√ Some, any
√ Birthday wishes.
anyone | ˈɛnɪwʌn | кто угодно |
Anything else? | ˈɛnɪθɪŋ ɛls? | Что-нибудь еще? |
apple pie | ˈæpl paɪ | яблочный пирог |
around | əˈraʊnd | вокруг |
bar | bɑː | бар |
bad | bæd | Плохой |
beans | biːnz | фасоль |
bike | baɪk | велосипед |
bookshop | ˈbʊkʃɒp | книжный магазин |
bottle | ˈbɒtl | бутылка |
bread | brɛd | хлеб |
cereal | ˈsɪərɪəl | зерновой |
chicken | ˈʧɪkɪn | курица |
chocolate cake | ˈʧɒkəlɪt keɪk | шоколадный торт |
coffee shop | ˈkɒfi ʃɒp | кофейный магазин |
conditioner | kənˈdɪʃənə | кондиционер |
customers | ˈkʌstəməz | клиенты |
describe | dɪsˈkraɪb | описывать |
dessert | dɪˈzɜːt | Десерт |
diet | ˈdaɪət | диета |
dishes | ˈdɪʃɪz | блюда |
dollars | ˈdɒləz | долларов |
dry | draɪ | сухой |
feel | fiːl | Чувствовать |
first class | fɜːst klɑːs | первый класс |
fish | fɪʃ | рыба |
floors | flɔːz | полы |
follow | ˈfɒləʊ | следовать |
followed by | ˈfɒləʊd baɪ | с последующим |
forget | fəˈgɛt | забывать |
fruit | fruːt | фрукты |
garden | ˈgɑːdn | сад |
gate | geɪt | Ворота |
glass of wine it | glɑːs ɒv waɪn ɪt | бокал вина него |
hair | heə | волосы |
ham | hæm | ветчина |
immediately | ɪˈmiːdjətli | немедленно |
jam | ʤæm | варенье |
juice | ʤuːs | сок |
just | ʤʌst | просто |
kilometres | ˈkɪləʊˌmiːtəz | километров |
little | ˈlɪtl | немного |
lunch box | lʌnʧ bɒks | коробка для ланча |
mains | meɪnz | сети |
marathon | ˈmərəθən | марафон |
maybe | ˈmeɪbiː | может быть |
mayonnaise | ˌmeɪəˈneɪz | майонез |
meat | miːt | мясо |
menu | ˈmɛnjuː | меню |
mineral water | ˈmɪnərəl ˈwɔːtə | минеральная вода |
mixed salad | mɪkst ˈsæləd | перемешанный салат |
mobile phone | ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn | мобильный телефон |
move into | muːv ˈɪntuː | въехать в |
nearly | ˈnɪəli | около |
normal | ˈnɔːməl | нормальный |
on the side | ɒn ðə saɪd | на стороне |
onion | ˈʌnjən | лук |
ordering | ˈɔːdərɪŋ | заказ |
perhaps | pəˈhæps | возможно |
plate | pleɪt | пластина |
polite | pəˈlaɪt | вежливый |
programs | ˈprəʊgræmz | программы |
pull | pʊl | вытащить |
report | rɪˈpɔːt | доклад |
rice | raɪs | рис |
salmon | ˈsæmən | лосось |
second class | ˈsɛkənd klɑːs | Второй класс |
service | ˈsɜːvɪs | оказание услуг |
side orders | saɪd ˈɔːdəz | боковые заказы |
siesta | sɪˈɛstə | сиеста |
silly | ˈsɪli | глупый |
Sir | sɜː | Сэр |
slices | ˈslaɪsɪz | ломтики |
smaller | ˈsmɔːlə | меньше |
smallest | ˈsmɔːlɪst | наименьшее |
smile | smaɪl | улыбка |
smoke | sməʊk | дым |
snack | snæk | закуска |
soup | suːp | суп |
sparkling | ˈspɑːklɪŋ | сверкающий |
stand | stænd | стоять |
starters | ˈstɑːtəz | закуска |
sugar | ˈʃʊgə | сахар |
swap | swɒp | замена |
take photos | teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz | делать фотографии |
tapas | tapas | тапас |
thirsty | ˈθɜːsti | жаждущий |
till | tɪl | до |
tomato | təˈmɑːtəʊ | помидор |
too many | tuː ˈmɛni | Очень много |
too much | tuː mʌʧ | слишком много |
US dollars | juːˈɛs ˈdɒləz | доллары США |
vegetable | ˈvɛʤɪtəbl | овощной |
wait | weɪt | Подождать |
waitress | ˈweɪtrɪs | официантка |
world | wɜːld | Мир |

Work book.


T 12.1 What can you do where?
1 You can buy a magazine in a newsagent’s.
2 You can buy bread, milk, fruit, and meat in a supermarket. ♦
3 You can get US dollars from a bank.
4 You can buy stamps and send a parcel in a post office.
5 You can buy a dictionary in a bookshop.
6 You can gel a medium latte in a coffee shop.
7 You can buy shampoo and conditioner in a chemist’s.
T 12.2 Saying what you want
1 Adam ;Good morning. I’d like some ham,
В; How much would you like?
Adam; Four slices.
В; Would you like anything else?
Adam; Yes, I’d like some cheese. Do you have any Eminental?
В; I ’m afraid we don’t have any Emmental. What about Gruvere?
Adam; No, thank you. Just the ham then. How' much is that?
2 С Can I help you?
Adam Yes, please, Id like some shampoo. С We have lots. Would you like it for dry or normal hair?
Adam Dry, I think.
С OK. Try this one. Anything else? Adam Er- oh yeah. I don’t have any conditioner. I’d like some conditioner for dry hair, please,
С Yes, of course. That’s £6.90 please,
T 12.3 Where is Adam?
1 D; Is that all? Ihe Times and the two magazines?
Adam; Yes, that’s all. Oh, I nearly forgot - I’d like some stamps, loo,
D; First or second class?
Adam; First. Two books of first class stamps, please.
D; OK, Would you like a bag?
Adam; No, thanks. I don’t need a bag.
D; Thats £9.65.
2 Adam;I’d like a latte, please.
E; Drink here or lake away?
Adam; To drink here, please.
E; Small, medium or large?
Adam; Medium, please.
E; Would you like something to eat?
Adam; Er - yes. I’d like some chocolate cake.
E; Sure. Anything else?
Adam; That's it, thanks.
T 12.4 Lily and Adani
A= Adam, L = Lily A What would you like to drink?
L; A juice. I'd like an apple juice, please.
A; Er ... I have some orange juice, but I don’t have any apple juice.
L; Don’t worry. Orange juice is fine. Thanks.
A; Would you like something to eat?
L; Yeah, OK. A sandwich. Л cheese sandwich?
A Er... I don’t have any cheese. Sorry. I have some ham. Would you like a ham sandwich?
L; I don’t like ham.
A Would you like some cake, then?
L Yes, please. I’d love some.
T 12.5 It’s my birthday!
Hey. isn’t it your birthday soon?
Yeah, next week on the 15th.
So, what would you like tor your birthday?
I don’t know. I don’t need anything.
But, I’d like to buy you something.
That’s kind but I think Id like to forget my birthday this year.
What? You don’t want any presents! Why not?
Well, I’m 30 next week and that feels old.
30 isn’t old, Come on. I'd like to take you out for a meal with some friends. You can choose the restaurant.
OK, then. Thank you. I‘d like that. Just don’t tell anyone it’s my birthday.
Oh, that’s sillv!
T 12.6 Birthday wishes
Kelly What would 1 like for my birthday?
That’s easy! I'd like to have breakfast in bed. With the newspapers. And in the evening I’d like to go to the theatre.
Mike Well, I’d like a new computer, because my computer is so old that new programs don t work on it. And then in the evening I’d like to go to a good restaurant. I don’t mind if it’s Italian, French, Chinese or English. Just good food.
Jade Id love a new mobile phone. My
mobile is so old now. I’d like one that takes good photos, your phone has a really good camera and it wasn’t that expensive. And in the evening I’d like to go out with all my friends and have a great time!
T 12.7 see p91
T 12.8 Listening and pronunciation
What would you like? Would you like a Coke?
Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.
What sort of thing do you like doing at the weekend?
Well, I like watching films.
What sort of flat do you want to move into?
Wed like a Hat with two bedrooms. Somewhere near the centre.
We have this weekend free. What would you like to do?
R I’d like to have fhe weekend with you, and only you!
A Oooh!
A What do you spend all your money on?
R Well, I like new dothes. I buy new clothes every week.
T 12.9 In a restaurant W = Waiter, L = Liam, M = Maddy
W; Are you ready to order?
L; Well, I am. Are you ready Maddy?
M ; Yes, I am. What’s the soup of the day? French onion soup.
L; Lovely. Id like the French onion soup to start, please.
W And to follow?
M I’d like the salmon salad with some chips on the side.
W Thank you. And you sir? What would you like?
L Er - I’d like the tomato and mozzarella salad, followed by the hamburger and chips. W Would you like any side orders?
L No, thank you. Just the hamburger.
W And to drink?
M Sparkling water for me please. What about you Liam?
L The same for me. Wed like a bottle of sparkling water, please.
W Fine. I'U bring the drinks immediately.
T 12.10 Signs all around
Hey, look! That lovely red jumper is only £ 19.99 now.
Oh, no. I put my money in before I saw the sign.
Can you tell me where the toilets are, please? This is our table. It has our name on it.
I’m not waiting. There are so many people. Which floor is our room on? Is it the 6th or 7th?
Oh. dear were too late. It doesn’t open again until Monday now.
I’m sorry, but you can’t walk here. Didn't you see the sign on the gate.