√ B. At a party/at a concert.
√ C. In and at for buildings.
√ D. In and at for towns.
√ E. On a bus/in a car.
A. In bed /at home.
Можно сказать, что кто-то in bed (в кровати)/in hospital (в больнице)/in prison (в тюрьме):
— Mark isn't up yet. He's still in bed.
— Kay's mother is in the hospital.
Можно сказать, что кто-то at home/at work/at school/at university/at college:
— I'll be at work until 5.30 but I'll be at home all evening.
— Julia is studying chemistry at university.
Также at sea (= on a voyage). Сравните at sea и in the sea:
— It was a long voyage. We were at sea for 30 days.
— I love swimming in the sea.
B. At a party (на вечеринке)/at a concert (на концерте).
Обычно говорят что кто-то at an event -события (at a party (на вечеринке)/at a conference (на конференции).):
— Were there many people at the party/at the meeting?
— I saw Jack at a football match/at a concert last Saturday.
C. In and at для зданий
In или at со зданиями. Например, you can eat in a restaurant (в ресторане)or at a restaurant. We usually say at when we say where an event takes place (for example, a concert, a film, a party, a meeting, a sports event):
— We went to a concert at the Royal Festival Hall.
— The meeting took place at the company's headquarters.
— The film I want to see is showing at the Odeon (cinema).
At the station( на сотановке)/at the airport (в аэропорту)
Говорят: at the station/at the airport:
— Don't meet me at the station. I can get a taxi.
At somebody's house.(у кого-либо дома)
Говорят: at somebody's house:
— I was at Judy's house last night. or I was at Judy's last night.
Also: at the doctor's, at the hairdresser's etc.
Мы используем in когда имеем ввиду само здание:
— The rooms in Judy's house are very small. (not 'at Judy's house')
— I enjoyed the film but it was very cold in the cinema. (not 'at the cinema')
D. In and at for towns.
Обычно мы употребляем in с cities (городами), towns (небольшими городками) и villages(деревнями):
— Tom's parents live in Nottingham. (not 'at Nottingham')
— The Louvre is a famous art museum in Paris. (not 'at Paris')
Но at или in могут употребляться, когда мы подразумеваем место или станцию (остановку):
— Do you know if this train stops at (or in) Nottingham? (=at Nottingham station)
— We stopped at (or in) a small village on the way to London.
E. On a bus/in a car.
Обычно говорят on a bus (на автобусе)/on a train (на поезде)/on a plane (на самолете)/on a ship (на корабле), но in a car ( в машине)/in a taxi (в такси):
— The bus was very full. There were too many people on it.
— George arrived in a taxi.
Мы говорим on a bicycle/on a motorcycle/on a horse:
— Mary passed me on her bicycle.