√ Yet в отрицательных предложениях.
√ Yet с present perfect.
√ Still в отрицательных предложениях.
√ Употребление Already.
Употребление Yet.
Мы используем Yet
в основном в отрицательных предложениях в значении все еще не (Eva hasn't started yet) и вопросительных в значении уже (Have you finished yet? ) . Yet, показывает, что говорящий ожидает что-то случиться.
Yet, как правило, ставят в конце предложения :
* It was 11 o'clock and Tom and Eva haven't come home yet.
* We are hungry. Has supper been cooked yet?
* Eva doesn't know who is going for picnic yet.
Yet с present perfect.
Мы часто используем yet с present perfect (Вы закончили?).
Сравните yet и still:
— Jack and his friend lost their jobs three years ago and are still unemployed.
—Jack and his friend lost their jobs three years ago and haven't found other jobs yet.
— Was it still snowing at this time yesterday?
—Has it started snowing yet?
Still в отрицательных предложениях.
Still можно употреблять и в отрицательных предложениях (перед отрицанием not ) :
—Eva told me that they were to have been here half an hour ago and they still haven't come. Это похоже на "they haven't come yet" .
Not показывает более сильное чувство удивления или нетерпения. Сравните:
—Eva and I wrote to our friends two weeks ago. They haven't replied yet. (but we expect them to reply very soon)
—Eva and I wrote to our friends two weeks ago and they still haven't replied. (they should have replied before now)
Употребление Already.
Мы используем already, что бы сказать, что что-то произошло раньше, чем ожидалось. Already обычно употребляют в середине предложения:
—'When are Jack and his friend going to visit their friends?' 'They have already gone.' (= sooner than people expected)
—Can we tell Marina and Yakim the information or do they already know?
— Marina and Yakim have just come and we're already angry.
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